ITT we propose how to fix this guy
My suggestions?
>Nerf his hook to have a longer cooldown
>Don't let him one shot off a hook
>ult longer to charge
>give him 100 less health
There. He's less of a broken piece of shit.
ITT we propose how to fix this guy
My suggestions?
>Nerf his hook to have a longer cooldown
>Don't let him one shot off a hook
>ult longer to charge
>give him 100 less health
There. He's less of a broken piece of shit.
Remove him from the game
This would work too.
>tfw he can't win against a fucking roadhog
What are you, diamond?
I think he's pretty balanced what with no shield or armor.
>low diamond players
Shoot his giant fat head.
Getting hooked is you own fault.
OP here. I don't play ranked. You don't need to play ranked to know what's broken. It's so obvious.
You should just fix yourself and git gud
shouldn't you be on to your next flavor of the month shooter casual?
One shotting with the hook is half the reason he even exists, you can't get rid of that.
They could make the hooks hit box less retarded though
Then that's exactly why you don't win against hogs, you need a coordinated team, which you just don't get in qp.
If you know what's "broken" then you should also know counters.
So, don't bitch a about a team based game, if you have no team.
>Uninstall Overwatch
>Play a game where the main mechanics aren't insta kills on cooldowns
Seriously, thats all this game is.
they just need to fix the fucking hitboxes
if that shit flies into the corner of my vision, or even above me, i should not be teleported into it.
Play Reaper faggot
This, getting hooked around corners or through walls is annoying
make the hook hitbox not the size of a trailer truck.
400 HP. There, done.
Maybe you should get someone on your team who isn't a shitter
Without his hook he is basically useless so it's not getting nerfed.
Roadhog is like, one of the worst heroes in this game. He is 100% ENTIRELY reliant on the hook to be viable in any game, and is a ult charging machine for the other team.
The hook sucks and isn't fun to play against because it takes the control away from the player and it's an unfun mechanic, sure, but it's janky as fuck and roadhog is pretty much trash outside of it. he needs an entire rework in my opinion. He's flawed because his entire character revolves around a flawed mechanic
>Her resurrect is no longer her 'e' ability
>Can only resurrect one ally at a time, takes about 3-4 seconds
>If Mercy is killed why rezzing the resurrect fails
>15 second cool down so you have to prioritize who to rez
>new ult
>like a reverse zarya ult
>causes all alive allies to instantly teleport to where mercy is
The only thing I think is broken right now is Mei's ult but I think thats more of a problem with the game itself and less with it actually being broken
he doesnt need to be nerfed
if you need to put effort to oneshot someone its no a problem
meant "her resurrect is NOW her e ability"
>causes all alive allies to instantly teleport to where mercy is
This is by far the most retarded idea I've ever seen.
ITT: Bad players confuse a solid character that is just above average with OMG BROKEN TIER
Shit thread
What's the best (non-event) Lucio skin?
I bought the purple hockey one for 1000 coins
I like but there was another I just got that I also like
That's dumb, here is a better idea.
>Mercy's ult is unchanged except that she can now rez individual targets for a large portion of her ult meter by pressing q on a dead ally
>Her full ult is activated by holding Q for slightly longer.
the hockey ones are really good, mostly because he yells "C'mon, drop the gloves" when you get melee kills which is a super nice touch. i also like that one epic skin that makes it look like he has sunglasses on.
Just use froze
Tempted to get Ribbit as I've been playing him so much but I'm not sure
But he's shit. He's basically a TF2 spy with no disguise, no cloak, and double the volume and double the need to have people not turn around. He's a worse flanker than Tracer due to how slow he is.
I dont like Mercy's team ults
Its not fun and I think its bad from gameplay perspective
It might be alright if it weren't for how the game is played, but whatever. Just having her hide behind a wall or quickly fly in from spawn just to rez everyone is really annoying.
>searching for a game
>elapsed time: 4:23
you're playing him wrong
reaper is probably the best dps in the game right now
Stop playing, That fixes everything wrong with the game.
everyone is on the ptr
>competitive overwatch
>literally raping the hog
If you want roadhog retooled, you have to make some compromises.
If they nerf his hook, either by cooldown or range, they have to buff his gun.
either give him a faster reload or +2 to his clip size. Allow him to be able to spray metal constantly until he is geared for a insta kill.
i'd be okay with having a bit more fire power.
you know at 3k you at the top 10% of people right?
Reaper is arguably the most reliable offense hero in this game. Stop playing him like a flanker. Genji and Tracer are flankers because they have the mobility for it. Get on the front lines with your team and do an absolute fuck-ton of damage, and then wraith away when things get hairy. Only flank to high grounds when you have the element of surprise to drop on people with your ult.
The amount of damage reaper can deal to the other team is insane, just stay with your tanks and healers and absolutely obliterate the front line. Pick your engagements, stop complaining and learn to play smart instead of lone wolf
>literally not a problem in higher-ranked games
The problem is obviously you.
Then how do you do your job as Reaper when
>Non-shitters just literally turn 180 degrees
>Shitters have turrets and "HEY HEY I GOT SOMEBODY" automated measures.
Sombra has more means to get around, but has nodamage by proxy.
>Get nanoblossom and watch everyone die
>two shot every fucking guy around, 4 shot tanks
>invulnerability for several seconds
>teleports behind u
>heal from kills
>Has problem with turrets as Reaper
That's okay kid, there are always bot matches.
>>causes all alive allies to instantly teleport to where mercy is
Your other ideas were pretty stupid, but I can't even fathom how you think that's a good idea. Especially since she's pretty much always in the back line so she'll only ever pull people off the objective.
>t. Mid to high diamond player
I'm only a low diamond player myself but this whole meme of disregarding the opinions of anyone that's 100 ELO below yourself is just a shitty form of e-peen display.
Stop flanking with reaper he literally isn't a flanker outside of his ult
It isn't SUPPOSED to be easy. It's supposed to be reliable if you're smart about it. You are not being smart about it. Even if you flank behind the enemy team and they don't notice you, you'll get MAYBE one kill before you get destroyed. Genji and Tracer are flankers because they can get that one pick and escape. Reaper CAN'T.
Stop flanking with him because you're completely playing him wrong and not taking his strengths into your advantage.
Dont focus so much on being behind them
Reaper does a shit ton of damage
Just get up close and blast them away
But that shit is primarily because of lag.
The only way to really fix that is if you turn his hook into fuckin hitscan. Do you really want that?
What a shitbag
They aren't the problem. The problem is they draw attention and get me caught by local players.
I can deal with them, Why bother arguing. I know I'm bad, and you'll just keep calling me as such. Fuck off.
Duly noted. He's not a flanker. This was my problem.
Yeah okay. At least then he actually has to hit the enemy, instead of throwing his hook 6 feet to the left of a target behind a wall.
Allow shooting while hooked at an accuracy penalty
Remove animation breaking while hooked.
Reduce hook hitbox size.
Decrease hook cooldown,
Buff Bastion.
>Can only resurrect one ally at a time, takes about 3-4 seconds
>If Mercy is killed why rezzing the resurrect fails
>15 second cool down so you have to prioritize who to rez
so in team fights nothing would happen, she wouldnt be able to heal anyone because she's too buisy standing still resurecting the tank. but of course then shes an easy target so she would die and so would the rest of the team because she's incapable of healing for 4 seconds
>like a reverse zarya ult
>causes all alive allies to instantly teleport to where mercy is
what for? she can only heal one person at a time so what fucking use is it if all nearby alies are teleported to mercy? oh and not to mention the whole team becomes a huge target for aoe so good job mercy, you've just wiped us or made us an easy setup for a zarya or mei ult.
you're fucking retarded m8
Zen is roadhogs counter and he does an excellent job of it already.
>you need a coordinated team to beat a hog
Come on dude. You dont need a whole fuckin team to take down one character. Knowing his kit and hook range, you should be able to solo him with most characters.
>lets fix whats not broken
You should work at blizzard desu
>>causes all alive allies to instantly teleport to where mercy is
How the fuck could you think this was a good idea in a game like overwatch? Please never design vidya.
Put the tip of a pin right inside his belly-button.
>you will never fuck a Roadhog cosplayer
Why even live?
He's not a hard counter because he gets instakilled by the hook like all supports, but he does help. Webm mostly unrelated.
>roadhog broken
Why do I keep seeing these threads? Hog isnt even near top picked in pro matches. hes easy as fuck to head shot. He gets hard countered by reaper. Are most people on Sup Forums silver?
prevent him from moving while he hooks, most of the hooks through walls happens as a result of him being able to move while he hooks.
>just want to get into ranked play so I can enjoy the game consistently
>7mins to find a game
Literally never going to reach l25
>like all supports
HAH good one
name one that it doesn't kill
Ana you mongoloid
How could you forget ana?
Hahahahaha nigga how do you even get hooked by roadhog hahahah stay away from him like run away nigga hahah
(he's is finely balanced. his entire purpose is to nuke overly agressive offense. stay away retard genji main)
I'm 99% certain his shotgun blast fires quicker than her sleeping dart if he isn't retarded.
I don't play Roadhog much theses days, but apparently people have discovered that by hooking someone and immediatly looking at your side when you do the "pull" gesture, you can bring characters significantly closer, so characters like Ana can be OS with some timing.
Remove his pants from the game.
Leave it to Sup Forums to overdo it.
Road is great on paper, issue is it's just too damn easy to land the hook.
Simply make the hook a projectile and not hitscan, and he's good to go.
Seriously makes me sick how fucking bad you faggots are at balancing.
>hook no longer stuns the player, only drags them
wow so hard
nothing will fix this game's shitty netcode though, sorry blizzkiddies
nah man it aint that, its her hitbox/model. Shes so thin that most of the scatter just hits air. Whatever health she does take comes right back since she'll palm a bio-nade point blank.
really now? and youve seen it work?
I rarely see ana go down to a hog.
I wouldnt settle for anything less than the real thing.