Why do they ruin everything they touch?
Why do they ruin everything they touch?
It wasn't always like this
I think this is just what happens to every successful video game company
Generally they publish good games that are always DOA.
I can't wait to see their improvements and streamlining of Victoria 3's economy, political, and population simulations!
Anyone have some tips on how to best waggle me willy?
Piracy is equivalent to murder.
Just grab your willy and waggle it
Bait thread.
Possibly by a Bethesdrone.
>hearts of iron 4 and stellaris were good games
because you have to
pls buy my DLC
gib sauce
Artist is N647.
It'll come out after EvW
magicka and M&B are fantastic
wizard wars was retarded and magicka 2 was disappointing though
Piracy is equivalent to rape.
t. Johan 2016
"I don't wear watches"-Johan
has Johan really commented on piracy?
I can't even begin to describe the hate I have for these greedy fucking assholes
Yep. Pirates are the same people who murder and victimize others.
The major problem is their virtual monopoly on grand strat games. Wish Matrix would at least try to break that.
Bannerlord is going to simultaneously rape and pirate both Paradox and Creative Assembly games.
There's also AGEOD, but they're going more for the wargaming autistic crowd it seems
not that I'm complaining
Never coming out
what is this
i'm autistic will i enjoy it
>Never coming out
check steam
Game's named Alea Jacta Est
Developed by AGEOD
They have bunch of similar (almost identical looking) games in different settings ranging from Prussian wars to American Civil War to WW1
>will i enjoy it
autism definitely goes to long way towards the goal
>Release Date: To Be Announced
considering the trailer came out 4 years ago that's pretty good
usually games listed on steam come out within a year anyway
what's the game like? gonna find a way to pedophile it later
is it anything like paradox strategies? or maybe its more akin to gary grigsby's war in the east
I'd say it's in the middle
It's turn based for one. Some of the games (which focus on single wars) you mostly try to outmaneuver your opponent towards your stragetic goals all the while trying not to fuck up your logistics completely. There also games which take place on a longer timescale in which you build up your nation and dabble in diplomacy in addition to making war
Definitely not as complex as Gary Grigsby's or HoI3, a little more complex than HoI2
I'd say many of Ageod games are quite good alternatives to Paradox games in overall
what year does it begin in? is it as historically accurate as i'd hope it to be? can you play as carthage?
As far as I remember the game about Rome covers most of the major Roman wars, it's scenario based: you can pick Punic wars, Caesar's conquest of Gaul, civil war etc
Quite historically accurate, and yes you can play as Carthage and wreck Rome's shit
Yeah I know about them, have been playing Civil War II recently. Wish the interface and turn times were better on ageod games, I just feel with a little more work they could make them much better
Most of all I was quite surprised to find out that there's a game about the Russian civil war
I really hope they make one for Syria one day
I don't know, UI and the game looks really good imo. It's just that it's not as intuitive as it should be, lack of proper tutorials definitely don't help
i never used tutorials when i first started playing paradox games, so won't deter me from learning these
wonder why i've never heard of ageod before
they're french
Paradox used to publish some of their games back in the time, recently Ageod migrated to Matrix games or smt
I somehow bought almost ALL CK2 DLC for like 30 bucks. Massive sale once. Really.
But then they release 2 or 3 more expansions. One of which was apparently good even.
>I somehow bought almost ALL CK2 DLC
You can never buy them all user, never
> Victoria 2 population and market mechanics
> Not inherently broken and poorly designed
And I am someone who has +3k hours of played
How does Vicky 1 compare?
Is it bad that I originally knew of Paradox first from Cities Skylines?
Not really, I'd say most people know Paradox from Mount and Blade
>implying they could make it any better
t. Liquor pro
Still cant beilive how much of a fucking travesty HOI 4 was.
I know its unbelievable but theyve been going downhill fast
It was crystal clear from the first screenshot they've shown that it was going to be horrible
>such massive kikes that you have to register to their forums using a cdkey to access mods
I just bought CK2, got into the forums and pirated all DLCS. Still works with steam too
Worth it for the Warhammer and ASOIAF mods