Which is your favorite fighting game Sup Forums?

Which is your favorite fighting game Sup Forums?

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>punching someone in the nose
what a dick

only way to incapacitate someone quick but what would you know you cuckboi.

>When the burgers start to clap.

>not punching their throat

>only way
Hitting someone in the throat does that too.

Hajime no Ippo taught me if you knock someone in the chin it completely disables them.


Better hope you have gloves on when you're doing it, or you'll have some broken fingers to show up for it.

It needs to be a really good punch though.
a soft punch in the nose and the person will be blinded which will give you time to run the fuck out or fuck his shit up.

Def Jam Fight for NY

Mark of the Wolves. I just have so much fun with Dong.

it's pretty fun


My little brother loves that game but he seriously neefs to git gud. I fuck him up really quick.

>person get knocked the fuck out
>you get a few broken fingers but look like a badass

easy price to pay my friend

Why didn't she just go for a dick kick?

>it's actually 2 spic women

I've punched two people in the face before & I've never felt any discomfort or pain in my hands afterward. I always saw people shake their hand in movies acting like it was terrible, but I assumed it was overreacting.

Primal Rage.

I like pictures like these.

Reminds me of that lean cuisine dude

Or Melty Blood Actress Again

my favorite

pic is fake, girl just has a fucked up face normally

you're supposed to knock the person out hard enough that they won't mess with you again, but not so badly that everyone including three neighboring schools know that you did it

at least that's how it was when I was in school

Those 2 in the background are so casual, like nothing at all is happening.

The face is a nice cushion, but the chin on the other hand can deal direct damage right back to the hand. Especially if you're a heavy hitter.

For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction blah blah

Your not hitting hard enough (ironically, that you didn't break your hands means it clearly was "enough") anyway, the thing is the hand is full of small working parts, and can nearly be folded in half, they make for terrible clubs. Thats why strikers have to wear hand wraps and a big rubber glove on the end of it.

That movie, the departed is the best example i can think off, he hits a guy so hard in the face that he actually breaks his hand. Very possible to do, don't underestimate it.

If you want to hit someone with something really hard... Hit them with the floor instead.


Hit the side of the jaw near the chin with your knuckles. EZ KO and lesser chance of you getting your fingers fucked.

t. someone who has never broken anything

There is another character named Butt, and the fact that his original name was Marco Rodrigues or some shit and he was translated as Khushnood Butt is twice as funny.
So you can have a match between a Dong and a Butt. No joke.

why fighting games always have the best girls Sup Forumsros?

Guilty Gear or Dead or Alive.

You laughing at Dong? You wouldn't laugh at MY Dong.
My Dong would fuck your Butt up.

Smash Bruddas Melee

When I was in school, everyone just slammed each other into lockers. One fight was so bad that the girl literally clothes-lined her into a locker door and dented it

You didn't see a whole lot of karate, but you did see people stomping a lot. Stomping happened a lot.

Name 1 (one) fighting game with more complexity, depth and charm than Soul Calibur series. I'll wait.

Virtua Fighter, Tekken 5 and on, The King of Fighters XIII.


I'm pretty much a fighting game pleb but honestly, I can't decide. Street Fighter Alpha 2 would be the most reasonable answer since I played it the most but the SNK stuff is pretty great too.

Not a big fan of too crazy anime inspired stuff though.


Breaking your fingers on the chin? Nah, not likely, the upper part of the cranium though? Absolutely.

Melty Blood

>You laughing at Dong? You wouldn't laugh at MY Dong.

>My Dong would fuck your Butt up.

my sides!

Huh. Weird i never really experinced bullying first hand at school. Any fights i did get into were fought there and then. No build up, no problems after, and usually no winner.

I didnt take up martial arts until well in my early 20's after years of playing tekken. Im not expecting to be attacked or anything, i judt think a good physical education in A good maryial art should be as essential as running and lifting.

Judo & BJJ were my MA's of choice.

Soul Edge

My nigga.
Koha a best

Bullying was pretty bad in my middle school, but the problem was over image. If everyone thought you were a bully, then you got beat up for no reason, even if you never beat anyone up. There would be times where a guy would walk into the weight lifting room and eat a facefull of Jansport packed with textbooks. And he didn't even do anything. So no one really tried to advertise themselves as a bully, but it did happen a bit.

>Not even allowing full 3D motion
>Hilariously low amount of variety in styles and weaponry

Kill yourselves you stupid faggots.


more like POST edge amarite?!

Heh, okay....

Mortal Kombat for 2D
Tekken for 3D

is that justin wong?

What happened?

Bloody roar primal fury

>low variey of styles

Mishimas: Karate (shotkan, goju-ryu, kyokushin..)
Paul: Judo
Jun/Asuka: Aikijutsu
Wang: Taichi
Feng: Shaolin fu
Lei: 5 Animal style king fu
Bruce: Muay thai
Beak/hworang: Tae kwon do
Yoshimitsu: Ninjitsu (LOL)
Draganov: Sambo
Steve: Boxing
Marduk: Vale tudo (MMA)
Michelle/Julia/ Leo: Bajiquan

And the rest....

You're laughing but that was basically me 20 years ago.

also a shotgun to the face

>low variety of styles
>proceeds to refute me by giving a list of bland unarmed generic martial arts

Go fuck yourself senpai

it's payne


Back to LARPing with you faggot. Put down your velcro wrapped wrist blades for two seconds and go learn to fight with your own two hands and feet.


nigga how old are you!?

Is that why they sent based unarmed karate man back in time to go spank a bunch of medievil cowards with pointy sticks in best calibur?

Old man rekt them with "open hand"

Spic school right?

Good mango.

Except everyone who knows a thing or two about fighting knows that the chin is the best place to hit to knockout someone.

I like yawara too...

i long for a qt martial art tomboy. You meet em sometimes at clubs, but id like to met a real japanese budo girl one day.


Too old to still be here, but you know how it goes.

Teppu was great as well.

Really? I think hitting them with THE PLANET is best way.

For a guy who practices Judo & BJJ it's weird that you'd have to point to a movie for an example of one of the most common combat sports injuries.

I respect your tastes
she has a really nice sister, too

Dunno its suddenly just sprang to my mind lol.

Also, we don't do a whole lot of punching in Judo and BJJ, we huggers.

I best leave the hand protection advice to any boxers in the room.

god i hate that /asp/ is such a fucking mess of wrastle faggots these days...




>not fighting so hard that all the rival high schools know about it
>not continually fighting new challengers from other schools
>not rising to the top of the ladder, eventually becoming the respected leader of all the delinquents


>no fighting game exclusively about this

Justin Wong in a Target bathroom.

Rival Schools, sorta.

>No games with Delinquents fighting to be the top leader
>Everyone has their own areas
>You can expand your territory and have an empire or keep it close and tight knit
>No deep combat system with shadow of Mordor nemesis system
>Occasional crossing paths with the Yakuza
>Choice to either get in good with them, or resist them
I can see it now boys, and its wonderful

>>No deep combat system with shadow of Mordor nemesis system
Tried reading what this was but had no clue what I was reading, what is this user?

Whoops I meant to type something else but I forgot to revise that part, just take out the no

The stages in this game were great

I've got good news for you, my man.

Well Josie uses Eskrima if that counts.

Gonna need a source there my friend.

Most spics are more of person that you are, Sup Forums neckbeard reject.

says the spic

Oh boy another piggu supremacist out of his containment pin. Pig Power!

Every knock out can be serious. Worst thing I ever saw was a kid getting ko'd by a shot to the chin, and then slamming teeth first onto a curb.

Simmer down there user they're just words

Quit squealing, runt.

stop acting like this is fucking reddit

>says the guy that got triggered

>fighting game

Do rastl'n games count?

Jenny the Fap.

is that Kojima?