ITT: Games you'd gladly give up your first-born for to get a sequel

ITT: Games you'd gladly give up your first-born for to get a sequel

Why is her arm going through her boobs?

so i guess a sequel will never happened then

Why would you want a sequel?

Name one sequel released recently that wasn't a watered-down version of the original with more gimmicks and casual-pandering?

Harley Quinn has nice tits

It might in the future, but honestly? Let's keep the game as is. It's not like the original people with their original vision would work on it anyway.

uhh tim cain, leonard boyarsky and brian mitsoda all still work in the videogame industry and those are the 3 key people

I'm hoping for a sequel but I'm too scared to actually hope for it, I don't think there even exists a studio that could nail the tone of VtmB. and think about all that feminist backlash.

They were trying to get Obsidian to make Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 - Jyhad but it failed in regards to crowdfunding. So if they do make a sequel Obsidian and Paradox might work on that with White Wolf. They were working on something last I checked but Paradox wanted all the World of Darkness in it, which would be impossible unless you had like a $300,000,000 budget.

Whats with the threads coming up? Three just today. Why not release some info, shills? I know Paradox lurks here, just give some date, some info or just something. And please not the Polish thing;

Not really a sequel but I'd like to see the Legacy of Kain series make a return.

>Sup Forums

Why is heathers boob uneven

>Sup Forums
>having sex

you fuckers really do think exclusively with your dicks

Not that it'll ever happen, but it would be nice to see a closure to the story.

Mankind Divided, if we talk about new-Deus Ex.

I would gadly give my first born away just for a remake of VTMB in a modern engine

Like the creation engine?

Its vampire shit, brah.
Don't worry about it.
