This is a Hidden Gems thread

This is a Hidden Gems thread

Criminally underrated.


Glad I supported their early access
felt 50/50 about it

I didn't back, apparently it launched as a complete mess but one year later it is fantastic.

monitoring this thread

you best show me some good video games i didn't know about

Made me cry.

what about a game that makes you smile instead

Tears aren't always a bad thing. Little Inferno is highly recommended. As for a game that makes me smile: Endless Ocean.

+ zero gear
Both games are extremely fun with friends


For that fucking soundtrack

speaking of which, despite the massive uproar about this game at the time i almost never see it mentioned any more

which is a shame - it's not the 10/10 GOAT that people said it was, but it's a great puzzle game with some top notch design


let me just break out my 360

>not for the Golems
>not for the crusades on demand
>not for the ninjas

I don't even like tower-defense games. The FPS was solid, with good customization for lots of options.



Tи квo?

i enjoyed the silly story, design and voice acting of this game, but the gameplay was nothing more than mediocre imo

i only played it to completion because it was my first ps4 game

Holy shit. Someone else has played this gem.