Would you a Catherine?
Would you a Catherine?
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I imagine most people would.
I'd rather a Katherine
If I knew that would make me the pimp lord of hell - probably.
But knowing only that she's some random slut - nope.
Why is Cat such a miracle of the universe?
What are they implying with this picture?
Look at those fucking lips. Literally made for blowjobs.
She should've degreased that pizza.
Yea enjoy getting into generic boring family with a kid and a bitch-wife.
>good haircuts remain only as concepts
>the shit one made it into the game
trust no thots
Yeah dude you are a true genius of design and your taste is not utter shit as well.
I definitely would a Catherine
but I still would a Katherine, too
-10/10 hairstyle in art, but drills are fine too
-Nice eyes and hair
-Small but not flat (the best kind of chest)
-Literally your dreamgirl, so she'll do anything for you if you love her
-Jealous and protective, but only because she wants you all to herself
What's not to love?
no shes had too much sex with other people
The drills are cute, but it suits her with her hair down, especially like That hairstyle is cute as fuck.
She does anal.
Not really, she'd look like a generic short haired girl and we have plenty of them already.
Drills are amazing.
>not wanting experienced and sexy as HELL girl
lowtest nu-male
but she's so experienced she wouldnt want someone like me
Enslave her with your dick
I wish.
now you're being honest
Drills are top-tier, I agree, but I don't think she looks generic with short hair. It's just long enough to make her distinctive, and it frames her face really well - she looks really innocent and yet corruptible at the same time
Probably wouldn't look as good ingame, though.
She's your dreamgirl, user. I'm sure she wouldn't mind teaching you.
>Drills are top-tier, I agree, but I don't think she looks generic with short hair. It's just long enough to make her distinctive, and it frames her face really well - she looks really innocent and yet corruptible at the same time
She looks more down to Earth with her generic short hair. I don't mind it if it wasn't about her being a daughter of Satan.
>le anime drills
>good design
Literally kys yourself.
Steve's Catherine best Catherine.
Catherine is, in short, a nightmare portrait of a man totally lacking agency, in which the only thing worse than the gods picking on you is settling down and having a family. It divides the world in half: matrimonial prison reality and male-only video game fantasy. To choose marriage with Katherine explicitly requires you to sacrifice the fantasy life given you by video games. That is to say that succubus Catherine is A) not real, B) a wish-fulfillment fantasy, and C) fine with you seeing other women as long as she’s no. 1—in other words, she is video games. Vincent faces a choice between fantasy and reality, but it’s also a choice between escapist fantasy and the female gender itself.
Catherine is a bellwether for what tech culture and gaming have come to mean for a lot of men: a safe playspace from the realities that they believe women force on them. Having internalized the critique that video games are escapist fantasies for men, Catherine shows you how superior the fantasy is to reality, then mocks you for taking it seriously. Real gamers, it says, come back to the video game fantasy because they’ve got nothing else going on—oh, and real women are freaking scary. No wonder, then, that guy gamers often treat the presence of real women in gaming like an alien invasion. Gaming is where men go to escape from women.
But fantasy is superior
With Kat you get a generic wedding, with Cat you become the ruler of the underworld
In a heartbeat
I already have a wife who, alng with her son, is draining my energy constantly
It's from an article named The Most Sexist Video Game of All Time?
>It’s called Catherine, and it reveals a lot about misogynist gaming culture.
I never got this.
it presents a protag who embodies all the "dumb" shit men do.
did they just get hung up on catherines appearance and manner? cause tha shits international
if this was a western release it would be Gone Homo 10/10 GOTYAYLGTBBQ
There is so much wrong with the article whoever wrote it didn't even play the game
>jumping in Catherine
Seriously now
>you will never rule the demon world with your demon waifu who is perfectly fine with you keeping a harem too
The suffering never ends
Depiction is endorsement. If you show someone in media doing something bad it means you 100% support that thing.
For years people said both were bad choices. Then I watched the Catherine ending and it was fucking based.
Just mad K-fags.
That haircut is good but gives too much of a mature feel. Loses the playfulness that comes with the drills