what do you think GOTY 2016 will be
What do you think GOTY 2016 will be
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Oh that looks goo...wait a minute what's that pink stuff in the middle
but that came out in 2013
>loaded the 1.99mb gif faster than the 288kb image
Also you got a problem with strawberry icecream faggot?
DOOM or Battlefield 1
My personal GOTY is XCOM 2 or Dishonored 2
If we count ports, Dragon's Dogma is fucking amazing.
personal goty is either dishonored 2, hitman, or d44m
it will probably end up being d44m, uncharted 4, or battlefield though
it's potted meat
Man I wish I was this much of a pleb.
Well then name your favorite games that came out in 2016.
I bet it's bunch of JRPG weebshit you wannabe patrician.
Shadow warrior 2 or owl boy.
probably DOOM or Dark Souls 3
Were there any huge normie games that'll probably win instead? BF1 was fine but it really wasn't good enough for a GOTY win
>Dark Souls 3
>not normie games
You are kidding, right?
>anime image
Thanks for proving my pint. Hidden.
>DOOM or Dark Souls 3
>Were there any huge normie games
I hate these tall cakes because you can't get all layers in one fork swing.
Same with tall burgers too, I wanna bite all layers, not break it down
you can call them normie games but the fact of the matter is that most office worker-ass nerds barely comprehend their existence
I'm talking something like Skyrim or Uncharted or Witcher, something that gets talked up like mad just because.
>what the media think it is
Dark Souls 3
>what it actually is
Odin Sphere
>Uncharted 4
I forgot that game even came out this year, its going to win because people eat up movie games.
I was trying to think of more normie games, but I think those two are them for this year.
>Uncharted 4 came out this year
FUCK, there you have it
that's going to win fucking everything and the gameplay kind of sucked, legitimately
Witcher 3: Blood & Wine
Sure, it's an expansion, but it's longer than most games and better too.
Why not?
DOOM, which is a 4/5 at best.
This year has been fucking awful.
>Every Call of Duty release
These are what I'd consider true "normie" games
DOOM and Dishonored and shit are mainstream, but they're still more core than those games
DOOM was pretty good at release, but HOLY SHIT PLAY IT NOW. They patched in a bunch of stuff to make it feel and play faster and feel more like actual Doom.
Even though it's a mod I was really impressed by Enderal, I'd probably have to give it to that.
lol what are you a fucking manlet
Dark Souls 3
>This year has been fucking awful
I hate this meme. Do you remember 2013, where the literal only good game we got the ENTIRE YEAR was Metal Gear Rising?
This year alone we fucking got:
>Dark Souls 3 which is really good, fuck you
>XCOM 2, one of the first decent-budget PC exclusives we've had in a long ass time
>Darkest Dungeon's official release
>Overwatch which everyone utterly adored at release only to wear thin on everyone because competitive communities always grow bitter
>HITMAN, the only valid complaint of which I've heard is that it has to be always online
>Furi, which is now one of my favorite games ever
>Dishonored 2, which is good beyond the performance issues which will undoubtedly get fixed eventually
>Titanfall 2
You people need to stop being so god damn bitter for a second. This isn't a matter of your taste being too good, you just straight up hate everything. Take a break from games or something and come back when you've gotten over it.
yes ;_;
6'1", aka king of manlets
Not bloodborne hahahahahahaha
2013 had rayman legends and monster hunter 3U.
This year I only really like Odin Sphere so far and thats basically just an HD remaster of a 2007 game. This year sucked hard
I was down with that until they put the fries on the sandwich.
>Announcing that he hid someone
Are you a twitter fag?
>Dark Souls 3
burnt out on this series after Boredborne
couldn't get into it but okay
>Darkest Dungeon
literally got worse patch after patch, final version is a fucking disaster
I'm waiting for a sale before checking it out but it looks really good
hated the parry system, couldn't bother with furier
>Dishonored 2
the first one was mediocre, was this any better?
>Titanfall 2
campaign looks fun but I'm not paying more than 20 bucks for 5 hours
Not saying you're wrong for liking these games, I wish I wasn't as jaded and I could enjoy them too.
how will he know I won if I don't tell him?
what are you, some kind of faggot?
That's how real gyros are made though
>Darkest Dungeon
I admittedly didn't play that one, myself. Everyone I know that played it really enjoyed it and it seemed like a good time if you're into random chance.
Not sure what there isn't to get, you press immediately when you see shine and the hear the tone so there isn't any getting tripped up on animations being deceptive. I thought it worked.
I really liked the first Dishonored too, so we just disagree there.
too early to say
Doom or Overwatch
I don't get why /vg/ likes HiTMAN
aren't the reviews on steam like negative or something
>2 sheets of bacon per sandwich
>after a bunch of ham and cheese
>adds chicken and 2 more cheeses
>adds a serving of fries with even more cheese
Overkill sounds like an understatement
>Darkest Dungeon
>literally got worse patch after patch, final version is a fucking disaster
Never played it post patch but I like how RNG can keep things tense. Ties in pretty well with the "eldritch horrors that you are helpless against" feeling of the game
>what do you think GOTY 2016 will be
depends if you're asking for my subjective GOTY or you're talking about award show GOTY which is based on sales
like seriously
like really
like do you really like listen to steam reviews like chuh
Hitman is like, an excellent game despite the always online nonsense.
but why is it bleeding
Uncharted 4 and it won't be close.
I dunno man
I also heard that /vg/ hates absolution, but the steam reviews are overwhelmingly positive
now you know Steam users have terrible taste
>what is Neapolitan ice cream?
Skyrim SE
Hitman, ds3, mwr
literally the only good games to come out this year were stardew valley and witcher 3 blood and wine
terrible year
I unironically think that Hitman TM is one of the best games ever made, so I vote for that.
McChicken nuggets before they are cooked
this looks delish as fuck what is this
stardew valley is a shameless harvesy moon RIPOFF
you mean it's a spiritual successor that expanded upon harvest moon and fixed all its issues
>Call of duty whatever
>Uncharted 4's gameplay sucked
No, it really didn't
nah, the new one sucked
>Implying the older ones did not suck
VA-11 HALL-A and I'm saying this as someone who was looking forward to Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 for years. Both turned out to be utter trash in the end.
Special mention goes to Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, which was excellent but it's technically a remake of a decade old game.
The rest isn't even noteworthy.
Either Overwatch or BF1 will clean house in mainstream outlets with DOOM and Uncharted picking up other awards here and there. [INSERT INDIE GAME] will get praised for being unique and charming. Battleborn will receive a rendition of Amazing Grace done on a recorder.
knack was released in 2013 too dumbass
Ruined a perfectly good cake right there
I would rather have the sandwich and the fries separately.
2013 was a great year for gaming. We got GTA5 and The Last of Us that year. Not to mention BF4, Tomb Raider and AC Black Flag. And Bioshock Infinite, if you're into it
undertale 2
Honey Select
Do bullets not do anything in this game? What's the point?
its a player cheesing an enemy spawn point the one time you can do it, big deal
one headshot is an instant kill on anyone who isn't wearing a kevlar helmet. The gun in that webm is the weakest in the game and takes 5 bodyshots to kill any one of those guys, but you can KO them in one melee if you hipfire+punch them
>fry paste
That looked tasty until they put the two bacon cheese meat packs in-between the already completed sandwich.
Then they went too far with the fries. Why not put a light layer ontop of the meat section as a topping? That shit shouldn't be a whole chunk on its own like that.
That's just wrong, man.
i can smell the fedora from here
kill yourself you nerdy faggot