Are there any games that let me be a warewolf except Skyrim and elder scrolls?

are there any games that let me be a warewolf except Skyrim and elder scrolls?

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Sonic Unleashed :^)

you might as well suggest world of warcraft?

if yuo like mmo-s and being called a faggot its WoW

I declined the vampire lord power in Skyrim because I wanted to reinact the Van Helsing battle Werewolf vs Vampire... It didn't work as the Dawnguard started to turn on me too, so I had to kill literally everyone in the castle. It was a disaster.

no i like wow but Lycan there are pointless u almost only change worm from human to warewolf nothing else changes except few minor bonuses which really does not matter.
skyrim have only good warewolf so far

did you showed dawnguard that you were warewolf or?

>Skyrim and elder scrolls

I don't think there was ever an option? They checked to see if I was a Vampire, but not Werewolf.

is a warewolf a wolf that moonlights as some sort of merchant?

There isn't any, it's pretty much been untouched which is pretty strange.

Skyrim, Elder Scrolls, Castlevania (to an extent), Wolf Among Us?

if you transform front of them i think you become wanted

Fuck off furfag

Why do people hate Van Helsing so much anyway?

It's The Mummy level of fun action kino.


i'm actually straight guy
hate? it's one of the my favorite movie


a furry who owns a shop?

True, I loved it, great film. It's not meant to be taken seriously.

and it has prime beckinsale

>Skyrim and elder scrolls

why is this making me so angry

Bloody Roar

>tfw dead franchise

autism is strong with you

True, great game. I miss it.

>Why do people hate Van Helsing so much anyway?

Because it has unfortunate pacing. You can't have a movie all about ACTIONACTIONACTION all the time. I did like the movie otherwise, specially the plot.

Too bad.. So sad.. Beckinsale>3>1>2

Because OP is a retard

I really like the opening of the movie, the first half hour to 45 minutes. But then after that it just goes downhill fast.

That fucking faggot dog always triggers me for giving my 10 yo self a confused boner.

It got me into beasts, furries and bara, fuck that vanhelsing movie

Oh my. 3>1>2

Pretty sure there's a couple Zelda games where you can transform into various shit. I think one of them is a werewolf.

>You can't have a movie all about ACTIONACTIONACTION
Yes you can, fuck you

I liked Vlad the most. He was charismatic and just hammy enough to be entertaining.

Seriously, go watch the movie. You'll feel tired an hour in or so.

I watched it a fuckload of times.

Worked out fine for me. You were supposed to do some stupid puzzle shit when fighting the final boss but couldn't activate it as a werewolf. So you just had to brute force it and kill the guy three times.

It was glorious

>Muh pacing
>Muh story
>Muh comic relief
>Muh feels.

Film students are the worst.

Never EVER.

>You can't have a movie all about ACTIONACTIONACTION all the time

Just because you have shit taste doesn't mean everyone has the same taste

>Five Nights at Freddy is on its tenth game
>Todd Howard is reknowned as the best RPG director
>Obsidian has gone full SJW
>COD still running strong
>Spore exists.
>Yet this game will never come out.

Do you ever feel like you're living in the world where a hero got the bad ending?

>You can't have a movie all about ACTIONACTIONACTION all the time
Except you can. Watch Hardcore Henry.

Are you trying to imply that Van Helsing was all action? Because that is DEAD wrong.

Something more akin to Fury Road or John Wick is more action based.

Werewolf: The Last Warrior. It's the best NES game.

Oh it still worked out fine seeing as I simply just went wild and killed everyone, including Harkon by brute forcing it too. I just meant it didn't go too well at the start because I didn't want to kill my Dawnguard peeps.

Also, the DLC would have been done better if Dawnguard were all Werewolves.

>You can't have a movie all about ACTIONACTIONACTION all the time.

You can, but the pacing of Van Helsing was ADHD-CGI fest that was just rushing to jump from one scene to another. So even all the fight scenes sucked because they had no semblance of choreography or pacing to themselves. And the story fucking sucked. Everything was designed with setpieces in mind but they had no fucking clue what to do with them afterwards. Just make everything look fancy and then hope you can make a story out of it. Like how the corset lady has a sword in her lap but she never uses it or kills anything with it, save for cutting one rope in the movie.

Oh we have a manor filled with vampires, like 100 of them, and Helsing had trouble killing even one, oh shit what do we do? Oh well good thing we conveniently have this Holy Hand Grenade which just kills all of them.

>All werewolves

Don't be a fag. There should have been one crusty mother fucker in there who was a werewolf, everyone hated him but they used him to sniff out vampires.

Who here played the Van Helsing movie game? It was so bad.

>Not Wolfchild for the SNES

Just recently rewatched An American Werewolf in London. Good movie.
It's kind of amazing no other movie has ever been able to top the transformation scene which is pretty fucking hilarious considering how low the standard is set with CGI nowadays.

Altered Beasts
Bloody Roar
Sonic Unleashed
Legend of Zelda twilight princess

To the ADHD 13 year Redditold demographic I'm not surprised this movie is considered good or 'underrated' because of muh graphics, muh action, and of course the incredible acting talent of Wolverine. It doesn't help the majority if Sup Forums think Huge Jackedman invented the Van Helsing character too when he is not even nearly the best man to play him.

>if they dont like what I like, they are from reddit

Its time to grow out of the us vs them mentality user