Miiverse thread?

Miiverse thread?

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>Anime Rocks!


someone post the water guy


got one


fuck anime


This is great

kek, fucking trevor


>Trash Can Icons

Fuck off Trevor, nobody thinks your forced bullshit is funny.


>less than a minute ago
>able to delete posts
it's pretty sad to screenshot your own posts

fresh off the presses

someone post the niggers one

Yeah, like TAK.


>or niggers as I like to call them



>ywn experience pre-smash hype community for the first time ever again
it was stupid, but i miss it

thought this was a star wars reference

This picture pisses me off every time I see it.
Natea is so wrong, why would you want to rent a game for 1/4th the full retail price? Even Sony got it kind of right with timed exclusives.

>you will never lurk the splatoon miiverse for lewd art

These are pretty old. Is Miiverse no longet a cringemine or the UI is just so bad it's hard to look for new content?

>have seen this so many times and still don't understand why it's supposed to be funny
I might have autism.

Pennsylvania in a nutshell

Why not? Its still up


>Natea is so wrong, why would you want to rent a game for 1/4th the full retail price?
Most games can be beaten in a weekend. And most casuals don't even finish games to begin with. There was a reason Blockbuster RIP rented games for all those years.

you know you can use the miiverse website without a nintendo network account right?


This dude is really infatuated with water.

That's what you get for falling for the vaginal jew

>giving birth

Why boner

fucking roger





>How do screencaps work

Poor bre bre.

How are there so many decent artists on Miiverse?


I only felt bad for Rayman and maybe Banjo.

keks all around, post moar


fucking lol


post the hot luigi one

sounds like something sonic would say in a fanfic


This is why Miiverse threads are pointless. Nothing will ever top this image, so why even try?

>comparing heights

Imma use this


>less than a minute ago

is this some kind of new fetish?

them fake titties and that nose job

trumpo btfo

Posting some top tier shit you


Someone post the dude and the 9/11 drawing

She's the Ambassador to Japan and her dad is the President, hardly btfo by some no-name Sup Forumsirgin


>Tiny face on a huge head
Strangely accurate...


I've seen this so many times I fucking lose it at "UH,"

I'd let Ivanka peg me

Is this the fan translation? Because this would probably make me drop it

>Or niggers as I like to call them

I'd read it so bad.

t. animal subhuman

There is nothing wrong with wolf people

Foxes suck, though

I didn't screencap it, but the other night, maybe a week or two ago, late, some kid managed to hack and post announcements. I didn't realize it at first, but it said Miiverse had a new announcement. I clicked it and it brought up this post of a Loss Mii edit. The quality was so tiny and bad I couldn't read it on my 3DS but I couldn't fucking believe what I was seeing. I was just thinking there was no way Nintendo was memeing Loss of all things. I came back an hour later and it was gone. Found the account again and he had nothing but these spam posts and was eventually banned. I can't remember the name but it was this little black haired glasses wearing mii in a green shirt. I bet he's here somewhere too.

How about we just skip the foreplay here, and you tell me right now where I can go to subscribe to your blog.

>mfw the story behind this

pretty sad dude ;_;

>tfw may know her
You don't wanna know this feel user, not the way I do