>go to GameStop
>buy shit
Fucking GameStop.
Go to GameStop
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to Gamestop
>cashier has every hipster accessory you could possibly have
How does this happen? Is there a magazine they all buy?
>go to gamestop
>manager is a person I used to work with at best buy five years ago
>he's still a rad dude
>get my Zero Time Dilemma Watch four months late, but that's due to a snail and not FUCKING GAMESTOP
>>go to GameStop
>go to bed
>acshualy go to bread
fukin bart
>Go to thread
>It sucks
Fuckin Sup Forums
>open steam
>nothing to play
>open kickass
>nothing to play
>go to GameStop
>nothing to play
Where the fuck are all the videogames?
>go to gamestop
>just want to check out some amiibo
>literally the opposite of qt 3.14 girl comes up and asks me what I'm looking for
>tell her im just browsing around
>she pulls out her fucking tablet and demands for my pro member card to see if I have any deals available
>tell her it's not a big deal I'm just looking at amiibo today, maybe if she was cute
>her ugly face is legitimately upset
>give her my card because fuck it i guess
>"oh user you can save 20 dollars on an xbone controller if you pre-order this game"
>tell her I dont even own an xbone
>she gets even more upset at me
>goes on to tell me about 4 or 5 other deals
>fuck this
>I walk away from her and out of the store as shes trying to tell me about all my other exclusive deals, now almost yelling the information across the store
Fucking gamestop. I just wanted to get some amiibo I've been meaning to collect. I felt like I was being attacked.
>where the fuck is all the happiness?
GS by me has a QT cashier but don't want to make a move because she probably gets hit on daily by people with somehow uglier mugs than me.
The local Gamestop is about 2/3 toy store now because digital games mean they have fewer physical copies to sell, and of course they pestered me for a card when I wanted just one goddamned half-off discounted Pop vinyl. I shop there maybe once a year at best, I don't need a card. I hadn't even been into GS for about 3 damn years as it is.
>Live in Canada
>Go to EB Games
Fucking eb games
>pre-order Chess 2: Check Mate Edition
>GameStop says they never heard of it
Can I get my money back? Who else /chess2/ here?
>eb games
>go to GameStop
>walk out
>order shit on Amazon instead because fuck GameStop
why did I even walk into GameStop, anyway?
last time I did was for the Mew distribution
at $5 sale, they're okay, but even $10 retail is more than I can justify. And they probably had 200 of the things in that store.
Isn't it more expensive to order on amazon because shipping / handling tho?
then you have to be home and shit to accept the package and if you have a job that's next to impossible
I remember when they used to have PC games. Now it's just Blizzard shit. Went to buy a game there and the cashier told me "You know this is just a Steam key right?" I finally realized physical media was dead then on PC at least.
If you order more than a certain amount, you can get free shipping. It's usually like $25 or $30.
Holy shit you weren't being sarcastic.
Cancer kys.
Accept the package? Usually they just leave it next to my door or somewhere on the porch and I pick it up when I get home. If it's small enough and shipped by USPS they just put it in the mailbox.
>[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]
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>File: IMG_6874.jpg (33 KB, 278x209)
>33 KB
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:20:20 No.357639913▶
> >go to GameStop
> >buy shit
> >leave
> Fucking GameStop.
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:29:36 No.357640681▶
> (OP)
> >go to Gamestop
> >cashier has every hipster accessory you could possibly have
> How does this happen? Is there a magazine they all buy?
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:32:05 No.357640872▶
> >go to gamestop
> >manager is a person I used to work with at best buy five years ago
> >he's still a rad dude
> >get my Zero Time Dilemma Watch four months late, but that's due to a snail and not FUCKING GAMESTOP
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:32:27 No.357640902▶
> (OP)
> >>go to GameStop
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:33:23 No.357640969▶
> >go
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:34:05 No.357641024▶
> >go to bed
> >acshualy go to bread
> fukin bart
>Frank West 11/13/16(Sun)19:34:57 No.357641102▶
> >Go to thread
> >It sucks
> Fuckin Sup Forums
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:37:54 No.357641316▶
> >open steam
> >nothing to play
> >open kickass
> >nothing to play
> >go to GameStop
> >nothing to play
> Where the fuck are all the videogames?
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:54:14 No.357642497▶
> >go to gamestop
> >just want to check out some amiibo
> >literally the opposite of qt 3.14 girl comes up and asks me what I'm looking for
> >tell her im just browsing around
> >she pulls out her fucking tablet and demands for my pro member card to see if I have any deals available
> >tell her it's not a big deal I'm just looking at amiibo today, maybe if she was cute
> >her ugly face is legitimately upset
> >give her my card because fuck it i guess
This is the fault of higher ups telling the peons they need to use the tablet on the floor or else. I still rarely use the damn thing and only if it's actually useful.
>Go to Gamestop to buy a game
>There's 12-year-olds trading in their old systems
>The mother/father is looking concerned because they're only receiving a couple pennies and a shoe string for a console and 18+ games
>There's a smelly fat dude asking for the new call of duty
>All the blacks and mexicans with their Bulls snapbacks are there asking about the new 2K or Madden
>Manage to navigate my way through and find a used copy of Trails of Cold Steel
>Take it up to the cashier and she gives me weird looks because there's anime art on the cover
>It's not the newest AAA piece of shit she can grab off the shelf instantly so she has to search the deepest darkest archives of the Gamestop for to find a copy of the game
>Buy it and leave
Fucking Gamestop.
Haven't been to a gamestop since 2006.
It's called using amazon, plebs.
Amazon will never catch on, stop this fucking meme.
Sometimes you just want it now or don't want to pay shipping.
I don't live in a busy city, so gamestop is never packed unless it's Black Friday or COD launch day.
How do you fuck up quotes this hard, and still have enough working brain cells to press "post"?
>"do you have a pro membership/whateverthefuckit'scalled?"
>"okay, well if you sign up, blablahblablah"
>"no thanks"
>"okay, that'll be [total]"
>"alright, have a nice day and enjoy that game."
>"thanks, I will."
>drive away
>enjoy both day and game
>Black Friday
It's African American Friday you racist cunt
>paying for shipping
>not having amazon prime
Pretty sure they prefer "Colored" now, or at least that's what white people on Tumblr tell me.
Not all Fridays are from Africa, you ignorant slut. Some are Jamaican American Fridays, for example.
You pay for that to unless you use a free trial?
>go to your house
>fuck your mom
Fucking OP
what on earth
Just keep making new accounts and sign up for free trials endlessly.
>go to game stop looking for some DS games
>chick behind counter asks if I need anything
>ask about platformers
>"well, here's donkey kong and shovel knight"
>pirated shovel knight on PC, so decide to buy it for DS
>get donkey kong as well
>we talk a bit about some other games and stuff
>pay for games, she mentions that I can bring them back if I don't like them
goddam gamestop, amirite?
>Copy that. :^)
Pretty sure they track addresses and wouldn't work more than a couple times
You'd be surprised. They don't give a shit.
>File: IMG_6874.jpg (33 KB, 278x209)
>33 KB
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:20:20 No.357639913▶
> >go to GameStop
> >buy shit
> >leave
> Fucking GameStop.
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:29:36 No.357640681▶
> (OP) (OP)
> >go to Gamestop
> >cashier has every hipster accessory you could possibly have
> How does this happen? Is there a magazine they all buy?
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:32:05 No.357640872▶
> >go to gamestop
> >manager is a person I used to work with at best buy five years ago
> >he's still a rad dude
> >get my Zero Time Dilemma Watch four months late, but that's due to a snail and not FUCKING GAMESTOP
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:32:27 No.357640902▶
> (OP) (OP)
> >>go to GameStop
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:33:23 No.357640969▶
> >go
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:34:05 No.357641024▶
> >go to bed
> >acshualy go to bread
> fukin bart
>Frank West 11/13/16(Sun)19:34:57 No.357641102▶
> >Go to thread
> >It sucks
> Fuckin Sup Forums
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:37:54 No.357641316▶
> >open steam
> >nothing to play
> >open kickass
> >nothing to play
> >go to GameStop
> >nothing to play
> Where the fuck are all the videogames?
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)19:54:14 No.357642497▶
> >go to gamestop
> >just want to check out some amiibo
> >literally the opposite of qt 3.14 girl comes up and asks me what I'm looking for
> >tell her im just browsing around
> >she pulls out her fucking tablet and demands for my pro member card to see if I have any deals available
> >tell her it's not a big deal I'm just looking at amiibo today, maybe if she was cute
> >her ugly face is legitimately upset
> >give her my card because fuck it i guess
Please stop.
>go to gamestop
>walk past the toys, a reminder that one day games will be all-digital and game stores will all be thinkgeek stores, which is a slightly more corporate and less edgy hot topic.
>walk past new games, because if i wanted a new game I would go to amazon or best buy because they actually save you money on new games.
>look for the used game I want
>walk it up to the counter, which will either have a solid 4.5/10 or some sort of weird nu-male/normie hybrid.
>they will ask if I want to pre-order anything
>they will ask if I have the jew card (ends up saving me some money, so i do)
>I can return the game within a week if its shit
that's gamestop for me. new games I would get with best buy, because their card has the same discount as amazon, but the deal is timed from release, so if i have the option I like to support best buy's system, which is ANY new game.
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:47:25 No.357646047 ▶
> (You)
> Please stop.
Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:47:25 No.357646047 ▶
Please stop.
>just remembered the time I went to gamestop with my bookbag on and knocked like 20 games off a shelf, bent over to pick them up, and knocked another shelf over while a black family and a qt cashier laughed at me
kill me
>stop liking what I don't like
Ah, the bitchy whine of a conservative Gamergater.
>Jin Saotome
I pirate video games, so....
There are ways around this, just use your neighbors address and take your packages from their mailboxes.
>btw im a pirate ;)
Fuck off.
hey man /ck/ is cool
Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:54:38 No.357646521 ▶
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>go to GameStop
>ask for gears 4
>they don't have it
>go to Best Buy next door
>they don't have it either
>remember HEB plus has an electronics section and there's one across the street from Best Buy
>all games are fully stocked at HEB plus
>cashier rings me up says "you're the first person I've seen to actually buy a game here"
>I just say "yep" pay for game and go home
Fucking game stop
Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:54:38 No.357646521 ▶
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Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:57:56 No.357646742 ▶File: 1479099278448s.jpg (6 KB, 125x70)
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Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:54:38 No.357646521 ▶
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(You) (You)
Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:59:08 No.357646826 ▶
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6 KB
>go to gamestop to preorder Pokemon Moon
>semi-cute chick behind the counter
>"Uh yeah I'd uh, like to uh set a preorder for uh, uh polkamawnmoon"
>give her the money, dropped a bill on the floor and I have to pick it up and put it back on the counter
>don't like bending over so I squat down, remember the golden rule: heels on the ground or krauts around
>realize about halfway through how fucking stupid I look
>"ok sir, can I get your number"
>stutter out "Wow I could tell I was single, how could you?"
>she looks at me silently with the Pixar face
>"no, its so we can notify you when it arrives"
>I thought she was hitting on me and I couldn't even convey that correctly
>mfw I found out that Pokemon Sun is way better so it was all wasted pain
I don't go to any actual video game stores now since I realised the toy store closer to me always sell games cheaper. My local GAME store was selling MGS V for £50 pounds, luckily I looked online and saw it was only £40 in Smyths toy store. Recently Xcom 2 was like £40-something in GAME but only £30 in Smyths.
i'm not doing it anymore.
i'm sorry this had to go this way.
have a good night man.
Lmao, i had a good laugh thanks user. Peace
I got talked into giving them my email and phone number for one of those gamestop card/member things. Cashier dude said it didn't cost anything. Am I gonna be ok?
Oh fuck, he doesn't know.
>>"ok sir, can I get your number"
>>stutter out "Wow I could tell I was single, how could you?"
>>she looks at me silently with the Pixar face
Even if it's fake, I enjoyed this.
>think about going to Gamestop
>remember that Amazon and eBay exist
Literally click trade and store and home and the coupon sections. for every button they all have separate hits. I only do it for regulars and get 5 hits in 2 seconds.
Fuuuuck dude I can relate, never going to Starbucks again.
If the card is black its free. Silver or white are 15
Why would the cashier laugh? It would be her job to clean that up
Classic American racism.
newfags can't triforce
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:57:56 No.357646742▶
>File: 1479099278448s.jpg (6 KB, 125x70)
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)20:54:38 No.357646521 ▶
>File: 20161021_031128.png (2.3 MB, 2560x1440)
>2.3 MB
> (You)
This is a quality new mem
i said i wasn't doing it anymore.
but thank you.
----MUST READ STORY-------
I WAS IN gamestop the other day picking up DaSII
And this mum and dad come in
Ask the guy behind counter
> hey are you a gamer?
I didnt hear what he responded
They said their son was getting into computer gaming.
And wanted advice on what to get.
The clerk befan explaining computer gaming isnt worth it because you have to keep upgrading parts and it gets expensive and just isnt like the consoles. They also dont have the exclusives.
More stuff I didnt hear
Then they left.
Lol I thought it was funny.
Im not a computer gamer but I wouldnt hate on it like that and spread uneducated bullshit
> what do you fags think?
My Gamestop is 5 minutes from my house. I still rather buy online because I don't want my face known at Gamestop.
Is there a cure for autism?
Any break in the monotony would probably be welcome.
>go to gamestop
>manager girl is working alone, swearing and putting together ffxv cutout
>help her with it for 20 minutes while she complains about moron customers trying to buy 360 controllers
>beckons me to the front desk and opens a shoebox with a preying mantis she's been taking care of
>preorder like 2 things for the first time in years
>is this even real life?
We deal with people that have genuine full blown autism on a daily basis, you'll be fine.
game stop is also 5 mins away from my house but i just go to the bestbuy thats farther away because its a bit nicer i guess
anyone here buy a used 360 from gamestop? are they shit with rrod?
Gamestop employee here, I'm sorry for shilling our warranty, but we fucking have to. Corporate are strict as fuck.
As a side note, we own a publisher now. Corprate would bitch at us if we didn't get at least 2 preorders for Song of the Deep everyday.
Of course not, we test everything before we sell it.
are any of them console banned from xbox live?
>>beckons me to the front desk and opens a shoebox with a preying mantis she's been taking care of
...What? What the serious fuck? So you're telling me a gamestop manager is keeping a mantis in a box under the front desk?
No, "Colored People" is racist
"People of Color" is not
Yeah, it's that retarded
Haven't been to gamestop in years, but my favorite porn video ever is some gamestop chick blowing some dude in the back. Fucking Gamestop.
We can't test that in store, but if it is, just bring it back in and we can swap it out for a diferent one. We have piles of them.
I was gonna order one online because I dont go outside, so returning it would be a no go
Online stuff goes through our warehouse, so you should be fine. They do full refurbishing.
Mantids are cool. Should have smashed.
>check in-store availability for Mega Man Zero Collection
>they have it
>call to confirm
>it's supposedly there
>go to pick it up
>they have it, for real cheap too
Yeah. She was trying to help it regain it's strength and return it to the wild. I guess she kept tarantulas so she had a soft spot for insects/arachnids.
>Go to GameStop
>Want to get pic related
>Clerk brings down several used controllers
>None the color I want
>He's actually upset I don't want a used controller
Even if it's stupid semantics, like all of the topic, it's at least semi-logical. "Colored person" is very general, like you're categorizing them, while "person of color" changes the wording to make it clear you're describing them and their characteristics, not just generalizing them. The adjective/noun positioning makes a difference, especially when the "Adjective Noun" phrasing of "Colored Person" has been used by racists for decades. It's like how the Swastika is bad now, or how Pepe is seen as a hate symbol because it was used as one, the intentions of recent events can over-ride the actual meanings.
People can have a hard time distinguishing things that can't apply to them, like "pale" is generally positive while "pasty" feels bad, even though they're both just saying someone is really light white. If you want to be super polite you would call them "fair-skinned".
>go to gamestop
>immediately hassled by employee
>"hey, what can I help you with today?"
>"nothing, just looking."
>"well, do you know what you're looking for?"
>"nope, just looking."
>"well, we've got some amazing deals..."
>"geez, sorry."
Seriously, why can't they fuck off? It's not like they get commission. No one wants that shit. They want to browse dirt cheap games. If it weren't for the deals I wouldn't even bother with the place.
>Thank you for calling Gamestop, where you can't pick up the classic NES. How can I help you?
>Go to GameStop
>Look for games
>Walk out with Gunpla instead
When did this become a thing?