What's the best way to ask a gamer girl out?

What's the best way to ask a gamer girl out?

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>hey, wanna hang out?
that it. trying not to look like an sperg also helps a lot

>I will always let you controller me
>but with you I am in burnout paradise
What did she mean by this?


>I will always let you DualShock™ me




She's down for double penetration

>I will always let you DualShock™ 3 me
there, you missed an important piece it should clear up any confusion

>even with in

>I will always let you Dualshock 3 me.

It's not controller, you dingus, it's a DualShock. She will always let him hook up electrical contacts to her nipples.

And they're in Burnout Paradise; that's pretty self-explanatory. They're in the paradise for burnouts, which is a roundabout way of saying "high on heroin."

Does this smell like chloroform to you?

4 in the pink, 2 in the stink

People hardly build enough of a relationship with the girl they like to illicit asking them to hang out

>you ate my destiny
I will never understand grills.

What makes you think it's a girl?

>you will never be a girl and get this card from a nerd and make fun of him before showing it to stacy during your weekly pounding from tyrone and chad

Is there a hole in the bottom of this burlap sack?

Pretty much this.

But I need to have a talk with our resident Sup Forumsirgins first.

"Real gamer girls" are usually introverted to some extent, so the only guys who get them are the extroverts who can carry conversation with them and make them feel secure and safe.

If the girl likes you, they'll cling to you because of your confidence and the emotional security that you provide them.

When you can definitely tell that they like you, that's when you pull the trigger and ask them out. It can be really quick (less than a week), or a long time (a month) depending on the girl and circumstance.

Even if it's a guy - only a bitch can make something like this




Tell them that you hate video games

Talk to them like a normal human being.

I date an introvert and this is 100% true. Introverts like extroverted people who can do shit like complaining in restaurants for them. My GF doesn't even like phoning the chinese takeaway so I do that too. I imagine most gamer girls to be that way.

If you're also an introvert you'll end up getting cucked by a guy who isn't scared to order her dumplings.

>We will stand together even if we get attacked by "mini ninjas" or "Dark Souls"
What did she mean by this?

>move to school across the country
>finally able to start over and be a new person
>meet this one girl
>get her number, snapchat, etc
>we talk almost everyday
>finally about to ask her out officially
>her friend tells me she has a boyfriend already
I'm so sick of falling for girls I can't get with Sup Forums please help

I'm embarrassed to say I know where that pic is from


As cringy as that is, it's still better than the endless solitude and bitterness I endure. I think I'd enjoy a cringy gamer gf.

>but with you I am in Burnout Paradise

what did she mean by this

>want to ask girl out
>about to make a move
>overhear her talking about how she is going on a date the weekend with her BF
glad I just dodged that bullet

It's a modern interpretation of the 14 words.

>tfw no introverted gf to contact once a month for sex.
I want to be loved and to love but not all the time.

I just assume now that every single even slightly attractive girl already has a boyfriend.
It comes up in conversation or in passing sooner or later.

I've yet to be wrong with that assumption.

>Finally work up the courage to ask girl I like out

That wasn't even good. I like some corny things but that's just fucking stupid

What's hard to understand?

Dark souls, as in, people of ill intentions, "bad guys"

>I will always let you Dualshock 2 me
what did she mean by this

Most introverted girls are usually super horny all the time.

Now you say that I think youre right. For most part women will get picked up by another guy as soon as they are done crying about their last loss.

That's a dualshock 3 you fucking retard

Hello dingdongs. It clearly means 'I will always let you play with me.'


B-but...I don't have a boyfriend

Are you attractive?
Is a boyfriend even something that you want?

taking hormones and cutting off your peepee doesnt make you a girl

>slightly attractive girl
hmm i wonder why

make small talk and ask her to get lunch

Same here. Every girl has a boy/girlfriend. Some people are just meant to be alone.


make small lunch and ask her to get talk

>can make small talk
>fall apart miserably trying to get more than a passing conversation

Holy shit you moron.
"I will always let you control me."

>ask her for lunch
>h-ha, no user
>wonders if you snapped that moment and will shoot up the uni later that week


My current girlfriend kept giving me "that look" at my old job at Wawa. One day I gave her my number on a piece of paper. She texted me, I set up a date, and we've been together for two years. It's that fucking easy.

If it was a chatathalon, I'm sure you'd bring home the gold.

The best way is separate the fact she plays games and the fact that she's a girl. When you talk about games don't flirt with her because then its obvious you're only interested because "gamer grill". They're used to being hunted because they play games and have a vagina. Then you flirt with her regularly and don't be an autist about it. Just when you're going out with her you have to be able to deal with the orbiters.

Get her drunk and offer her eggs in the morning.

>attacked by mini ninjas or dark souls facebook epic gamers

>plenty of girls out there who just want a fuck
>havent had a "proper" gf in ages

i just wanna lay in an empty room listening to music and feeling comfortable in each others company ;__;;

Take her to a dumpster.

>Be attractive
>"Wanna Smash?"


>try to ask a girl out
>"Ahaha. user, I think you should just be grateful with the amount of attention I already give you."

Holy shit I thought I was the only one. My girlfriend hates conflict and avoids making any sorta scene. Didn't know she was an introvert. Oh well, gamer girls are cool.


>you know I had such a strange experience this week
>what do you mean stacy
>well this guy wanted to just sit with me and chill
>yeah thats what I said, so I asked him if he wanted to fuck and he said no
>He knows that I have John as just a friend and I use him as my crying shoulder without fucking him but for some reason he wanted that too
>strange stacy, sounds like he is fucking someone else
>So I asked him if he wanted something more extreme, like I could call up some guys so they can run a train on me, you know, chad that I fuck on the side, but he didnt want that either

What did he mean by this?


>attractive man who plays a lot of games
>"How cute, he has a playful side!"
>unattractive man who plays a lot of games
>"Ew, what a loser."

nigga, what'chu tryna tell me

spit it out in one simple sentence or less

did you see that movie about the guys who were pretending to be comic book heroes

that shit is hilarious, who in their right mind would dress up stark fucking naked and be that full of shit


fuck you

Can you not read or is that a joke

Modern day girls just want to be fucked silly and will bother with children and feeling secure once they're 35

r u ok

i still dont know what you're getting at

oh nothing I guess then

but you should probably see it

This post...makes me feel really, really sad. This is me on so many levels.

>can you please get out?

She meant "I will always let you gamepad me

We haven't even gone full /b'aww/ yet

least you didn't get steak and a blowjob courted

Nothing you throw at me would be as sad as thinking of my own life.

>no nintendo series
This is the most disgusting part

>that moment you come to terms with your shitty life and laugh at others as they try their best and fail

Nah, I never give up, I'll just fail until I'm dead.

that's literally the story to a play

Well its not a very original thought.
But that is life, mundane.

well the subtext is that the guy is floundering with tepid relationships and ironically, it's the guy who is too bright/spicy

You really shouldnt. The moment you are on the sidelines laughing with the other failures to the few stupid fucks that still try is the moment you stop feeling depressed. Trying hard and feeling powerless even though you try is a lot more draining than not trying

I'm through that user, I did it for almost a decade.
I regret that decade.

offer to suck her penis

>go to small Christian school for 12 years.
>Have friends that are girls that I would go to movies alone with and took to prom but the environment was not conducive for dating.
>Every girl I got to know after high school was taken.
> Introverted now and not many opportunities to meet new people.
>Try tinder-like dating app.
>Get some matches.
>Girls have to make first contact.
>They never do.
>I am the abyss.

Because assuming you're not ugly or fat, you just plain don't want a boyfriend.
At least not a realistic one.

sure you go champ, ill be here if you crash and burn again

>tfw you will never be an extrovert
>tfw the only way a relationship could work is if the girl was the extrovert


Everything I do in life is crashing and burning constantly, it feels like shit, but living life given up only worked as long as I had something to occupy me.
Maybe its growing up, maybe its my clinical depression - but I don't have that anymore so in the end, waking up in the morning means I'm alredy "trying".