So, what is the best indie game to date?

So, what is the best indie game to date?

I feel like we got stuck in pic related and from there everything went downhill.

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man i forgot this existed.

Yeah its good for sure, very athmoshperic. What was the story again?

Probably World of Goo. Everything about it was incredibly well done, I only wish it was a bit longer.
I have a soft spot for VVVVVV, though

Hotline Miami.

I actually just recently played through this. I didn't really care for it too much, at least not enough to run ocd on all the stages. The puzzle mechanic is interesting and well designed, but the physics just seem a bit trying sometimes. Also, sometimes it takes a while to build a structure, only for something to go wrong, sometimes because of what the goo ends up attaching to changes at the last second, and being forced to restart from scratch, which drags things a bit. Also, picking goos up can be a frustrating, especially when you have to move quick, whistle doesn't help much.

I'm playing the marvelous miss take now, and I don't really like it at all, again good design idea, but random movement means you're rolling the dice a bit, and there's no real leeway either perfect or don't bother, it's not like you get punished. The controls are infuriating.

I'd rather play binding of isaac.

its to hard


Insurgency is pretty neat too.

Cave story.
Everyone else's opinions are wrong


Best track?

Literally Touhou
Hate it, love it, doesn't fucking matter, this is objectively true. No indie games give you so many hours of play (not necessarily fun,) have followings this big, and this long-lasting.

Also unbelievable amount of porn gives big bonus credit.


>from there everything went downhill

I know this is a "spoon feed me please" thread but if you put in any effort to even just look at the super indies that got loads of PR it's pretty easy to find games of comparable quality

is a series, not an individual game.


touhou 10

even if they only play the beginning part in the game it's still the best

I was going to agree with you that in terms of social impact, touhou series is the highest; but then I remembered Minecraft

Do the guys who made it ever talked about a sequel. Seems lite they broke up and are doing other stuff separatelly now.


What? No. I have two games on my WiiU by them. Little Inferno was made a few years ago, and Human Resource Machine was made more recently.

They aren't as good as World of Goo but they're fine games. Little Inferno doesn't have a whole lot going on regarding gameplay but it had a nice atmosphere and sense of humor. The charm really carries the game but it feels like a cellphone title. Human Resource Machine is great but it's a bit of a misfire in presentation compared to the other two. It looks bland and takes a couple puzzles to really get going but once it does it's a lot of fun.

Overall they were both disappointing after World of Goo but they were quality enough for me to remain a fan. World of Goo was a huge addiction for me back when it came out and this is the only developer I support by blindly purchasing games at full price on day of release.