Metal Gear Solid 4

What did this game do right and what did it do right?

Other urls found in this thread:

-Voice acting
-Cutscene to gameplay ratio
-Some writing is retarded

a good ending to the series( MGR notwithstanding)

>The level design in the first two acts

>Just about everything else

>What did this game do right

Other than the story its pretty awful.
I recently played it wondering why no one talks about it but it's basically the blunder that is mgs v's story but it's the gameplay

This was about the only good part about that game though.

t. i never played mgs4

A proper conclusion to the Metal Gear saga. It even came with an add on so you can see what was retconned from the previous games and how the pieces all fell together. com/#!/en-us/games/addons/metal-gear-solid-4-database/cid=UP0101-NPUB90126_00-MGS4DATABASE0000

Considering that the original saga was done, its inexcusable that MGSV ended up how it did as Kojima had complete development freedom, no longer tied by prequels.

The bosses were pretty cool in everything but backstory. Crying Wolf was definitely the best sniper fight in the series.

First two arcs were great, the third was boring as hell. Fourth and Fifth were ok.
I miss the cqc from it, slamming a knee against someone's head was great.

Other than that, too much nanomachine balloney but it ended as ridiculously as it started.

There were a shit ton of weapons. That was neat. And the costumes and masks were cool too

selling weapons thing, as well as the weapons themselves
old Snake was preddy cool
Snake vs. Liquid Ocelot
Everything else was dumb

>complete freedom
That was kind of the problem. He forgot about the whole "budget" thing.

+act 1
+act 2
+act 4's nuclear tactical nostalgia bomb
+gameplay and mechanics
+sound and music

-act 3
-act 5
-johnny sasaki
-'BB's ''just fucking die already''-demise and retconning major zero into the series' ultimate villain purely by exposition (even though V tried to undo some of that damage)

What did this game do wrong and what did it wrong?

Worst thing is that there is actually very little gameplay. Unless you do a super stealth run, it feels like you sit there watching movies more than you sit there playin a game.

A shame too because what gameplay the game had was excellent.

the epilogue was like eating shit. Great game though

>Worst thing is that there is actually very little gameplay

it has more gameplay than 1 or 2

I liked how the return to shadow moses was made to purposefully be bad.
>old dead abondoned
>not even bombed
>no good sneaking
>100 of the worst enemy in MG history
>literaly supposed to run through as fast as you can avoiding enemies and "leaving it behind"
>cheap fan service driving and fighting metal gears
And thats just ONE of the few levels in mgs4

The long ass streets level that you have to sneak through, but in the most unfun way possible. Followed by some of the longest cutscenes in the series and the most unfun rail shooter level in gaming history

It has more on rail sections, that true

Quality over quantity my friend.

>it d-d-d-d-doesnt count

who cares

They count. Theyre also on rails. They also suck. Deal with it

>hurr durr

nice backpedalling, friend

I know who you are quoting
>T. (You)


Set the bar too high for following games.

>kill an unfun boss with the face of a popular model
>after minutes they finaly expire
>drebin calls
>"Snake, did you know she was the worst war orphan ever?
>Drebin pull one last one in epilogue

If you don't understand why Shadow Moses was done that way then you shouldn't be playing videogames.

Because Kojika wanted us to stop liking Metal Gear games? It was bad in design on purpose. All of mgs4 is forced and covered in 12 layers on irony

Its set way too early in time, causing characters in the sequel to be really old or dead of age.

Also it's not as good as 2, and MGS3 has way too much codec conversation, so much that Kojima then punished MGS4 and V by almost removing it all. Afraid to say. Its a bad influence for the series. Kuwabara kurwa, instant noodles in russian rainforest.

This. Everyone defends MGS4 with MUH POSTMODERN META which isn't a excuse for making a shit game.

>MGR brought back fuckhuge amounts of optional Codec convos
That was a good surprise.

The labs and Groznygrad were more fun than most of the bases in TPP

Nothing, it did everything wrong.
It tried to bring mgs3 and 1/2 style together but brought the worst out of both of them.
The cameo factor was and always has been dumb. They didn't give you a radar so your only way to tell enemy locations is to try and use the shitty camera angles (of course that doesn't matter since the game rewards you for clearing the waves of enemies more than just sneaking around them).

mgs is fps

For its time? Not a lot. It's a great game and I still prefer it to the other MGS games.

- Game controlled well, stealth sections were fun, shooting was fun
- Act 4
- Looks great, even still to this day imo
- Great voice acting
- Great soundtrack ( end credit song was fucking perfect)
- Great ending, I loved the final fight then the wrap up felt really satisfying.

- Story arguably was a mess, though personally I still loved all the covert shadow wars stuff so I ate it all up
- There should have been a stronger focus on stealth
- Prague
- Raging Raven

Though most would say the over abundance of cutscenes was bad and is a fair point, I loved it

>Raging Raven
Worst boss of all time.

The whole game or just a few certain levels?

>Raging Raven
>She was the worst war orphan ever

I'll buy that for 20 Drebin Keks

>boss fights
>controlled Rex
>hype moments
>gameplay in first 2 acts
>nostalgia pandering in act 4
>good looking graphics (despite some lower res textures in Middle East)
>very detailed weapons
>lack of proper stealth after act 2
>act 3
>explaining every little detail
>Old Snake
>literal emo Raiden
>no bonus modes other than MGO
>performance during gameplay

>not liking Old Snake
>not liking Act 5
>>not knowing the Act 5 secret routes
>>>I fucking loved MGO2 and I miss it because MGO3 is a hollow shell with somehow even less focus on stealth, especially since Scouts E-locators and binoculars were nerfed to hell. I also loved the weapon details.

It was painful to watch him. They made him lame old fuck for no good reason, at least that's what I felt after how everyone treated him in 4.
