Pick Necromancer

>Pick Necromancer
>Put all my point into skellies because I have a boner for having armies/small forces on your side
>Become Lord of Destruction
>Andariel suddenly comes and slaps my shit and kills by skull bros.

I'm level 12 and on my first playthrough. Should I just level up a bit more?

Also, Diablo thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


reminder that the cap on the amount of skellies wasnt always a thing

Put a point into Skeleton Mastery and get a clay golem. Also buy a +3 raise skeleton wand from what's her name.

Put points into mastery and clay golem like other user said if you havent

You're using curses too, right? Amplify damage is what you need primarily, and maybe decrepify later for bosses.

I have 12 points into skellies and 1 point into skellies mastery, nothing else.

Also have wand that gives me 3+ exploding corpse.

>want to play single player
>afraid to miss all the ladder stuff
>online ladder has time limit
>character gets deleted after a few weeks of inactivity
What do

Get clay golem, he's a great tank because he slows everything.

Yeah you should be 14 at least

You only need one point in amplify damage and one point in clay golem and they'll help you out a lot throughout the whole game.

Your character needs to be in game for 3 or 4 hours total to be "perm'd". Just park your self in a game and go afk. Then he'll last 90 days.

Not him, but ladder reset is still a bitch though. Isn't there a mod that adds ladder exclusive stuff to singleplayer?

why not just drop the item for yourself if you're just gonna play single player

Listen up nigga.

>Slap 20 points in Skelies
>Slap 20 points in nec mastery
>Slap 20 points in golem mastery
>slap 1 point in every curse
>get "Beast" runeword for fana aura for your skely bros
>slap lifetap/ironmaiden onto every single mob you see
>lastly, the ultimate coup

I made the same mistake.
Imagined taking down diabolo with an army of skeleton and zombies.

Find out they get knocked over against anyone.

Level 12 is quite low to be at Andariel. You could simply level up a bit more.

You should get Clay Golem like people said and put one point in Amplify Damage and later into Life tap. Monsters can only be affected by one curse at a time so Amplify Damage will be your go-to curse most of the time but Life Tap will help when the skellies die too easily.

>reminder that the cap on the amount of skellies wasnt always a thing
Yeah. Nah.

You can get pass that easily just use skill point rocks.

Ladder only gets reset so rarely that you have plenty of time to play enough of your character. (Though there is a reset coming this month, so only do it after that)

Are there any Diablo clones that are similar to the original Diablo? With a focus on dungeon crawling and less loot tossed around like candy.

>thinking a first timer will be able to afford Beast anytime soon

Diablo 1 was shit.


Sadly no. Almost all of them are inspired by Diablo 2.

They're different flavours of the same shit. Both are pretty great desu.

I don't know what I hated more in that area, the fat guys with infinite health, the gargoyles with a shitload of regenerating health, or those shitty sanic faggots throwing lightning at you from beyond the screen.
Don't forget the fucking acid pool dogs.


You're shit.

I ended up beating her at level 14 with 12 points in skellies and 2 points in skellies mastery.

Didn't end up needing the golem, but I think I may get it for future bosses.


1-3 points is enough.

You absolutely will for Duriel. Duriel will shit all over skeletons if you aren't prepared before then.

It's better than any clone of it. Kill yourself.

clay golem is stronk though you really want to have one

How do I get into this game? I really want to enjoy it but always lose interest around act 2-3.

None of my friends play either, and D3 was my first Diablo game.

I just wanna enjoy this game desu.


>normie is leveling up in act 2 tombs
>level 24 druid in a party with 3 others
>a level 9 assassin joins the game
>declares hostility on him while spurting memes
>druid and his party get ready to gang bang her
>they have no idea

oh god how I loved d2

Andariel is easy as shit with skellys. The only problem you can have with necro is Duriel because of the poison/close quarters/no bodies for skeletons resummoning.

Wait until you get to Duriel lol

Put down diablo 2. Forget about it for a week

Ladder resets on November 22nd
restart the game on day 1 of ladder and you'll actually be able to play with other people online

well, diablo 1 was inspired by oldschool roguelikes, so that might be a direction for you. They are fun if you get into them.

Remember you only need one point for the golem and it'll be useful just for the slow effect. If it dies just resummon it. You'll definitely want it for the next boss.

You don't really need it until Hell and even then it's no good without a larger radius.

>people who think beast runeword is the priority on summon necros
>not enigma + infinity

git gud shitters
enjoy your 40% chance to hit skeletons

>Step 1:

Play online

>Step 2:

Understand basic experience gain for each level in zones.

For example. A group of 8 people doing "Tristram runs" at level 5-14 will have more fun and be 100 times faster than running around solo.
Next up. "Halls of the dead runs" until around 18. Then "Tomb runs"... and so on.

Eventually you reach Baal runs and are capable of gaining xp from them starting from lvl 25.

Then its 20 runs from 25 to 45 and you can do nightmare now.

Reminder that old skeletons had no enhanced damage% and did shit damage as a result, no regeneration, were slow, blocked players and had a tendency to disappear for no apparent reason.

>he thinks my skellies are there to kill, not jus to tank in hell while I explode everything with my CE

which would you rather have
>40 skeletons that deal 20 damage each and have 600 hp
>14 skeletons that deal 2000 damage each and have 6000 hp

>mfw I just picked paladin for my first playthrough a few weeks ago
>made it to andariel with just zeal and holyfire
>literally mouse1 only while she hit me
>I win and level up to full hp
Easy mode

Oh yeah to add, I didn't skip anything so I was like level 16.

Holy Fire is great for leveling Normal and maybe even Nightmare. It really starts to drop off though.

>The random lvl 93 HPally that joins just to hostile the group
>A couple minutes pass
>Hear him teleporting around in the tomb
>instant killed by fist of the heavens.
tfw ur booster gets into a fight with him and loses

Yeah I switched to a tesladin, using holy shock/frost. It's pretty good and a lot of fun since you die pretty fast if you're not careful around magic.

I do play roguelikes but I enjoy the multiplayer aspect too. Closest thing I can think of is NWN but that has RtWP combat.

skeletons deal huge dps, even corpse explosion is only relevant when mobs are huge

your skeletons might deal 30k physical dps when all attacking, whereas corpse explosion on a venom lord does about 5800 physical 5800 fire per cast, and after amplify damage you're going to hit the average 50/50 resist mob for 150% physical and 50% fire, except so many mobs are fire immune its really 150% physical 0% fire, so thats 45k dps from skeletons vs 8700 per cast corpse explosion

great at winnowing down a big mob of enemies, terrible at clearing up a few full hp mobs or bosses

>not playing Tornado-stormer
>not fucking everything with my Hurricane frost dmb, while speedcasting phys. Dmg tornados
>10k Grizzly tanking
>4k HP
>Cyclone shield

Youve never played D2, if you havent played a Druid.

no user don't make me reinstall diablo 2. please. I fucking love playing a skelington based necromancer so fucking much, holy fuck. the thought of running through hell mode not giving a single fuck while my whimpy friends beg me to slowly but surely guide them to the hellforge is giving me a diamond dick right now

tfw plugy doesnt work on the newest version

yeah but if a level 93 pally hostiles your level 20 druids, you're just going to leave the game
people actually thought they could kill the level 9 assassin



>10k grizzly
not unless you're enchanting it for +6k
you fucked up on math user

grizzly has much lower base damage and high % enhanced damage so when you add another % ed it stacks additively not multiplicatively. you might get 6k grizzly

>Anyone ever asking a slow ass summon necro for a rush.

I'm dying over here, send help..

Skeletons are shit altogether. By act 4 hell they basically stopped doing damage, they only existed to absorb extra damage. My mercenary was doing all the killing with a shitty rare polearm, and then I'd mop up everything else with corpse explosion. Skeletons can only be good with good equipment, but then why even bother playing it? You might as well roll a better character.

>grinding to level 24 for the easiest boss in the game


Why is it so much fun bros?

So I only got into D2 for a few weeks last year with a friend; he co-opped though a good portion of the game with me.

Reading this thread I think I missed something. So is there some sort of open multiplayer going on all the time? Like I can hop between servers with one character and encounter parties of 8 or more who are chilling in town, then go on adventures with them?

Am I interpreting it wrong? Because it sounds amazing if I'm not

last time i went online there were bots out the ass so youd probably have to find people to make a private lobby with

This in essence.

Started a few days ago again and currently trying to get the gear for my utrist zealot. Found this little gem today. I'm happy.

I'm playing since the release of vanilla and never played a Druid.

He talked about grizzly's HP.

While on diablo 2, is there any upscaling patch for the game?

There was one, it never worked online and doesn't work on the current patch.

>level 12
>buy a +3 wand
haha O WOW

yeah unless you were making a sin/druid then your rusher was a frozem orb sorceress, probably wearing irathas and shard

>telling this to someone who can't beat andariel
>and will be literally physically raped over the internet by Duriel

In battlenet people can host public games anyone can join.

When a new ladder starts there's usually a fuckton people playing for a while.

People usually level up with doing "runs" as in they run a specific area until a certain level and then move on to the next area. These areas can be rather small and quick to do so they do them multiple times in a row to reach the wanted level. For example the first thing people run is Tristram and usually do it to around level 14-15. Say you join a game called tristrun15. Then you go in and clear Tristram with the people in game and someone calls NG after you're done and everyone leaves. That means the guy who made the server will make a new one with the next number. In this case the game name would be tristrun16.

what how?

I do it all the time. They only cost a few thousand too

I want to play Diablo 2 again.
But then I remember that all of my characters were deleted long ago.
Then I remember that drop rates are balanced for botters and I will NEVER EVER see anything above Dol drop.
I remember all the wacky builds I wanted to try, but I will NEVER EVER get anything cool like an Enigma or Beast.

So I'l just play Diablo 3 for a week again and get bored of it for a year, because it's a fucking shit game but at least you can collect a full set or good uniques without selling your soul on d2jsp.

nigga the high runes are so duped you can trade a few hours of grinding to get an enigma even on ladder

You need a point in amplify damage if you're going to be a skelemancer. Also a level 1 clay golem.

Awesome, thanks. I'm definitely gonna give that a shot after the next ladder reset if I can get over my autism.

Is there any sort of stigma against skelemancers in MP? I feel like the 20 skeletons running around would bother some people who are trying to focus certain mobs/loot

if they have a potato computer they dont get to complain
just dont spam revives

I got 2 legit Ber drops ~3 ladders ago.

Also, it's easy to build up wealth if you trade.

plugy.free.fr/en/index.html this adds all multiplayer stuff. Not sure if it works with the latest patch.

It's very hard to trade with a freshly made character. All you have is trash that no one wants.

It doesn't. Afaik the guy wanted to sell the source code before disappearing but no one bought it.

but if you do services its very easy to make a classic rusher on a new ladder

Nah, it's easy.

Make a sorc, get her on level lvl >80 and make andy & meph runs. Semi-good items like Oculus drop all the time and you can sell that stuff for Pul runes. Invest those runes in better MF equipment like a shako. Rinse and repeat.

You might want to make a zealer who can solo ubertristram at one point. Unidentified torches go for 3 Ists. After that you can have everything you want.

Take your free (me) you fucking autist

Looks like someone over at plebbit tried porting it and even contacted the guy but nothing came out of it.

wtf that guy is wearing a Chilean NT jersey

And one thing, do yourself a favor and listen to audiobooks or podcasts while you grind items. At one point you almost play automatically and listen very concentrated. It's great.
