>Western game reveals gay character
>He never shuts the fuck up about being gay and different
Western game reveals gay character
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3 games that do this
How are gay people any different from straight people, other than their preference in fucking?
is he gay? i didn't know
>Playing Western games
They're fucking fags about it
>japanese game has a cute girl
Look at brain scans between straights and gays, science validates this
>How are they different other than being different?
>people masturbate like mad to this
>these same people get their nuts in a twist when Bioware announces a trans
>these same people despise faggots.
Your proof that these are the same people, user?
He's married with kids. He seems to have a dislike for homosexuality.
What does he mean by this?
> game reveals fully rounded character happens to be gay
> Sup Forums never shuts the fuck up about it
Name this fully rounded character that happens to be gay. If you really want a challenge, name 2.
It's pretty clear, can't you read ?
I dunno why I found that as funny as I did. But thank you anyway.
Chihiro isn't a good example because I said so.
OP and Arcade Ganon
Nigga just wants his milk milk
I never got the praise for Arcade Ganon. Guy had as much depth as the rest of the companions, which is to say like 3 pieces of information about him. And then the tacked on gay thing. Did I just somehow miss the super deep conversation that makes him the 10/10 character people claim he is?
chihiro doesn't feel forced, it's just innocent and he had a reason for this. i actually felt bad for him.
No idea. I personally liked Veronica the most.
i don't feel bad for him because it is physically impossible for a high school boy to look like that.
Rephrase it. You can't feel pity for him because... why?
Also, leave your house and you'll see high school kids of all shapes and sizes. It's not so crazy.
Also, girls don't have purple hair.
>tacked on gay thing
So either they're too gay, or the gayness is irrelevant?
His plotline was my favorite part of New Vegas, that's why I like him so much. His stories about the Enclave remnants are pretty touching.
Alot of them are normal good people, but then there's the superfags that do the fruity voice and everything. That's why I prefer straight guys.
The gayness is very much irrelevant, which is how all sexualities in a game not based around sexuality should be. The point is, I just don't get the praise.
The hosts sound more anti-gay than AJ himself.
I respect the second caller for calling them out on it.
because it's not believable to me that he can become that week and girly looking. yeah i know the whole game is not believable but this isn't even believable to me in the game's universe and to me just makes me think they wanted a trap in the game
>not believable to me in the game's universe
>in the game's universe
user-kun that is pretty stupid
*weak, god dammit
>thats why I prefer straight guys
Are you gay user
Why does AJ have taste in vidya and Sup Forums doesn't?
His favorite game last gen was Bulletstorm
Have you seen trap threads? Chihiro being a boy is the MOST believable thing in the game.
he even LOOKS like one if you think about it. Other user totally guessed him being a dude.
What are some good gay characters in vidya?
Name at least 5.
This. Anyone who played DR wouldn't even bat their eyes.
I guess, but I really like cross-dressing, I like being a girl more, if that makes it any less gay
My eyes havent evolved to anime yet
Is there a game that does this? I'm sincerely asking.
because they are into the feminine and submissive types of traps, not the noisy vocal ones you see in the social media all the time, it's the reason why lots of people hate noisy women that don't do anything but complain and demand to be heard all the time, the same applies to the trapfags
Personally, I feel like it's more prevalent in marketing than in the games themselves.
For instance, DA:I, it was a huge part of the marketing that Dorian is gay. However, when it comes to the game, it only comes up when you're either trying to tap that, or you dig into his past.
It's really easy to get a skewed perception about shoehorned gays in gaming because of things like this. Because game developers want you to know that they're open and progressive and inclusive, but you never find out how shoehorned it actually is if you never play their shitty game.
wow it's just like real gays. ironically they're the ones who haven't "got over it".
Gay Tony
Jackie Ch--FUCK
I've had minimal experience with Arcade, but he did get pretty deep at times. I don't like faggots though so I sacrificed him to Caesar and probably missed a bunch of dialogue
i'm gay btw
I'm gonna be straight with you on this, we appreciate being told this and we will not fagget.
Why is AJ wearing Cena gear
Realism. Fags really never shut their filthy mouths about it
No difference? We're all equals.
>clothing like a girl makes you less of a fag
Wew lad
So just like in real life?
>character's gayness is mentioned a single time
>Sup Forums cries about how they won't shut the fuck up about being gay and how the liberal agenda is being shoved down our throats
>character comes off as gay
>he is actually bisexual
>never mentions it and is still the coolest character in the game
Well I don't think it'd make me any less gay, but it'd definitely make someone attracted to me a lot less gay.