Ok guys, I love rpgs, installing Tyranny right now, what am I in for?

Ok guys, I love rpgs, installing Tyranny right now, what am I in for?

pls lets keep the sjw bullshit out of this thread, I know most of you all are just trolling.

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hope you like social justice and deviantart


Don't listen to all these shitters user, its much more compelling than pillars. Gameplay is alot more fun too

that's good to hear bro, I didn't like much Pillars

You're either a cockgobbling obshitter or you'll hate it because it's objectively terrible, there's no middleground.

you have such shit taste, nobody is surprised really

>implying people loved Pillars

Hey I actually installing Pillars now with all DLC to give it another go

A bland but short adventure.

>what am I in for?
Blueballing yourself at the ending. Wait a year or so for a full game.

It's unbelievable convoluted trash. Can't believe people like these types of games.
>real-time combat

Standard obsidian game, you wander around based off no plot in particular experiencing muh lore and muh worldbuilding until the game concludes poorly.

A short and fun rpg. Don't let the kids stop you from enjoying it.

Can anyone tell me a build that works for normal mode?
starting stats

>what am I in for?
The most frustrating combat in any Obsidian game. Either you go Story mode and it's a joke, or Normal and above and every enemy has tons of hp and damage.
Story is good.
Do NOT listen to the morons crying about it being a SJW-fest. It's only trolls.

>Do NOT listen to the morons crying about it being a SJW-fest. It's only trolls.
You really can't dispute it, this game is the Land of the Dead of video game political agenda pushing.

Literally anything works for normal mode.

Best MC builds:
2h melee max might and finesse, dump everything else
Mage that double dips into lightning or frost at the start, max wits and then either finesse(for stronger late game) or quickness(for stronger early game), max out lore every time you can with trainers

Shittiest builds:
Dual wield, like holy shit it's so bad that using one weapon with nothing in offhand is better in every way
Atrophy mage

General pointers:
Lore, athletics and subtlefurge are the most important skills to have high at the start

Thanks man.

You can punch and strangle women that look at you funny and the game rewards you for it, i don't see how that's pushing the SJW agenda.

Sure the game is filled with so strong no need for no man special snowlake females but that's just shitty writing in general.

It depends entirely on your class?

It's really great, first play-trough took me 25 hours. The only bad thing I can say about it is that the game ends very abrupt. I wouldn't even say the game actual ends proper, you just get a list of shit you'd much rather play out.

It's better than Pillars, but still suffers some major flaws. I still enjoyed my 19 hours with it

I hate how the UI doesn't tell me if I've already set a command or even let me queue commands.

Since the game has action Resolution thing, I sometimes just stare at my dude thinking "did I already tell this guy to do something or is he waiting for that invisible timer?"


>Let's have a thread about this game but can everyone please keep everything I don't want to hear about it out of the thread?
>This is a safespace where people only tell me what I want to hear

Fuck off to reddit faggot. It's SJW ridden like crazy. There may be exaggerations here and there but the general accusation stays true.

can you give me an example?


I want to do an Achilles character.

Now kys.

that's disgusting.

Holy shit. That is some god awful writing. Who the fuck audits this shit before it makes it out to the public?

Both the writer and auditor should be fired and blacklisted forever.

God damn. I wrote better imaginary stories when I was 5 and ripping off game manuals I read.

I've seen better writing on fucking erotic role play sites, Jesus Christ that bio is awful.

Are javelins good?

>He fell for the Tranny meme

>not acknowledging erotic fanfiction as supreme literature

...and the rest of the game is just as bad.

It's unresponsive trash
D:OS 2 is leagues better and it's still in EA

I feel like this is taken out of context and yet I also feel that there is no way this could be a legitimate question.

Who the fuck wrote this game for the writing to drop so terribly in quality from one game directly to the next?

>Lore, athletics and subtlefurge are the most important skills to have high at the start
>Lore, athletics and subtlefurge

i put 8 hours in this game before realizign its trash and dropping it. i really wanted to like it, i love isometric rpgs, i liked the artstyle and music and the locations are gorgeous but its just not fun and full of shitty gimmics. you can spend like 20 minutes during the character creation kmeticulously crafting your characters backstory as a fabled hero of the overlords army only to find out all it changes is mostly the name by which people of different factions refer to you and can mostly be reversed with a couple of dialogue choices in the initial stages. OH AND BY THE WAY, O CHAMPION OF KYROS ARMY, YOU'RE A LEVEL ONE GOON WHO STRUGGLES WITH PEASANTS. the combat is abysmal, 90% of the time is spent standing over an enemy waiting for your 0.3 attack per 10 turns, it has the most unsatisfying magic system ive ever seen and some absurd bullshit (this guy is a sage? make him attack by throwing quills that deal more damage than bow attacks). its legitimetly worse than planescape torment except there is no story to be invested in. you're running errands for one faction while pissing of the other. the scarlet chorus is something taken directly from deviant art sonic fanfiction written by infantile edgelords (your reputation will raise if you punch her in the face lol get it they're so brutal dude). fuck off.
there are two good things about this game: party-based combo attacks (except divinity did it far better) and in-dialogue highlights so it doesnt have to dump lore on you


Haven't played the game, but I'm pretty sure they are no spears only javs and they suck according to a few Anons.

If you want to role play someone like Achilles I would recommend Age of Decadence or the recently released Dungeon Rats.

the characters move so slow

The ending sucked. I was expecting to do a lot more, but then the game just ends, with no real story climax. Just feels lacking towards the end.


When will this meme end?

What's your opinion of D:OS 1? I've played about 10 hours of it and not much has happened, just dicking around the city. I'm starting to get bored

dont pause the game and it's just real time
problem solved!

Thought the combat was pretty solid, but the writing left much to be desired and the voice overs were putting me to sleep

Tyranny is secretly redpilled.

1. Lesbian couple - one of them kills another for inheritance and tries to play "males are evul" card and blame male soldier. You can literally burn her alive when you unveil her scheme.

2. Women inherit land in Tiers - but if you listen to Eb she tells you that main reason is "Women like to stay in one place and men like to fight, travel and change world around them". In other words - woman inherit land because in every house there is kitchen where women should stay.

3. Beastwomen - they are basicilly society of niggers ruled by matriarchy. They live in shitfilled holes.

4. You can kill every strong womyn. Most of those strong womyn are in fact as useless and stupid as males in this world.

You're actually a hero.

The entire time.

You're fake-villaining to pull a bullshit hero-card at the very end to foil the big bad.

That's all.

Shitty combat.

>Disfavored are reasonable blokes through 90% of the conquest stage
>through the first chapter they become entirely unreasonable retards while the batshit crazy rapist Scarlet Chorus fucks actually have good ideas and tactics
>have to choose which side to back, so I go with the Chorus because they aren't being little babies about everything
>Chorus immediately goes back to being batshit crazy twats that rape and eat people
>all the options to back out of it are options like "[Betray Alliance] I'm going to skin you alive!" or "[Betray Alliance] I'm going to kill you and take your gang for myself!"

I'm assuming that if you don't tell the people you backed to fuck off the moment you capture the tower, you're just straight fucked for the rest of the game.

Pillars is p. good actually. I think you're the minority here.

Literally saw this post on Sup Forums.

Apparently shills are not board specific.

First town is the worst. It's gets a little funner once you get the ball rolling for real. You need at least one magic user to truly take advantage of the combat system though.

kill yourself shill piece of shit
go tell the other boys at shitsidian customer service that white males made you do it before you take the shotgun shortcut out of your shit life

>worst rpg in the last 10 years
>buy it for 10 dollars
Is he retarded? If it's really that terrible at that point you would do better playing other rpgs or just replaying any good one.Playiong would be a waste of time.

give me some ideas for character then

>keep the sjw bullshit out of this thread
Maybe they should have kept it out of the game if that's what you want.

*The strong impressive woman cocks her head at you and scoffs with a mysterious smile, spitting on your boots as she rolls her massive muscles* You have a very tiny dick because you're male, now I'm going to talk about taking a shit with blood in it. Shut the fuck up.

How important is finesse for mages (specifically Lantry and Sirin)?

The most most important. Less for Sirin, anyway. Her main gimmick is singing.

[glare silently]

>Woman from the army sees peasant getting raped by Scarlet Chorus edgy fags
>Tries to stop it, ends up killing the rapers
>She gets raped by the gang leader
>Tunon gets mad at you if you don't sentence her to death for murdering the Steel Chorus who dindu nuffin
A-a-all hail K-Kyros

Interfering with Kyros' soldiers
Attacking soldiers of Kyros
Killing soldiers of Kyros

The sentence is pretty fucking clear. Maybe you shouldn't be a fatebinder if you can't respect the law.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck is Raping Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Raper Like Nigga Close Your Legs Hahaha

I like 'em. If your target is far, just chuck one to their chest. If they're near fucking wreck their ass at melee range. Best of both worlds desu. Thing is, when you throw it, it uses throwing skill but at melee uses the one-handed skill. So you're dipping into two different skill sets and won't be doing as much skill up as you can compared to the single weapon type dudes.

Uh, there's spear, there's just no one handed spear. All spears here are two handed. I guess it's balanced that way for reason above.

I'll try AoD and DR sometime after I finish my Pillars run.


I really wish we can be skellyprotags in D:OS 2.


Nah, I still got the option to betray the alliance later at Lethian's Crossing so I'm guessing each area lets you do the same.

>Megan Stark, Narrative Designer

I wonder

Did you talk to Tunon about the laws? All action done by Kyros' subjects that benefit Kyros' rule is legal.

You all do realize that Obsidian doesn't have those god-tier writers anymore, right? They've been bleeding them out since KotOR flopping, until all they had left was Avellone who pissed off after Eternity's release.

There's no point to pretending they have good writing anymore. The good writing went and left.

I'd be fine with that law if it wasn't for the fact he employed the complete edgy faggots in Scarlet Chorus which are inferior to the Disfavored in every way, who don't need to act like stupid edgy fags to get shit done.