Warcraft lore and predictions for what the next big thing in Warcraft games will be, lore wise

Warcraft lore and predictions for what the next big thing in Warcraft games will be, lore wise.

Here is the latest addition by the Blizzard team.

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I'm pretty sure those are just quillboars though.

Quilboars with jeans and sunglasses on diesel bikes.
I remember them from Warcraft II.

>the silly card game is being silly

autismal sperg thread

tanaris has mad max style motorbilke gangs now?

>running a 5 mana 5/5 into a 0 mana 5/5 tant

>those poses...


Finally a feminist card

deepest lore

You mean, the Warcraft II that had steam battleships, zeppelins and actual submarines?

>blatant Islamophobia

Blizzard stop this

>Blizzard remove the 'sorry' emote because it was apparently BM
>replace it with an even more passive aggressive emote

do they even care

But it was lacking on the denim and sunglasses.

Sunglasses are canon since Cataclysm

this was meant for (You),

>shitton of actual memorable characters from the warcraft universe
>ben brode the pizza man and his team create meme characters instead and fill their game with rng bullcrap and 30% playable cards

There's actually remarkably little random effects in this expansion.

I like the game having useless cards. Learning which cards are good and which are bad is a good experience for new players.
I remember in older card games, before everything was solved on the internet and people copy paste it, the best time you could have is swapping a few cards in and out of your deck to see which perform best.

Some noob trap card that seems amazing, but only works very rarely is a good learning experience and deserves it slot, and winning with it/losing against it is also a cool moment if the card is truly low tier. Also arena exists.

They have to at least pretend they don't massively power-creep the game with every expansion.

>more unplayable garbage

is that a shill copypaste argument favoring bad cards or?

I do get what he's talking about with his first point. Mostly that's just because as a kid, you have no clue what buying singles is, and you're just using the best shit you get from the packs your parents buy. Looking back at it, it feels like a huge waste of money
He does have a point with Arena.

>thinks someones honest post about liking the effect bad cards have on the experience of the game is a copypasta

Players like you are the fucking worst.

fuck off, those were done in style. WoW fucked up with its tasteless cocktail of steampunk, dieselpunk, computers and whatever immersion breaking technology they stuffed in there.

>make useless card archetypes for under perfoming classes
>suddenly the game's meta becomes stale 3 classes in ladder
>facing the same decks and having the same decision making for every match makes the game braindead and boring
>somehow this is compensated by helping noob players google 'good hearthstone decks 2016' and copypaste the top deck in hearthpwn

waow ur argument is soo good familia, truly having a lot of bad cards in the cardpool helps a lot

These cards are fine. Just because a card isn't good in the format doesn't mean they can't be decent for arena. At least they don't have lower hp because they could have charge.

>0 mana 5/5 Taunt
...Do you mean the Arcanosmith? Because his shield is a 0/5, not a 5/5

Thing from Below

Spiked Hogrider is the only useful one of that set of 3 in arena

wowhead com/search?q=dungarees

Denim is canon.

I for one, welcome our incoming control meta with heavy removal and silence use

Y'all ready for them Turn 6 Deahwings?

Which can get out on turn 4 or 5 now.

>Still no Nathanos Blightcaller card or Hunter hero or both

MH∀┴ ┴HƎ Ⅎ∩Ɔʞ q˥I ZZ∀ ɹD

Hunter already has Alleria.

Next Shop Heroes should be Hamuul, Vanessa, and a Warlock.

Blightcaller is a faggot and his "queen" can suck eggs.

t. Genn Greymane

Maeiv Shadowsong is next, as a new rogue

>another random effect

Now I'm not actively following Hearthstone, but to me it looks like, even years after the initial release, they're still using nothing but the old keywords. Except now it's same old fucking shit with an if-clause™.

Have they even added any worthwhile new mechanics since release?

Pffffthahahahaha Genn. How's the Skybreaker treating you after you got a Big Blightballer Boot off its deck and crashed it like an incompetent retard? Literally the Alliance's flagship in their aerial force, the gunboat that survived a battle with fucking Deathwing, but couldn't survive the leadership of a paranoid pantshitting diaperfur at its helm.

Deathwing without the boardclear effect is "die to removal" tier.

It does. it seperates the shitters from the players

Learning which cards are bad and WHY they are bad ultimately makes you better at the game.

Have you play any card game besides hearthstone? or are you just some wowbaby

its an excellent card for ramp. you can also use it to put a stolen card from your opponent into your deck so its yours for the rest of the game, to be able to reuse a battlecry, to 'fix' a silence, etc

a 12/12 on turn 6 is a 'deal with it or die' situation

There might come a time where one of those ends up being the best card in the lot and you will be thankful their stats are at least normal. Imma check out the set now and see if these are really the worst cards.

The last mechanic that I would say is great was discovery.

Discover got introduced and it's been sort of heavy. This one is going to have some tri-class cards. Pic related can be played by Priests, Warlocks, and Mages only.

Warriors, Paladins, and Hunters are the second group. Their Legendary isn't as fun. Lots of "Buff minions in your hand" stuff though, with reliance on weenies.

Rogues, Shaman, and Druids are the third, and we don't know what she does yet. Lots of Stealth though.

>Maeiv Shadowsong is next,
>as a new rogue
I'm going to punch you for making so little sense.

i mean of the 3 cards in the OP. the only one thats useful is the 5/5 charger

>Hunters have an elf skank and the worst Windrunner

Whoopie fuckin doodle, Mages have like 90 different nigger bitches to choose from. I do agree that the un-addressed classes could use more packs though, it's actually a major surprise that Blizzard hasn't jewed the fuck out of that aspect of the game yet, one portrait, some basic-ass voice lines, maybe a couple photoshop graphics overlaid over their hero power and entrance, probably like $200 of work at most and they would drain their drones dry.

By turn 6 there's quite a few counters a number of classes should have to deal with just one big beater.

>>Learning which cards are bad and WHY they are bad ultimately makes you better at the game.
Not him but nobody does this except the pros to get an edge and then everyone copies them when they dominate the meta with the next top tier meme deck 2 weeks after a new set is out.

Same with every other card game really. Or do you think every scrub came to the conclusion, after much analysis and testing, that Y is shit or X card is good on their own?

any deck that would have Deathwing in it likely has many more potent threats too. course what most people need to realize is that the vast majority of Hearthstone games are not like 'Daily Funny Lucky Hearthstone Moments' on youtube

I get the feeling that this new xpac will mark a return of heavy removal (4 minimum in each deck) and maybe even silences. Now that priest has an OK opening game and a potent midgame, it will become the god class, and priests were already pretty hard to kill once they dug in

>90 Different
>Jaina, Asshole Mage, Timed Exclusive Dad Mage

The only two that don't have alts are Warlock and Rogue. And nobody wants to deal with Shitcaller anyway, he's a faggot.

Is it even possible for new players to get into Hearthstone using the garbage starting cards?

It's not great now that you don't have the free C'Thun packs anymore.

they aren't going to redo that promotion?

I doubt it. It was because of the introduction of Standard.

>Everybody crying about Priest being underpowered
>Despite having the most consistent healing, good removal, and solid set ups

>Meanwhile Rogues have been shit on in almost every expansion past GvG
>Can blow an entire hand of cards and be beaten by just one or two
>Garbage legendaries past Edwin, worst hero power in the game, removal is spotty more often than not

But hey, at least we'll get our own coin this expansion.

wait what is this from

Ok cool, they just spent their mana removing your deathwing or other massive card you shouldn't have on that turn and you still have a 4/3 on the field.

The problem isn't that you have a Deathwing on turn 6, the problem is that at any point in the game your opponent could turn a harmless monster into something super strong. It completely controls the flow of the game because they COULD have her. A paladin could potentially turn a 1/1 token into something you suddenly have to use removal on, giving them card AND tempo advantage.

The old wow tcg game

>Hearthstone dropping Usagi Yojimbo references left and right

New class: Blademaster
New race: Virmen

I'd roll the fuck out of it.

I need more info

Priest removal isn't solid as long as each and every deck plays a 4-attack minion on turn 5 or 6. And they do.

Shrinkmeister didn't do much to change this, and neither will pint-sized potion. Real priest fix? Nerf Azure Drake.


Horatio Laine is a quest giver introduced in Cata that was made as a reference. He's an investigator from Stormwind assigned to some murders in Westfall.

>good removal

not till turn 5. by then the game's usually decided

>fucking Purify

numbers don't lie user. priest had a 40% or less winrate in both standard and arena. they were beasts in Wild format, but who cares about Wild

miracle rogue (both flavors) and deathrattle rogue were/are very potent and do pretty well. rogues are also the second best class in arena due to many cheap removal spells, card draw and the best hero power in the game


quillboars have been wearing clothes and armor in wow for a decade

So why did they nerf Yogg when C'thun decks in general were borderline OP?

Nothing I love more than watching a Warrior get 10 armor for 6 Mana, all while whittling me down to Exe-C'thun range.

here's your Azure Drake nerf

I like playing this game on my iPhone SE.

C'thun is the poster card of the xpac. I totally agree that it's totally broken with warriors other standard cards. The only way to beat it is to play a hype agro deck and hope your mulligan isn't trash.

X person gets corrupted by Y

There, I just wrote the stories of everything blizzard has done.

Holy fuck buzz what we're you thinking

I don't play dragons tho

blizzard's way of dealing with balance is everyone gets a turn at being OP

Dragon Priest will be the only tier 1 deck until TGT and the two adventures rotate out

>create a set of unique designs for Gadgetzan
>ingame Gadgetzan looks like shit
For fuck sake Blizzard.

I hope the next expansion is a troll based one. There are lots of things to do be done with troll based instances and raids.

it's not like priest has Shadow word pain/death
>fucking Purify
Nobody is forcing you to play that, do you also think Bolster makes Warrior a bad class?

it's not cthun that's op, it's warrior dude

Purify was an indication that the devs knew nothing of their own game, the fact that it was 1/3 of the new cards priest got in Karazhan, given to a class that is the farthest behind that any individual class has ever been in hearthstone, except maybe Shaman right out the gate when hearthstone came out of beta

shhh don't tell them that rogue c'thun is the only viable one

>Brainless shaman fags crying about control warrior

>shadow words
yes, decent conditional removal, meanwhile
>warrior has 1 mana remove anything in the game

I did. and it's fun as fuck

Execute was nerfed to 2. It also has an arguably harder condition to fulfill than Pain/Death

Shatter costing 2 still mystifies me

You need "junk" cards in this kind of game though. Timmy players actually exist.

I've played other card games and it's the same shit.
>check online which are the best decks
>netdeck like a dumbass
>netdecking works because top decks in card games are auto pilot

and if you think that you have to use more than 1% of your brain cells for hearthstone then you are as stupid as your dumb ">le good players" argument

Shield Slam

But you are in the crushing minority and until you get to the bottom of which card is good and which is bad you are going to get shit on by everyone else who has copied someone much better and faster than you at figuring this shit out (which by the way helps you indirectly because you are going to face these people time and time again in the ladder thus you get to see good cards in action beating you)

Again, same with every other card game in existence.

Changing enemy minion attack in priest is not easier than dealing one damage in warrior, user.

>he's a faggot
I see you really overlooked Vanilla WoW then. I'll freely admit his new Legion model is abhorrent and full of AIDS, but the Blightcaller is still a baller and a half who people only hate because he refuses to gobble the PC's dick in-game like most other NPCs.

>Dev team has said multiple times Hearthstone is silly and not meant to be taken seriously at all
>Autist on Sup Forums starts throwing a shitfit

talking about shield slam dummy

shield slam isn't remotely a problem
It's all the cards letting warrior control the board and get shittons of armour
war axe,ghoul,brawl,justicar,etc.

Shield Slam is only god removal if you get to dig in, which isn't until turn 7 or 8, unless you want to dump a Shield Block, which makes it cost 4 mana

you don't need to change enemy attack totals as the vast majority of them can get hit by one or the other. Priests also run Excavated Evil, which means the list of meta-relevant 4 attack minions that can survive excavated evil is down to one hand

damaging an enemy minion means playing another card to poke it, using a minion to hit it, smacking it with your weapon and using valuable armor and weapon charges

Justicar is the only reason why shield slam is a pain. Once justicar is out, you either play c'thun control or you remove shield slam from your deck entirely.

Fuckn PURIFY. Never forget.
I have a GOLD purify.

Why the fuck do I have a gold purify?

Because I've disenchanted more of the shitty wretched things than you, thats why.

And as for Overwatch, fuck that Mercy bitch, lets give her no hp, highest heals and no self heal.

>>>Dev team has said multiple times Hearthstone is silly and not meant to be taken seriously at all
>Blizzard says this about literally every game they make.
>Proceed to push esports and competitive tournies as hard as they can

Can't have it both ways bucko. The minute you have a prize reward the pros are going to crack down on the meta and figure out the objectively best decks/comps/strats to win and then every retard and their mother is going to copy said deck/comp/strat because they want to win and then the people they beat are going to copy said deck/comp/strat because they are pissed and they don't want to lose anymore.

This fucking circle is as old as games themselves but even after 3 full games of this "casual but competitive" mentality blizzard STILL doesn't get it (or just doesn't care). It's either very funny or very sad

He meant lorewise you fucking inbred dip.

They don't care about in Warcraft so I don't expect them to give two fucks about Hearthstone lore, if it even has lore.