Will Macs ever be a viable gaming platform?

Will Macs ever be a viable gaming platform?

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If the industry, for some reason or another, decides to adopt Vulkan or some other multi-platform graphics API it would probably become equal to Windows in the future


This is the way things are going.

The filename is infinitely funnier than the comic itself.

all of the day bro


Linux would probably benifit way more from that.

The problem is it won't happen becuase MS throws tons of money behind DirectX to get developers to keep using it over Vulkan/OGL/Other multi-platform options

>makes comics about how Macs are superior and just work
>can't even start Undertale and plays Skyrim at 10fps


As if Microsoft would ever let that happen


seriously why hasn't Dobson kill himself yet he at the point no return same with Anthony Burcth

Poor Dobson.

No really, he's probably too poor to afford a new computer. Nobody is willing to give him money.

But why do we need Wine for Linux to run games.
Why do corps discriminate the system?

He's living off food stamps, he absolutely is.

Thing is, he's not good enough to make a living off commissions, but he's also not gonna be able to get a 9-5 due to the big gaping hole in his resume unless he goes back to school, but he's too arrogant to go to night-classes.

I really no idea what's gonna happen to him.

really makes you think

he could probably find a computer from the trash and it would be better than his 2005 mac

I like how nobody actually reads the image.

The problem isn't his shitty Mac, it's that the game binary targets powerpc for some reason.

imagine being so fat

He could (try to) get a job at McDonald's. Then he could have "McDonald's Night" five nights a week.

OS X has a lot more games than SteamOS/Loonix


So THIS is where the food analogies originated from. I should have known.

>eating meat in friday
Hello Ahmed

If he had a Windows PC though this wouldn't even happen in the first place...

Well, it's not like Burger King will hire him.

I didn't even register it as the original until that other user commented on the filename. Jesus

Don't you catholic scum have little boys to molest?

I just got me a sweet iPad pro. What are best PC games on it?

Sure, but the game shouldn't have been built got PPC in the first place. It's very strange and likely due to the old version of gamemaker that was used.

Though even a mac that old could run parallels and play such an undemanding game. Dobson a shit.

I genuinely think that Dobson is one of the few people in this world that would be better off being Anthony Burch

>dirty muslim
>making fun of anyone molesting anything

but no, afghanistan is a great country I'm sure

FTL is pretty sweet on a touch screen

All of the Adult Swim games are unironically good.


>Falling for liberal memes

They are, as much as a current generation consoles anyway.
Dobson not being able to even operate a Mac is not indicative of the availability of games on the platform, only Dobson's sheer stupidity.

That being said, just use Linux unless you're on a macbook in which case you're probably not going to be gaming much anyway, get steam and buy whatever looks fun and is available.
>Don't use the fucking appstore as you're locked into apple ecosystem - Steam is locked to steam ecosystem but that spans multiple OS'es without having to buy the game multiple times.


This comic/edit here.

>thinks himself a champion of artistic integrity
>makes a strawman comic about changing your art to cater the market

maybe, remember when Halo was going to be Mac exclusive lol


How many years until Dobson pulls a 180 and gets redpilled like Notch? It's bound to happen eventually, right?


Notch only became redpilled after he became insanely rich. Dobson's only chance of becoming anything but a liability on state welfare is winning the lottery

He can't afford the pill.

what kind of asshole would drop something because it reads right to left? if you need help an arrow at the top of the page would fix your problem


Who would make a comic where the punchline is "I don't have any friends and everyone hates me"?

damn i fucking love Notch these days, he used to be a fat happy blue pilled guy, now he is a fat cynical red pilled guy with good humour, fucking love him

God why hasn't dobson killed himself yet. Wtf is keeping him alive?

holy kek

What am I looking at here? Did he really block a bunch of kids on Miiverse?


he got bullied hard by nine year old children so he blocked them and tweeted about it
that's about it

I wouldn't mind exterminating Dobson tee bee aitch.

Imagine being so pathetic you are proud of being called a cuck, get made fun of by Ubisoft's PR for their shitty Watch Dogs game AND regularly get hassled by actual children on fucking miiverse

The only person who is maybe more pathetic than Dobson is Anthony Burch

Holy shit, Ubi

Dobson is extremely xenophobic about shit he likes.

He certainly enjoys certain weebshit and even his trash style is partly because of his old manga love but it's specifically just the shit he read as a kid. Ranma, Sailor Moon, etc. Anything newer than that and he assumes you're a legit weeb trash monster out to ruin his wholesome life with your eastern devil magic.

He posted getting really into manga one month and it was the exact same manga he's been reading since he was a small inflation bear.

It all goes back to his childhood. No matter how much he hates something overall if he liked it as a kid it gets a free pass. All anime and manga might be complete fucking trash but if he got a hold of it as a kid it's fine.

just downgrade to Mountain Lion then you fat fuck

this is hardly a new development, PowerPC got phased out by apple half a fucking decade ago

holy shit

It could be anons trolling him using fake accounts/changing their age, or real ones. Either way, mentioning Zelda to Son of Dob makes him think you're fucking with him.

Massive amounts of food

That guy literally has less Twitter followers than I do and yet you guys post about his tweets all the time, I don't know why you're so obsessed with him.

Post the One Punch Man one

absolutely pathetic

even ubisoft hates dobson, nice

>small inflation bear
i laughed

I'm pretty sure he has deep developmental issues, with how he idolizes stuff from his childhood

mfw iOS has become the most profitable mobile gaming platform not because it sell a lot of good game but because of in app data mining and ads

They are just jealous of his massive Patreon-income

You know what bugs me the most about his comics?

What the fuck is he sitting at?

If it's a convention table then there is no way he would meet people like in pic related to have fake arguments about, but it also cannot be a table in his kitchen because sometimes a girl in sailor scout cosplay shows up to the table.

Who's to say if it's even a table at all?


he's right

As much as I dislike ipads I have to agree with this guy.

It's funnier without the last two panels
I don't what the joke would be though

>since he was a small inflation bear


Only Dobson could make a comic about something that hates comics going at a comic convention

he's a "higher functioning" CWC. After all this time, and after all the comics he's made on the subject, I'm interested in how he'd deal with success.

man I will never get my blue haired chinese girl

he is standing out in the street, yelling at random people about his comics being good

It's funny how he mocks tabletop gamers as fat neckbeards when he is actually a socially retarded obese neckbeard IRL.

That and you can tell that he has never approached a tabletop group because of his social retardation.

Shit that never happened aside why would Dobson walk into a store that says closed even if the door was open? If anything I'd have still started with "hey are you guys open right now" instead of just barging in and asking for shit.

Apple uses their own proprietary api called metal.

>my autistic hobby is better than your autistic hobby
I don't even understand the joke. Is it seriously just "DnD players are weirdos lol"?

Is he dare i say it... /ourguy/?

>You're a cartoonist
>literally takes two whole fucking pages describing his love for it
>gets angry when someone walks away

the mantle on the rectangle suggests he's at a con or showroom.

its about "lol arent those board games and the dnd players so random and nerdy lol not me tho ;)"

Macs don't support Vulkan or even modern OpenGL.

Dobson is the only person Sup Forums hates on that I unironically hate on in real life. He's just ultra annoying.
I got to talk to him before he became """"famous"""" and he was already this pretentious twat that thought that being infamous was the same thing as being famous. And he always got ultra pissed if you criticized his art, and would always take it personally.

I hope he fucks off.

Where the fuck is the joke, i dont fucking get it WHERE THIS THE FUCKING JOKE

>studying kids cartoons

The last two panels have the DnD "nerds" laugh at him for wanting a Nintendo game. He's basically saying "you can't laugh at me for being a loser when you play DnD".

So this.. is the power.. of Macintosh..


>that guy sitting on the left
Why is Eustace Bagge playing tabletop RPGs?

There's a really good post on tumblr that explains how cathartic it is to call Dobson trash since he shits on literally everyone you could possibly think of.

entering a store that says closed just because the door was opened is how horror movies start

It's about Dobson thinking that he is superior to tabletop playing neckbeards when he is probably the most socially retarded, spergburger obese neckbeard I've seen outside of Chris-Chan.

And this is coming from someone who actually worked with children who are on the autism spectrum.

Why did he draw himself not fat?