Post your favorite villager

Ill start

Other urls found in this thread:

Best villager with glass bones and paper skin reporting in!


>tfw no decent art


this is my cat
she has been my cat ever since i laid eyes on her in AC GCN

She was my love interest in the GC one.


best neighbor is pic related

Lolly came very close.


Why do I feel like this is from a porn flash
God-tier taste in character and porn

\Why does everyone want to fuck Ankha?

this one and Marshal

Gwen is way better

>he hasn't seen the flash

Why don't YOU want to fuck Ankha?

pretty hyped to have her in my town since I remember her from the fanime

got that wise older sister vibe

reasons, user

pic related or Lucky
this guy, too


absolutely 100% Lucky

Best fucking mummypuppy

What flash?


shes my fav bitch


your as retarded as him

least I aint in denial.

stitches gets bitches



Fuck you, they're mine


a best

I'd have to say this is my favorite inhabitant. She reminds me of myself.





no she aint

I am vaguely amused that both Lucky and Stitches are in this thread, as a long time ago, a writefag did three porn stories for this board

Lucky and Stitches was one of those three

This was for commemoration two years ago(I think the story was written like 8 years back)

yes I had to censor it you terrible people

Alright you fags, now which two of your villagers did you ship?



Bunnie was one of my first villagers when I got City Folk.

i also learned about villagers moving out because of her :^([/spoilers]

Tutu came in at a close second.

>a writefag did three porn stories for this board
>im-fucking-plying that's not why we love them


Drago and Ankha
They mention each other a lot


lucha best burd

my nigga! him and frobert were the BOYS

where my swole mother fuckers at?

posting more of my best bitch


Fang, Rolf, Lucky and Melba are close contenders.

>tfw Bea used to be my go-to for quaint, down to earth dog
>Daisy is the new one now

Daisy's not so bad.

>get invited to Whitneys B-Day party
>on the 17'th of this month

Am I legitimately going to have to make plans for this.

fucking furries need to kill themselves

animals in games are for fucking children

fucking degenerates

>animals in games are for fucking children
filthy pedo

>someone else liking Frobert
my fucking nigga

Reminds me of /r9k/

>tfw there will never be a more immersive ACNL
>with actual unique conversations
>and a more FPS-esque view
>the kind of world that draws you into it and makes it feel like home
i liked acnl, i just wanted more from it.

just animal crossing, dunno why i put acnl

just wait for fully immersive 3d headsets with motion tracking and working humanistic AI


I like that cock with the armor and low voice


Apollo is cute. CUTE!


my heart

Lolly gave me her cherry one time.


I don't know why, but he was always my bro in WW, and the one villager I never wanted to leave

I never see any love for the octopi. Marina is a cute

How would you rate this current New Leaf town?

I like Dotty and Ruby a lot. Close seconds to Sally and Pecan.
my favorite personality type is cranky

I get the feeling that most people's favorite was one of their starting villagers.

I can't believe no one has posted the best Animalfu, Francine.


Coco is the cutest.

Get outta here, Vinny.

Can a human and animal find love together?

It's not. There's just a set of suggestive and lewd picture involving Dianna. They're great

not until Nintendo implements dating elements into Animal Crossing

My nigga Pietro

How the fuck has nobody said Blaire

Do you think love can bloom, even in the village?

Best Cat and best villager

Filbert and Blue Bear

I sure hope so

what more did you want from it?
I thought the music could have been better, and the conversations get a little repetitive.

Kek, Stiches was my favourite as a kid and one day he get sick and I kept giving him meds every day and he wouldn't get better and it made me sad

forgot pic

damn straight

I wanted more to do, I just got bored. I wanted a kind of homey feel where I'd find reasons to just spend hours sitting inside a virtual home talking to make believe characters and it wouldn't be just me making due with what they made, but it would be a part of the game.

I know that's vague, but I dunno how else to say it.

Motherfucking Ganon. I don't care if you have to pay to have him. He is best bro.

I was bored so sent silly little love letters to this cat and then after my friend visited my town, she moved to his and showed him some of my letters, I've never been so humiliated.

The problem is there's only like 4 of them. They're rare as fuck. Meanwhile we have about 20+ cats.

Ganons such a asshole

I love it

>all your favorite villagers move out
>the ones you don't like always stay
can i kick them out and use the amiibo cards to bring back my favorite villagers?

My nigga. I've had Bunnie in every town I've ever made. She stalks me relentlessly from system to system.