Deciding between Xbone and PS4

>deciding between Xbone and PS4
>everyone says go for PS4, Sony 'won this gen'
>however most games are on both platforms anyway
>xbox controller layout seems much more comfy than ps - most games use the stick, and so having the stick in the top left is more natural and less stressful

Give me a November 2016 list of reasons to choose the PS4 over the Xbone.

I own both.

Both are shit 2bh

If its more natural to have a strick on top left then why is the most important stick for aiming on the bottom right??????? Never understood this argument how the xbox sticks are better.

You're going to be using the left stick a fuckload more than the right stick no matter what game you play, which is why it's on top, because it's the natural position for your thumb. Sony still seems to think players use the D-pad more.

Go Xbone unless you are seriously into weeb games.

You get backwards compatibility with 360 and all games you get will work on Scorpio.

thats a fucking dumb reason because any fps game im using both sticks just as much. the right stick might be used less in some games but its the most important for others. its the fucking aiming stick so how can you justify that its not as important as the other???? it only proves you microcucks will believe anything.

>buy the $300 dollar console
>buy the $700 dollar console a year later.

Your argument is stupid.

Just wait for the Switch. It's already confirmed it has the best controller.

I'm still waiting for a response on why the right stick is pointless compared to the left.

PS4 if you like Last of Us, Uncharted and Knack

Xbox is you like Halo, Gears of War and COD

PC for everything else

There is really just ONE option OP.

I own both also, but they aren't shit.

The Xbone controller is absolutely better tho.

Discounting Scorpio vs Pro.

Multi-plat games 99% of the time look and perform better than the XB1 versions. If you're into online multiplayer, the PS4 version nearly always has a much higher playerbase.

Only dumb Americans fall for the Xbox meme.

Build a PC and then buy this baby if you want.

Only genuine morons have a console that requires to PAY FOR ONLINE.

Fucking peasants.

>buy pic related
>use any controller you want with ps4

You don't have to buy the Scorpio the day it comes out retard. Wait a couple of years when the price drops and there are more games.

forgot pic*

the Switch is the console of choice for nu-males

He's employing the retard logic that console babbies use, claiming PC gamers "have to" buy a new $500 GPU every year.

I went PS4 since I don't have a gaming PC and multiplats tend to run a little better on it. I also like Sony's exclusives more than Microsoft's.

>Trusting Nintendo right away after they've spent the last few generations bending their fanbase over the table and going in dry.

>He's employing the retard logic that console babbies use, claiming PC gamers "have to" buy a new $500 GPU every year.
Not every year, but it's a $500 per worthwhile PC game release (which happens every three to five years).

>Build a PC

This is the main barrier to entry for me. Having to order all the individual parts and put it together sounds like the opposite of fun to me.

>Xbone has all the multiplats
>PS4 has all the multiplats and all the exlusives
tough choice

Order off a site like PCPartPicker, they'll all come together. Then you spend an hour tops putting it together.

I'd never done it before but I just followed some video guides on Youtube.

No, fuck off. I don't give a shit what you waste your money on.

>Last Guardian
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza 6
>Gravity Rush 2
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata

Yeah that's 7 great games coming up just in the span of 3 months. Plus Horizon could be good, I doubt it but hey.

>inb4 weeb shit hurrr
Most of these games are not weeb shit (arguably Persona 5 is), but more or less western looking.

>all these xbot shills
I thought you guys all died of embarrassment as soon as the bone was revealed.

I've tried that site before but found the layout really confusing.

No they just spend more time actually playing their console instead of shitposting "never ever" on a Mongolian cave painting board

>This is the main barrier to entry for me. Having to order all the individual parts and put it together sounds like the opposite of fun to me.
Buy a prebuilt PC.
Learn everything that's wrong with it.

If you are so bend on getting a Shitbone despite everyone else telling you to get a PS4, then just get a Shitbone you retarded, spineless, worthless mongoloid and don't pester us with your pathetic omega cuck indecisiveness.

I own all the consoles and bro that shit is weebshit as fuck. Literally Last Guardian is the least of the bunch.

It's a pretty bad interface, but it's retard proof.

I'm buying into PS4 for the exclusives.

That's really the only thing that should ever make you buy a console - the actual fucking games it has.

They both suck.

Nice try, but everyone knows they don't have anything to play.

Saw a commercial for the xbone last night, it's "THE ONLY CONSOLE WITH HDR!"

Microsoft wouldn't lie, get the better console.

It's not even out yet jesus christ

I own both and buy all my multiplats on Xbox One. Xbox still has the better interface and achievements are more satisfying than trophies to me.

Which is more valuable, fun games or HDR?

Fun games but both consoles are lacking in that department.

i dont have a fucking idea, im in same shit like you ,I can not decide what to buy. maybe wait for scorpio ?

Just got rid of an Xbone collecting dust for 2 years and got PS4 Pro. If you have a PC don't even think about getting X1 and even if you don't, there is really not much going for it anyway besides superior controller, better GOLD games and maybe EA Access if you're into that stuff. Everything else is simply inferior on the Xbox. Only thing I really miss is the X1 controller. It's unbelievable how Sony is getting away with the same shitty controller for 20 years.