Can we all agree that's the worst RPG released in the last 10 years, even worse than Pillars?

Can we all agree that's the worst RPG released in the last 10 years, even worse than Pillars?

>terrible AI
>terrible party ai (and I mean really, realy bad)
>4er group
>terrible and
>very short story (everybody hates you for no reason or some silly SJW reason)

TLDR: 4/10 Wait for a discount.
45.00 USD is to much for this maybe 10.00 USD.

The game isn't bad, if you need to fill the RPG void (it's still a terrible game, but does fulfill its purpose) Its not as good as pillars of eternity, the depth of story and game play is just a little off of its mark but in just about every way possible (Think experimental college art project that got a D+)

How can I be as awesomely high-brow as you?

I thought it was less boring than PoE. But I dropped PoE.

Should've been $19, but I paid full price as part of my yearly donation to keep Obsidian alive for one more game.

Last 10 years?


Was not GOTY, was not bad either.

45 bucks was perfectly acceptable.

>its another 'underage shitheel desperately tries to be as much of a tortanic contrarian as possible' episode

I'm 22 hours in, I wouldn't call it short. I suppose act 2 is the last act?

No actually, we can't agree on that. I think it's pretty good.

>A game about decisions and being a douchebag
>Some asshole supposedly on your side is standing in your way to achieve your goal and not kill everyone involved
>Do you
>A: kiss his feet and suck his dick
>B:Kill him for fucking over the campagin like the conquerer you're supposed to be
>Oh wait you can only pick A lmao

>he sucks and let himself be a stooge all game


>Implying the game gives you any choice whatsoever
It's like the first fucking thing that happens in the game

>tfw that double attack bow animation
Who the fuck thought making a fucking spin while shooting a bow looks good?

It's fucking retarded.

Same people who thought filling the game with SJW bullshit was a good idea.

What the fuck are you talking about, user.

The game lets you fuck over litterally every NPC.

How bad is it?

>filling the game with SJW bullshit
Elaborate. Game with the name "Tyranny" is the last place I expect to find SJW shit in.

Worse than pillars? You gotta be memeing me kiddo.

>4er group
What's that? 4 person party?

Moderate to high.

Multiple male characters hit on my male protag (but no females), ran into a Bioware-tier shoehorned in Loving Lesbian Couple (only married couple I've seen in the game), literally every female character is a FIERCE GIRL POWER DON'T NEED NO MAN type while male characters tend to be sad-sack betas or idiots, racial/gender quota in the number of main character portraits, gay prostitutes...

That's all that comes to mind off the top of my head.

It's basically PoE but with better choices&consequences, more meaningful checks and shittier combat.

Seriously, the combat is terrible. I have no idea how they manage to make it so bad after so many years.

that dishonored soldier woman at the camp hits on you, liar

It's pretty good.

congrats u hate thing
u fit in now
u are one of us
u are true Sup Forumsermin

Honestly the only thing I really hated about PoE was the Stronghold. If they had just left it out instead of shoving it in half finished I might've really enjoyed that game.

>Seriously, the combat is terrible. I have no idea how they manage to make it so bad after so many years.

You can't fix something that is fundamentally broken. RtwP is garbage, from BG2 to this game they have all been terrible and you're deluded if you think otherwise.

>male characters tend to be sad-sack betas or idiots

Kill yourself, my man.


You just got memed, son.

The expansions have fleshed it out a little bit more then it was at release.

>implying verse does not want the D.

Nice try, no played.

>worse than pillars
Stopped reading there.

Kill yourself.

>tfw I love rtwp
I know it's fucked but there's just nothing else like it. Other than full on TBC how else are you supposed to simulate that type of game?

"Sad sack beta" isn't a bad way to describe Barik.

There are women.

I dunno, I'm still able to have fun with BG combat.

I blame lack of any enemy variety and enocunter design whatsoever (you will be fighting a loose group of human fighters/archers/mages all the time) and "balance" that makes all classes feel homogenized and boring.

How the fuck do i turn off party ai? Godamn Lantry can't wait a second for single second before he decides he wants to tank every single enemy. Also how do i get rid off that cunt Verse?
>Ask her in the begining to fuck off
>Alright i'll just escort you to the base
>Get too base
and now i can't even bring it up

And then people saying PoE not having romances was a bad thing. Sawyer was right.

There's a highlighted button in the lower left hand corner that you can click and turn off.

If you turn off party AI, though, you have to deal with the strange decision not to have characters default to attack after using skills (they just stand there doing nothing afterwards).

Barik is just a pussy version of Vhailor.

Lantry is just an old man.

Not him but only thing I can think of is Magica. I only played the 1st but it felt so right, combat similar to that but with an amazing world and story instead of a meh comedy would be fantastic imo

The fuck?

He is not sad, other than the fact that he cant fap and smells like shit. He is PROUD to wear the arms of his fellow brothers, because he is the fucking bulwark and he knows it.

He straight up refuses to even try to take off his armor for half the fucking game.

Where the FUCK did you get beta from barik?

Have you actually played the game? There are usually more options although it really depends on your previous choices, reputations and skills.

Lantry is a historian trying to survive, and record events. Thats neither woe is me, or beta.

Barik is an archtype honorable soilder, doing his duty in the worst of circumstances, with again is neither a pussy, nor beta.

There's nothing of value in this thread, friend. Abandon it now unless you happen to enjoy practicing your rhetorical skills for kicks.

Some really poorly presented gay stuff which wouldn't be worth pointing out if it wasn't for the fact that Obsidian wrote Arcade and poorly written female characters, the latter isn't even SJW: it's just shitty fucking writing. But hey you can kill 'em all.

>can't rape
into the trash

thanks mr socrates

I'm sure you appreciate the character you wrote, but you need to recognize that other people might feel differently.

but being harassed by a philosopher in the marketplace is my fetish

This is the real reason I won't even consider touching the game. If I can't rape grown people then it's an evil game. Same with killing kids.


*hands you hemlock*

psssshhht nothin personnel, kid

murdering a newborn is an important plot point

>can't double park someone in the handicap zone


He is the quintessential alpha archtype.

Calling him a beta is objectively false.

>Can only kill one child the entire game
Skyrim is more "evil" than this. In that game I become literally Hitler and genocide the whites, kill all children, rape everything with a pulse, etc.

Is there a mod that lets you kill the children and rape errthang?

>He is the quintessential alpha archtype

He sucks Ashe cock, he only follows, never leads. Do you even know the defintion of alpha?

>make character
>3 white men portraits against the 7 or so non-white
>play game for 5 minutes
>thank myself for being smart and pirating first
Should've taken the red flag to heart when they said men can't own land in the character creation scene. Seen allot of screenshots of shit writing too in these tranny threads so i'm sure i'm not missing out.

So because he was not graven ashe, he was not an alpha?

If so, graven ashe is not an alpha either, the only alpha in the game is kyros.

Do you even know what an alpha is?

betacuck detected

There can be many alphas. A tribe of them will gather around the strongest Prima. Kills-in-Shadow goes through this when you first come across her.

According to your logic, you are a betacuck, unless you are your nations highest authority apperently.

No shit. Not according to him, though.

Graven Ashe is the leader of his own army, army that is loyal to him more than it is to Kyros.

Barik is just a soldier following his leader, hedoesn't have a single aplha trait.

Alpha personality is all about being a leader. You don't know shit.

Last I checked Barik wasn't a beastwomen. We are discussing personality types, not the caste system of beast people.

>tfw I liked pillars

>tfw I've liked every single new CRPG except Underrail

I love triggering contrarians.

It's more of a philosophy than just the structure of their societies.

Also before you met him Barik was in command of several Stone-Shield squad.

>Graven Ashe is the leader of his own army, army that is loyal to him more than it is to Kyros.

Graven Ashel litterally bowed at his fucking knees to kyros and metaphorically sucked his dick, ergo, he is a soldier following his leader; thus not an alpha.

>your full retard logic.

Does not matter, he had a boss. Therefore you are not a alpha.

Fucking dumbass betas.

The difference being Ashe actually leads an army while Barik doesn't lead anyone at all.

I don't know why you have such problems grasping this, do you have brain damage?


weak, no (You) for you

>except Underrail
Shit taste.

Was the lack of map too much for you?

>he is a soldier following his leader; thus not an alpha.

Damn dude you must have a massive inferiority complex irl

Yes, yes, cry your contrarian tears, feed me more.

Liking ever recent cRPG except for Underrail is pretty damn contrarian.

So I don't get it, am I making you cry? Is everything alright?

I know right?

Barik lead people right up till he was tasked with protecting the protag.

He was the commander of an entire unit before the edict.

But, because he has a leader, he is not an alpha?

You sir, are retarded.

Maybe Barik is a beta. He is pretty satisfied to follow Ashe and the Fatebinder, and unlike Verse never displays any potential to want to claim leadership if he should see an opportunity.

But Kills-in-Shadow was a beta in the past as well. She didn't want to be a leader. Not until she lost her tribe. I think Barik might follow the same path at some point.

>liking the majority of new CRPG's except the most obscure one "that was made by le one person! so you know its good!" makes me contrarian

Holy fuck you're stupid, wouldn't expect anything less from a retard that likes Underrail though.

>get threatened by a fictional female character

How beta are you?

>'Edict is upon us, choose a side'
>'Fight together'

Maybe on Sup Forums. Hating the dumbed down, critically popular cRPGs and liking the niche and unpopular, unprofitable as fuck Underrail seems the more contrarian stance.

Barik is a patriot. Just because he follows an idea to help his unit, does not make him a beta at all.

Its like calling the secret service betas, or SAS betas, because they both protect heads of state.

Did you like Age of Decadence too? Because that's even more obscure .

I've just got Eb. When do I get the next two companions?

I want Lantry to read a bedtime story to me. Fucking love having the guy around. Pretty great healslut too.

Should have been able to call their bluff.

Also: why does your group of 1-4 people do all the hard fighting while the "armies" do pretty much nothing? If they ARE doing something, the game does a pretty shitty job of conveying it.

Very soon. If you can go to Lethian's Crossing

>Caring about which games other people enjoyed

Not that weird. If you dis/like it you probably want to ensure or avoid the studios making any games like it, and that means influencing the people who have yet to play the game.

One problem is that his VA sounds like some kind of doofus. Maybe he was supposed to be a hardass and it just isn't conveyed well. But he lets Verse push him around like a bitch.

All of the voice acting in the game is kinda meh except Lantry. And wolf tits is OK for what could have been really terrible.

>implying liking Underrail means you must hate other cRPGs
That's a pretty dumb assumption. The only people who dislike Underrail are those upset about the lack of map, the trading system or just shit at the combat.

he's also a better mage than the PC because lore is everything

I'm talking about disliking Underrail alone. That's pretty contrarian.

The companions seem to think that Barik is a borderline simpleton, but the voice to me sounds like an elite, upstanding, good natured soldier.

Verse is good, fits her bland character. Sirin is good, Eb is inconsistent same as her character, Lantry is great, Killsy is great.

>but the voice to me sounds like an elite, upstanding, good natured soldier.
To me it sounds like a HELLO

Isn't it the same guy that does Kana in PoE? That's the main reason it doesn't fit him for me

Where can I find a Lore trainer? I can't hire one for my first tower

No there is a 3rd Act but its really short

>Verse is good, fits her bland character

Maybe that's why I didn't like Verse. Her background and circumstances didn't really translate into her "yeah, whatever" personality.

apothecary spire upgrade has a master trainer
library might have a pleb trainer, not sure

>Can train 5 points per level instead of the training points total just being level*5 so I don't need to go back to a trainer every time I level

By your logic nobody in the world is an alpha