Sup Emilyfags

Sup Emilyfags,

Just reminding you that blink > far reach

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and that's all you got, taffer
the rest of your shit is worthless

>Implying emily has anything that compares to rat swarm

>even fucking RAT ATTACK
pick 1

alright, I pick worthless
Emily has za warudo too, doesn't she?

Emily Stealth>Corvo Assault>Corvo Stealth>Emily Assault

time slows down while she falls if you upgrade far reach but no proper time stop, no

wow the trailer lied to be again
first it was old Outsider VA, now it's timestop being used by Emily

Is blink as obscenely broken as it was in Dishonored 1?
I had to intentionally not use that shit in order to make the game enjoyable.

Corvo stealth is pretty damn good. You can't turn into a shadow monster like emily, but you can infiltrate anywhere with possession and blink to the furthest high points easily for a quick getaway.

You can choose a "no power mode" at the beginning, so you can go hardcore

It's even more broken because you can upgrade it to act like Daud's timestopping blink.

I haven't played as Emily but I'd hazard a guess that Corvo is the better of the two.

Blink, Time slow/freeze and possession are retardedly good and allow you to easily deal with any scenario.

You can blink pretty far when it's upgraded. It definitely has an edge on far reach in terms of distance.

Well, that may be a bit to much. After all, it was great fun to use things like posession or devouring swarm to make your kills creative. I just wish it wasn't so easy to break the game with all the fun stuff you can do.

>Emily Stealth > Corvo Stealth

Timestop and possession are more useful for stealth than anything emily has. If you took every single one of corvos powers except for timestop he would still be better than emily with all of her powers

>Play through as Corvo
>blink never fucks me over not even once
>play as Emily
>momentum of far-reach would throw me past the intended target location into an enemy or window

New VA for Outsider is better anyway.

> Blink can be upgraded to fucking stop time whilst you're preparing it at absolutely no mana cost.

That alone is better than all of Emily's powers combined.

I quite liked using far reach and mesmerize. Plus having that long ass distance early-on was a life saver.

Old Outsider sounded so much better when he was being super judgmental.

Do they really expect people to invest in the bonecrafting skill tree. Half of the upgrades just give you a better chance to craft bone charms without corrupting. The only worthwhile upgrade is getting to the end of the skill tree which lets you make exchange LOTS of bonecharms in exchange for a rune. Unfortunately to even get to that upgrade requires 8 (EIGHT!) runes. The only reason to ever upgrade past the initial upgrade is if you were doing a no powers run.

Also you can just savescum if you dont want corrupt bonecharms.

> That image
Nani? The final boss of Persona 2 wasn't Hitler lol

>New VA for Outsider is better anyway.

Old Outsider had a more iconic voice, which is more important imo.

>Hello, Daud. I'm enjoying renewing our friendship, if we can call it that.
Billy Lush, I miss him already.

hell yeah!

If you didn't get the "Eureka!" achievement, then you are unequivocally a fucking casual

post yfw getting it

emily can style it out by using far reach to grap items infront of enemies, only way corvo can do that is bend time,

>terms of distance
no, far reach can get you further, it it just a bit more uncontrollable, if you hold up while using it, it sling shots her further

literally any of corvos abilities are > emilys entire kit

Emily's kit is more OP (Domino and Mesmerize for example) imo. But my problem is that those abilities play the game for you. At least when you use ZA WARUDO you still have to aim and do stuff

mesmorize, and domino combo, and you take out 4 enemies with 1 sleep dart, then shadow walk past virtually anything


it is stupid, It only becomes worth while in the last mission, where you can swap all the bonecharms you have to make runes.
also collecting whale bones throughout, it pays off very well, but obviously stunts you for a few missions by not using the runes.
would be worth it, if there was a NG+

What I did was go through the game clean hands/shadow and not use any runes or bonecharm, other than far reach/blink, then save at every level, so I can redo them and be at max ability for that level.


Corvo has a fucking time stop. You can't beat that. You fucking lose the moment he uses it.

This is why we need Overseer music boxes to come back.

I'm 4 missions in and I've been expecting them to pop up for a while. This kinda ticks me off

Now hold on a minute
isn't this implying Corvos about to slice the throat of his own daughter?

That intro was bretty gud with the guards instantly dying due to him using time stop.

This is about who is stronger, not whether or not he will do it.
And Corvo is incomparably stronger thanks to time stop alone.

Play Emily, her Far Reach covers less distance and has an arc so you can't go that far forward

Of course I have it.

1- manual save at the puzzle
2- side with one of the factions
3- get the code
4- load manual save and introduce code
5- eureka!

you can fling yourself on wide distances if you use the momentum of the Far Reach.

Working on them.

>that buggy ass "songs" achievement.

>Random bitch comes into your castle
>Claims to be the current Empresses aunt and rightful heir to the throne
>Only evidence is her word and a promise from the old Emperor that was only told to her in secret with no one else around
>A large enough amount of people actually go along with it in order to do a coup on the new Empress
>While all this happens the Royal Protector has no idea what's going on
Put me off of the game actually.

He can just use a tranq dart.
Unless you can Pucci your way around timestop, it's invincible.

So I kinda managed to make the game look a bit better thanks to reshade:
You can get my ini file here:

>Put the file in your Dishonored 2 folder (where exe is)
>Install and execute Reshade :
>Select the game exe
>Select direct3D 10+ as a library
>Accept to download the shaders.
>Launch the game and when you're ingame SHIFT + F2
>Select the profile "dh2" in the top bar

they went along with it because delilah offered them power if they helped in the cou, didnt matter if it was true or not

Any tips to get this shit working? I crash in the Sokolov level when I try to leave the mansion with him. I'm running pic related and the game had been working fine for me on medium, but now it crashes at the same point in the level everytime.

>Far Reach
Pulling enemies to you

Shits fun

>Want to play a stealth run where I kill people
>Always feel bad because they're just guards

>>Claims to be the current Empresses aunt and rightful heir to the throne
>>Only evidence is her word and a promise from the old Emperor that was only told to her in secret with no one else around
>>A large enough amount of people actually go along with it in order to do a coup on the new Empress

This was set up beforehand, she didn't show up and go "Lol guys i'm the boss now". All those guards were plants.

I'll wait on the whole modding of it to get it pretty until they fix the trash ass framerates. I hover around 50, sometimes drop down to high 30's. It's awful.

They do a pretty good job of making the guards in this game seem like irredeemable pieces of shit if you use the Heart. These aren't the hapless goofballs from MGS, a lot of them are straight up human garbage.

>Guards are traitors
Traitors deserve no sympathy.

is there anything more satisfying than the falling stealth kill?

>Emily is a pansexual slut who fucks everyone who moves
>Meagan is bisexual with a strong female preference
>Delilah is a lesbian
>Breanna is a lesbian
>All the witches are lesbians, actually
>But there's not a single LGBT dude bar one Overseer in a letter

Sucking enemies in to the air with far reach never, ever gets old

Gay dudes are gross while gay chicks are cute.

>All the witches are lesbians, actually

Wrong. In the final level you can listen in on a witch talking to herself about getting dicked.

How much guards i can kill in first Dishonored without going high chaos?
Especially if i will use non-lethal methods to remove my targets?

>tfw poor as fuck and can't afford to upgrade my GTX 570

Basically just want to upgrade for this game

reminder that if you need to use dark vision for stealth you are a drooling retard who shouldn't be allowed to play video games.

>How much guards i can kill in first Dishonored without going high chaos?

You have to kill over 20% of everybody in the game, civilians included, to get high chaos.

>Gay dudes
Nothin' gross about jackin' off with a bro, bro.

Hey guy I have a question. Why is the outsider helping the main characters in both games? Draud and Delilah are marked too but you can kill them anyways. Why the Outsider didnt help them? Why did he marked them in first place?

Emily is my daughterfu not some slut

You can kill 4 or 5 guards in each level probably and get away with it but you need to be careful.

"Emily is a pansexual slut who fucks everyone who moves"

The outsider gives his mark to people who interest him. He has neutral morality and just watches what happens.

>every game
>25 different lesbians with 25 unique flavors
>1 MAYYBE 2 whole fags
>they're just toggled as Bisexual average every mans
>same voicework for either with pronouns swapped
>boring as fuck
>not a single giant muscled bear top or bottom
>no ultra faggy cocklusting slut twinks and traps

Fuck every rainbow haired whore that makes this trash.

Even so, it's interesting that he gives Daud the lead he needs to take out Delilah and save Emily.

Perhaps the Outsider thought everything Daud did to stop Delilah would more interesting than letting her be the new ruler

Must be a sucker for redemption stories.
Actually I think a quote of his says as much, that rarely his gift is used for redemption.

Aren't marked people immune to time stop? In the 1st game, Daud can still move in corvos time stop, same with Delilah in the DLC

Delilah actually can't move when Daud stops time.
source: played Brigmore Witches like 2 days ago

Did they explain how delilah survived the dlc finale?

Thank daud for that, time stopping mid air is sick nasty

>playing with powers

Anyway, do guard coinpurses count towards the overall loot value of a level? I remember in Thief/2, the total loot value didn't count purses, and they counted "Pockets Picked" as a separate stat. I'm asking because I just finished the second mission with 500g missing, even though I was pretty meticulous about looting and robbing everything. I tended to avoid all the guard patrols, though, because I'm trying to ghost it.

Obviously I missed stuff regardless, since I don't think there were 50 guards in that level, much less 50 guards with pockets to pick.

New The Outsider is fucking stupid.

Has zero mystique, new voice actor sucks, new look sucks, Emily sucks, voice acting for NPCs sucks.

6/10 is dishonored the Dishonored IP.

>I remember in Thief/2, the total loot value didn't count purses,
Except this is wrong.

Why doesn't Emily wear Corvo's creepy mask? I feel like she'd need it more considering she's the Empress.

It would be misogynistic to conceal her female identity.

Because its not hers.

>aim just past the enemy
>fly at fucking mach 3
>entire level turns their head and goes hunting




How is this game running on PC now? I have a gtx 970 memeedition


I have this card, running fine but i'm always lucky with performances

If you don't mind those sweet sweet 30 frames cascading down your eyeballs then it's fine.

This card fucking sucks. I only have an Fx6300 though so anything more is useless. Oh well. Time to build a new pc. Not because of this fucking retarded garbage though. I've read no one can run this game proper.

Not only is Blink still broken, but the stealth and AI is still broken too.

The Dishonored games are babby's first stealth and assassination series.

Holy shit this looks so bad. Unfinished levels of broken.

>retard tries to make a joke every 2 seconds
who the hell watches this shit

>playing on console
maybe he should kill himself?

Didn't play the first, do I have to to understand what's happening and how shit does it play on console?

>playing a console orientated game made for console players
Alert the presses! Behead the heathen!

Hold on, I just killed Delilah in the Brigmore Witches. Dishonored 2 ignores that? Actually, is there a way to import or choose the things you did in the first game?