Did you like Pillars of Eternity?

Did you like Pillars of Eternity?

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The combat is shit
The companions are hit or miss. Mostly miss.
The lore is uninspired.
The story is utter garbage

Tyranny at least has a semi interesting world/story.

I keep re-installing it because I want to give it more of a chance, but I'm just uninspired.

I am still in the bad-Church under the town trying to clear it of ghosts/skelletons or w/e is in it.

I wish they hadn't gone for a verbose overload. I don't mind reading, but words for the sake of words comes off as pretentious

was only popular at release due to sjw vs anti sjw shit

>The combat is shit
>The companions are hit or miss. Mostly miss.
>The lore is uninspired.

I also hated the backer NPC shit. Killed immersion big time.

Holy FUCK the contrarian shilling for this game after tyranny came out is ridiculous. Fuck you, it's not now amazing because something newer came out and you can look back at it with nostalgia and say it was good all along. Fucking kill yourself

but nobody is saying it's good?

I enjoyed it.

I would say it's good.

>oh boy this exclusively single player rpg isn't quite 100% balanced
>better make 500 balance patches instead of fixing the myriad of problems the game has

They were fixing those problems too...

You forgot "no exploration" and shitty leveling system

Literally nobody in this thread has any praise for it so far.

I'd say Tyranny is an improvement. Except for the combat which is still complete fucking garbage.

I forgot a great many things, but most of those are also shit anyway.

Yes I did. I felt it was a great foundation to build other games off of. Tyranny is great as well. The trick now is to improve the quality now that the rules system is good to go and to make sure mod tools are available with their next game.

I liked it. Mostly for Durance though. Awesome character wasted on a mediocre game.

There is nothing that is particularly wrong with PoE, it's just.. fine.

Eh...I'd rather replay Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale with some mods. PoE's just...meh.

Agreed, I struggled through about 4 hours of PoE before dropping it entirely whilst I'm about 6 hours into Tyranny and still enjoying it so far.

I think the rep systems really appeal to me because there's a very immediate feeling of player action and reaction in the world.

The combat tho is a fuckfest of laying down re-usable team attacks, specials, and piling up powerful spells on companions that can use them. I still haven't really found a use for stealth yet.

What this guy said. PoE is basically BG1. They are basically doing the same shit they did in the early 00's and I don't even mind, we might get another masterpiece like Shadows of Amn or Planescape someday.

>they did
I'm pretty much nobody who worked on BG1 in a creative role works in Obsidian.

When will Obsidian get it through their heads that real time with pause is absolute shit? At least BG and PS:T had writing good enough to suffer through such a combat system but POE doesn't have that.

the game is a mess and everything about it is mediocre. (Except the lines that Avelone wrote for his chars).

Its sad how deep Obsidian has fallen under that hat talentless sjw prick Sawyer...
I'd rather replay Fallouts or BGs, than this crap.

>BG ... had writing good enough


Durance was amazing. Grieving Mother was good too.

I knew Avellone wrote Durance, so I was curious who wrote Grieving Mother because she was the only other good companion.

And when I found out -- well, big surprise there.

Overall I hated the game. Dropped it in the last act. No matter how much willpower I gathered up, I couldn't finish it.

>pillars of eternity thread already up
fucking retard OP
kill yourself

Why is it bad? Maybe this game doesn't use it well but it is not fundamentally bad.

Calm down virgin

baldurs gate isn't real time, faggot.
every 6 seconds is a full turn.

Rounds are not turns.

still not real time, faggot.

Eder was good too. Durance, Grieving Mother and him would've made a more than satisfactory trio.

It one hundred percent is. I'm not going to argue about facts though, because literally everyone knows this and the only people who pretend that a system where both player and enemies act simultaneously isn't real-time are subhuman.

Loved every minute.
Only gripe is that the theoretical combat mechanics are dreary with x stat blocking x type damage and 90% of spells being "lowers stats x, y & z".
Thread reminded me to that I've still got adra dragon to beat. Might reinstall.

>combat is the game's weakest point
>most of the time is spent in combat
>every few steps you take reveals another enemy encounter
I'm sick of this infinity engine meme

Durance > Mother > Aloth, Eder, Bird Pally > everyone else.

I did. I just wish paladins had better damage options before level 13.

I still have no idea how to build a monk

I like it but it's nothing amazing.

The combat is especially shit.

It was fine, but probably should've been better.

Just started it for the first time yesterday. I like it so far. Never played any of these old isometric cRPG's before (unless KotOR and Dragon Age count). The story and lore do seem pretty uninspired and generic though.

I hate the worlds of both Tyranny and Pillars. They're just so ugly, bland and uninspiring. Obsidian needs to stick to writing for other people.

>writing anything good
everyone worth their salt left Obsidian over a year ago.
you are an idiot if you value companies instead of the people in them.

This is like the hardest part of the game. Teleporting immune to everything enemies that will target your weakest members. Literally endgame tier bullshit.
After that it's just tank and spank.

You do have 4 people in your party, yes?

Joke's on you, I liked it before it was cool

No it's shit

I loved some parts and loathed many others. It's a complete rollercoaster of quality. I feel that they set the game in the wrong time period though as your adventure is fucking boring compared to the stories you hear from others about the history of the land.

What? People have been shitting on this game forever and half of the threads are people complaining about Codex shitters.

You fucking memesters can suck a duck
She's the best character and if you disagree you don't know shit about video games

Well, she had at least one good joke. When you ask her if she's afraid her husband will cheat on her.

Also Itumaak a cute!

>Durance was amazing.
Not really. At first his mumbo jumbo was interesting but later on it was just boring.

Honestly, I dunno why but all companions except Eder were just meh. Didn't play Winter btw.

Funny, everytime I see people talking about PoE being good or the characters in it being good, I get the impression that they've never played any crpg before.

I know right? Why is he so soft

Can someone provide an objective, well-reasoned argument as to why real-time with pause is bad?

White foxes are cute as fuck IRL, too. Just look at it.

>He didn't understand Durance's mumbo jumbo

>if you dont like it you must not understand it
chris avellone characters in a nutshell

I honestly can't think of a single reason. Maybe some dumb anons find it too much of a work to pause the game frequently or at least at the right times to issue commands and micromanage so they want the computer to do it for them, aka turn based.

It's extremely unfunny to watch a battle unfold at -5 fps

Only cucks play rpgs

My problem was the combat and how over powered positioning is. In dungeons you are an unkillable god because you just put a tank or two in door ways and the enemis can't harass your team

In the wildlerness you get utterly fucked 8 ways from sunday, force to burn out your consumables just to survive the encounter because enemies hit you from all sides and there is literally nothing you can to make them attack your tanks.

then don't pause? how is that any worse than a pure turn-based game? you can let it play itself for trash mobs and pause to plan out important battles. it's literally the perfect system for single player strategy games

Some how my wife played this for over 700 hours. But all she does is play isometric rpgs. I guess she liked the world building and numbers to minmax

It's just didn't really work for me and it's hard to point to any single reason why.

No. Not really. I wanted to like it, but it just didn't feel good. The world didn't feel exciting or like a place that I'd want to be in, and I didn't feel like I was getting rewarded for exploring or doing quests or, well, doing anything. The Avellone-written characters were so much better than the other ones that it just drew attention to how much less cool everybody else was. The system was confusing, and I gained newfound appreciation to AD&D after playing this.

>Some how my wife played this for over 700 hours.

Actually what the fuck

You can do literally everything that's possible to do in the game in one tenth of that.

>In dungeons you are an unkillable god because you just put a tank or two in door ways and the enemis can't harass your team

Didn't almost every fucking dungeon have those damn spectres, shadows and other teleporting bullshit ghosts or whatever?

Fuck me, were those fights annoying.

Adding a pause button makes it necessary to use. The combat is NOT optimised for pure real-time.

You can't give your orders in real time, browsing through menus and asserting the situation takes way too long. The only fights you can do real time are very easy trash packs

Nigga aren't you more surprised that he has a wife that loves CRPGs?

>I have no self control

Megaman games weren't optimized for buster only runs but they are do able.

Replaying it right now, never could get into it last time I tried but I'm having more fun this time around. Only just left Gilded Vale though. Monk is pretty cool.

PoE has decent characters, however the quality is all over the place. I didn't really encounter any I absolutely hated besides the robot chick, but they're definitely not all created equal.

90% of the orders you give in baldurs gate or pillars of eternity can be done in 1 or 2 clicks with no menus

is it so hard for you to slap spacebar when you need to plan out some spells? im pretty sure you can make it auto-pause every time something happens if that's too hard for you

Nor it should be, as it would turn the game into a MOBA.

That's 1-2 sec per character, 6-12 sec total. By that time the enemy has moved and the battle has progressed, making your orders obsolete

>The world didn't feel exciting or like a place that I'd want to be in
Yeah, by the start of act 2 I fucking loathed both natives and townies (fuck I don't even remember their name). Fucking yokels, I despised them all.

I've tried multiple times to get into it, but I just can't for some reason. I just can't seem to find a class that I like playing as, and my "go-to" classes for most rpgs didn't feel good.

>that PER, INT and RES
Oh man I could never play like that.
You'd never get any good speech checks, just some intimidation ones and a couple of reflex ones.


>2 PoE threads at once
Fuck you, I'll post my dank meme here as well

No. One of the most boring RPGs I've ever played.

I liked it but it definitely has its faults

Decent character backstory building up until you realize it does nothing since you'll be a watcher anyway

First act was actually really good, it was a pretty good representation of how a first act should go

Second act was cool up until the BBEG shits on your plot choice and cements the fact that you really don't affect the story

Ending act was a cop out and rushed to shit

Lore was forced out the ass onto the player and not organic

Is say I liked half of the companions (Eder, Durance, Cloaca-fu) the others were meh

Character classes were a bit simple but ill eat up a new infinity style game made in the current year(s)

Great art and music otherwise

7 out of 10 like rate and sub to muh blog please

you realize you can just box select your characters and tell them to move into the enemy and they'll automatically kill them? I recently replayed baldurs gate 2 and for most fights I didn't have to pause at all. Are real-time with pause haters console kids who have never played an RTS game?

Why do we keep these alive? There isn't enough misery in the world already?

just don't post u dumb cunt lmao at u

I play talky party face in almost every RPG, so I figured I'd do something different this time around.

I play him as an old martial artist who lived as a hermit in the middle of fucking nowhere in the white that wends and didn't use any form of tool so that he could challenge his body as much as possible, who decided to go south in search for a new challenge, so he's gruff, rough around the edges and doesn't care about people all that much. It's a very different experience from my usual goody two shoes paladin or smart wizard.

Console kid here. My first pause combat was Dragon Age Origins where you had to hold left trigger to pause then switch camera between characters and issue orders.

Going back and playing old CRPGs that had this stuff is like playing on fucking easy mode.

>real time with pause on a console
jesus that's sickening

>Box select everyone and right click the same enemy
Time to leave the tutorial friend

most of fights in the game are easy enough you just need to attack them to death with some minor position adjustments

What's the best way to replay Baldur's Gate right now? With all the remasters and BG1 in BG2 and such that's come out since, I'm really kind of lost.

That's my exact problem with monks. They're so MAD yet I can't not play with at least one speech stat.


I agree on everything but the classes. I feel that they were aping DnD completely while fudging the classes at the same time. It was a combination of lame progression mechanics and the fucking retarded stat system. Seriously high int barbarians?

Enhanced Edition on steam. Up to you if you want to play the first one, it's not that great. Pic related

You can combine all the games into one with Baldur's Gate Trilogy, look it up.

Install the original version from your original CDs and play it.

No. Dull throughout and the combat was unsatisfying.

what he's complaining about is just bad game pacing and not an inherit flaw in the system. try again

All the fucking stat interactions were so bizarre. A wizard needs strength? For fucking what? Fuck off with that shit.

I think most people still swear by tutu with ascension, but I find the enhanced editions are good too. Still should play with ascension and skip dragonspear.