Vidya ideas guy thread

Vidya ideas guy thread.

Don't be shy, everyone's ideas are equally shitty.

OFF meets Darkest Dungeon (mainly the positioning system's role in combat)

Dystopian-kinda setting with a lot of ways to build your character (Pure, Dark, Holy, Evil)

An alignment system like SMT (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic) for story telling effects that can also change your characters as well

Ramp up the combat to 11 on a 10 scale (one of my ideas for a move takes a melee character from the fourth row to the first row while damaging the first 3 rows before locking them in the first row for multiple turns)

Give it a cool soundtrack

a game where you have to avoid being abducted by aliens from you house in the woods, stretched out over multiple days. I'm thinking like $15~$20 worth of content here.

RPG but everyone's weapon is a massive dick
The goal is to collect the eight golden condoms and use them to defeat the final boss, Aitcheyevee

taxi-driver game (VN)

Story wise, Super Paper Mario > Paper Mario TTYD
But overall TTYD < Super Paper Mario.

Basically, a cyber punk version of the original Saints Row.

The three gang format and weapon shops side missions are Saints Row, but add in cybernetic implants either bought or found around the city. A focus on vertical scale and hacking shit to your advantage. The different gangs themselves would be different punk rebel groups against the "Peace keeping" forces that guard the city. Piss the guards off too much and they send death bots to continually search you out. The more notoriety your gang gets, the less you have to do to piss off the other gangs/peace keeper forces.

Cybernetic impants allow a range of different upgrades to your character, but so do some of the weapons.

Side missions galore with Cyborg protection, Data hacking and old arcade games found around the city, lost from the old times.

generic military fps but you need to press a button to make your heart pump blood and if you dont you die

Sounds pretty comfy, meeting all sorts of people and such.

mildly related

How 'bout, you're a shark, and you gotta shake palm trees 'til trains fall down, and you put the trains in an apple, and then turkeys come and eat the apples, and then, the turkeys go up waterfalls, and to get them down, you have to collect monkey butts. So you drop the monkey butts on power lines, and then...
[makes explosion sound]

Take the Chao Garden from Sonic and expand it into its own game.

No involvement from Sonic characters itself, just the Chao. More tournaments than just racing and Karate, based on the skills you develop. Most of the content will be found in what is technically one single level, but split up into a fuckton of paths which are reachable based on what skills the Chao you're using have - a high ledge requiring a good fly skill, an underwater tunnel requiring high swimming, etc. It would also contain new hub areas (the replacement for gardens) to find and use, which would hold the various tournaments/lessons/etc. The main level would hold a ton of secrets and exploration, rewarding players who return to previous parts with much more powerful chao. Put it on 3DS or something to allow for online competitions/exploration - maybe even include areas which require multiple chao to find.

No real story in mind, just taking the best part of SA2 and giving it the attention it deserves.

i got inspired after playing va-11 hall-a desu
i want more comfy games like it

I remember this...

I wouldn't mind it to be honest.

An RPG where the amount of fucks a character gives is a stat and impacts how the game is presented. For example, a normal amount of Fucks stat shows you an average amount of information for an RPG game, however, lacking a proper amount of Fuck, you will not see things like your compass, your icon on the map, or even your health bar. In interaction with others, you won't pay attention, and any time someone would go on a speech, you'd get it paraphrased by someone who doesn't really care about details or sometimes even intent. Inversely, giving far more of a fuck than anyone else allows you to see nearby locations, enemy health bars, add little notes and observations to any books you might pick up or conversations you may enter, and generally makes the player more aware of all the factors at play. Because the Fucks your character has impacts their world view, a graphical overlay changes to show the world in more detail or less based on the amount of fucks you give. Fucks also change what music typically plays, low Fucks preferring low quality bass and high Fucks leaning toward sharp crisp noises. There are consumables that raise and lower the amount of Fucks you give: Coffee raises it slightly, Weed lowers it significantly, and Cocaine statistically raises Fuck to maximum but toggles the HUD off while warping the view and the colors a little bit and adding phantom enemies/objects/things to distract you.

Mecha Game set in the psuedo-space-old-west but instead of mecha they're mystic golems.


An episodic game with 2 protagonist with different playstyle
Before each mission you can choose to play as one of the 2, or coop in which case the enemies receive a buff
In the last mission the 2 fight each other. If you choose coop it turn into sort of a multiplayer fighting game. The mission end when either one is defeated, and the ending changes depending on the outcome

Mario Sunshine 2:
-Set in a dense skyrise city
-FLUDD returns
-Peach and Bowser both get kidnapped by a new villain
-Bowser Jr. gives you his paintbrush to help you get his dad back.
-Alternate between platforming, FLUDDing, and painting

this game was actually great
know it's not the same.

my absolute fucking nightmare
>make it

This is gold.

Fund it. Imagine min maxing this game.

I miss this game. Swamp represent

2.5d Metroid in the gameplay style of Klonoa. with a mario 64 style of missions ie get objective on planetA, complete objective, chose to get another objective on planetB or stay on planetA

The Road Eternal.

Your character is a person who has lost his identity, rendering him completely characterless and represented as being an androgynously shaped human with no facial features. The objective is simple. You travel in search of an identity.

In order to do this you travel on a single endless strip of road that takes you through a variety of procedurally generated scenery and hand-crafted set pieces. The majority of these settings are pastoral or heavily based in country life, ranging from endless fields of grain to hilly plains of grass and mountainous valleys and gorges. You travel on this road collecting materials that you use to craft new things and to sell to merchants and people you meet along the way.

The world has a variety of meteorological phenomenon, day and night cycle synchronized with the real world, and seasonal changes across the entire year such as winter and spring. All of these things affect which materials can be found and what NPCs you can meet traveling. In addition to the mundane, the game also features paranormal spooky events and biomes that you might rarely run across while traveling normally.

The gameplay is entirely based in exploration/collecting/talking, there is no battle or fighting system, though there are hostile NPCs such as wildlife and Paranormal creatures which require you to run away or otherwise prepare for depending on their nature like lighting a campfire to ward off wolves or setting down a salt circle for ghosts and other more contrived methods for more obscure creatures.

The more you travel the more interesting and strange things you can discover, everything from ancient primordial forests teeming with giant lizards and insects to long abandoned battlefields littered with the rusted equipment and skeletons and beaches brimming with ancient acquatic life.

Other than exploring the main focus would be interacting with NPCs and acquiring new outfits and accessories to customize your character.

I always thought the idea of a boss with QTEs that slowly increase until it turns into a typing tutor boss was a neat idea.

ITT - Bioware developers desperately seeking new ideas, trying to disguise themselves as average gamers.

Game where you are a guy on a 2d plane- and you have to run and jump as far right as you can. The farther right you go you start seeing more corrupt imagery and swastikas and stuff, its symbolic of how the Right wing in politics is similar to Nazi Germany

So grimdark vikings, rape, pillage and all that.

Except with cute lolis. And the British are shota.

Top-down restaurant simulator like FTL with a hint of Sims. Lots of modding potential.

You get to choose your location, design the place, and deal with all kinds of problems from food critics and whiny customers to your staff not getting along so they start a fire and riot, or someone committing suicide in your bathroom.

Some NPCs with pre-determined stories gives potential for feels.

Left 4 Dead, with X-Com mechanics in between levels (Researching new tech, recruiting new members, ect). Online co-op with friends.

Setting should be something supernatural related. Demons or lovecraftshit would be great, but for a real twist, make it a Ghostbusters game.

You're pretty much printing money. It'd sell like hotcakes.

A card game where your opponent always manages to somehow have the perfect answer for everything you play, every time

Stylish Action game in the vein of DMC, but with competitive online PVP. Or Action RPG with DMC style combat. Fuck just give me DMC5.

A new Soul Sacrifice game from Japan Studio, retaining Inafune's fucked-up fairtytale setting, but rather in the vein of Souls/BB/Nioh than MonHun like the original. Call it "Souls Sacrifice" if you wanna be unoriginal.

You would buy it, right?

Pikmin, but with aggressive hornets.

Spooky edgy monster that steals your guns and grenades and tries to kill itself. Too bad it has tons of HP.

You are a young officel lady who is into femdom and fucks their enemies to death. The combos are different sexual positions where you drain enemies of their hp by making them cum. It's a 2d hentai action platform.
The setting is.. uh... dunno. A city full of criminals and you are meant to bring order or something like that by becoming the Mayor.
Think about Bayonetta but explicit and 2D.

Would a character giving more fucks get traumatised after doing bad things or see them happen or something like that?

>Space sim where you can fly around and do stuff
>All the while someone else plays the same world like a 4x

Basically something along the lines of Savage but I'm not really sure how to structure it outside of having one player manage the game world while others play around inside of it.

Could go along the lines of Savage and make it a team fight, or could even make it where all the people doing the space sim part are just following their own goals while 4x man tries to steer the game almost like a D&D DM.

But how do you win?
If you go all the way to the far right, you can't win.

Is it one of those games that you can only lose and never win?

Kamen Rider Musou game by Koei Tecmo, like Hyrule Warriors style with all the popular riders and villains in a crossover event.

Even if it did get made it'd never get released outside Japan anyways.

Hentai game that you actually want to win and not lose to see the scenes.

Say, you're playing an average otaku dude and enemies who rape you are blacks, old dudes and dudes in fursuits.


I've had this cool idea for a while:
>you're a neckbeard
>your weapons are not your sword and hands, but wit and logic
>attack moves are all named after arguments
>opponents are philosophers and concepts, their attacks are fallacies and paradoxes
>3 bars that serve both as mana and life: logic, reason and rationality
>the goal of the game is to find god and disprove him

>my absolute fucking nightmare

But then the gameplay consists of out-smarting the small grey aliens by laying traps like banana peels and small nets like they're Saturday morning cartoon villains.

A game that's fun

>you're a neckbeard
>your weapons are not your sword and hands, but wit and logic
is this a fantasy game?

Brewery Tycoon

You start a brewery and make hipster craft beers for hipster dollars. When you make an IPA, hipsters jizz themselves and throw more hipster dollars at you.

Isn't that what Haggar does when he becomes mayor? He just bodyslams the bad guys. Wrestling is kinda gay anyway, so it makes sense.

r u new?

A game where all monsters have to be fused before they are functional in combat

First person fantasy barbarian game

You're a barbarian. You live with your wife out in the forest rather peacefully. You leave to go hunt. Wife is missing, home is burnt to ashes. You're fucking pissed. You start your search with the nearest bandit camp, then carve a bloody path through there. Slowly you move up from butchering small time thieves, to other barbarians, to small towns, to corrupt kingdoms, to a warren of dragons to find her. Final boss can be a King and Queen dragon, I dunno, or maybe the Avatar of a really fucking pissed God.

Take reboot Shadow Warrior's melee system, focused entirely on using melee weapons across a fantasy land. Your only ranged weapons are throwing spears and other melee weapons you take off of other enemies, which are only used for throwing because they're shit weapons when compared to the five you're carrying. And bows are for sissies who have the patience to stand still and properly aim.

The five weapons are: two handed axe, two handed mace for armored enemies, bear claws for fast strikes, a bladed chain for pulling enemies + other items in the level to you / use as a flail, and the throwing spears previously mentioned.

You also have a bloodlust ability with allows you to dual wield any weapons and strike three times as fast for a limited time, however it turns off your UI and hides how much health you have left, making it impossible to tell if you're dying or not while in bloodlust.

Character interaction is very small, at most they briefly talk to you and then you move on. Some of the higher up guys you fight talk, but you don't give a shit, you just want your babe back.

Characters would be able to modify their Fucks stat whenever they level up and forego increasing any of their other statistical faculties. Fucks is a unique stat not only in what it controls, but also in the way it can be decreased as well as increased. For some, the journey is a means to grasp and understanding, and for others, a means to forget the complexities of reality and replace that with nothing but the journey itself.

Fucks also interacts with stats to create abilities; Having a low amount of fucks synergizes with defense, for you don't care all that much about any pain that you might feel, perhaps going so far as to call the pain a figment of your imagination. High fuck count works well with dexterity, for keen eyes and sharp minds would only be held back by clumsy hands. A powerful mind with no worldly cares is that of a dreamer, reaching as far as reality lets imagination stretch, and on the other side of the coin, the chaotic worry that somehow reality had taken course to guide itself from the explosion to a pebble to everything they ever knew and how they despite all their years of research and discourse would never be able to grasp even a tenth of it would drive a genius to the brink of insanity for the sin of trying to understand.

Fucks should have been a stat ages ago, desu.

God of War: The Rehashing

An action/platformer 2d game where your character controls exactly like Captain Falcon in Melee. Same moves, same mechanics, same momentum and movement. You would utilize his speed, jumps and attacks to reach platforms and solve puzzles. For example his mid air down spike could enable him to propel off an enemy and each an otherwise unreachable platform. His perfectly timed electric knee could cause an explosion that would break down fragile walls.

Silent hill style horror game with 2 protagonists, banter and conversation is prevelent, never replays, and enough recorded lines that it feals like the characters are real people and actually know each other I.E.
>monster grabs protagonist 1 and bites him
>exclamation from protagonist 2, then assists protagonist 1
>after conflict ends, protagonist 2 asks protagonist 1 if he's ok, gets a response
The exclamation, and the post combat chat would be different every time, maybe the exclamation would be the same word, but a different reading of the same line, so it feels like a real person. The protagonists would chat when nothing is going on about either surroundings, themselves, or the places/events they've been through so far, and during loading screens, a random secret or trivia about a protagonist would come up, like,
>protagonist 1 has dated 7 different girls, he misses #2 the most
>protagonist 2 was terrible in school, he didn't drop out because he had nothing better to do, his favorite subject was language arts
>protagonist 1 has asthma, it first revealed itself in a near death experience when he was 6, after playing in the cold
Stuff like that, so that the player really gets to know the characters and care for them, and to make the characters as dynamic as possible
When you start the game, you choose one of the characters to play as, about ~1/3 of the way through the game, the characters get split up, but both have walkie talkies, and regularly talk, to each other, throughout the rest of the game, they physically meet each other, but are unable to reunite, something like them being on opposite sides of a ravine, or through a crack in the wall of a collapsed building, each time the characters physically meet, the player is able to change who they're controlling, and a la sh2, the monster they encounter and setting they're in are unique to the characters themselves, and towards the end of the story it's revealed that both characters are not at all what they seem

yes, I turned 18 today :D

War of the Monsters 2
Where you don't need to do pannenkoek levels of analysis to figure out what the difference between characters is, aside from their special moves.
And all of the characters are good instead of like five being nearly unplayable shit like Preytor.
I'm serious about the pannenkoek thing, were I so inclined and in someway capable of emulating the game to get the underlying data, i'd do videos about its mechanics.

A game where you choose between the righteous path of a Paladin destroying the last of the magic in the world or a newly discovered Necromancer.

The Necromancer basically is going to different villages and converting the village in unique ways (Like only using Ghouls, Using Golems that drain your health, Can only collect groups of 2 or higher etc) with castles with Paladin Bosses. The Paladin side has to make you face off against the necromatic army and the bosses consist of different mages (Elementals, Void, Blood etc.)

As you level up as the Necromancer, you can summon new troops and choose new spells for yourself or buffs to your minions. As Paladin, you can invest points into your different weapons or armour.

lmfao I want this

>tfw you have similar ideas
fuck its hard to have an original thought

Gather an art team, make a kickstarter with a cool trailer, raise a couple hundred thousand, set a deadline of April 2019, two months before release delay it to January 2020 when in truth you've barely started and you only have one dev who's working on it part time because you blew the rest of the money hiring a studio to develop it and they just took it and ran away and there isn't enough left to pursue legal action. In late 2020 release a poorly developed version that's very buggy and is universally panned. Then you kill yourself.

f u n d
i t

Saves are limited, and each character has a unique way of saving and healing
Protagonist 1 has asthma, and must occasionally use his inhaler or else recieve negative penalties to basically everhthing, this worsens to the point of eventually Taking damage, he naturally regens life over time, but very slowly and is dependant on his last use of the inhaler, the inhaler has multiple uses (~7?), and 1 or 2 more can be found throughout the game, also, strenuous activity irritates the asthma worse
Protagonist 2 receives a serious injury sometime early in the game, and must change his wrappings, this heals a moderate amount of health, and they can be found multiple at a time, and not super rarely, but should be changed more often, are single use, and taking damage worsens the condition of his wrappings much worse when compared to the asthma
At the end of the game there would be a moment of seriousness, where depending on the players actions as either character, would react in different ways, such as protagonist 1 outright killing protagonist 2 in order to escape the situation they're in, or them both agree to not fuck each other over and staying in they're "hell", this would be decided by different events during the game, things characters did like try to help other minor characters, or try to escape rather than look for their friends, instead of a good-evil counter, each ending would have specific requirements, how loyal to their friend, how the interacted with their environments, how often they tried to avoid conflict, etc

Basically the whole idea is to create a very character driven story, the only ideas I have for the story really are, on a roadtrip to nonspecified location, they got lost and ended up in helltown, where it appears that other people have ended up as well, the "helltown" they arrive in is actually a cursed are the size of maybe Rhode island, the reason the place is cursed is that it just always has been, no one knows why, it just is

Wild West MMO that takes a lot of the things that people loved about SWG and put it in. Few of the key features

>Sure you could just make a guild hall but what about a guild TRAIN, you can build the rail line yourself or hire NPC chinamen to do it

>3 styles of magic. Native American spirit magic, Old World occult, and Far East mystic arts. The paranormal is a part of the world

>Steanpunk shit will be in there but we will make damm sure it does not look tacky or dumb compared to the rest of the setting mechaspider raid boss don't count

>Controlled PVP will be handled by the hat system. White for good guys and black for bad. If you want to randomly shoot someone in the middle of the street there is nothing stopping up

Donkey Kong FPS (First Person Simian)
developed by Retro Studios
>explore lush and varied tropical environments in first-person
>blast enemies with a variety of fruit-based weaponry or just beat them to death with your big ape hands
>challenging puzzle-based Morph Barrel sections
>constantly finding new equipment and items, like Banana Packs and Dong Expansions
>learn all the secrets of DK Island through Kong Cave Paintings and Kremling Logs

>what about a guild TRAIN, you can build the rail line yourself or hire NPC chinamen to do it
five stars

I was thinking of a game based on the Flatwoods Monster. You're a farmer in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and you have to go to town to get supplies. As you travel to town shit starts getting unexpectedly spooky; strange lights, echoing howls, mysterious fog, etc., but nothing actually happens. You reach town, do your shit, and leave towards twilight. Suddenly you see pic related come floating out from behind a tree or some shit, and have to maneuver past it without getting caught. As you make it closer to home, more of them appear, and you eventually have to deal with entire search parties, complete with low altitude flying saucers sweeping the woods with searchlights and tractor beams and shit.

Rainblood Chronicles Mirage

In a heartbeat.


Fast as fuck JP mecha game.
Like, Nirvash vs theEND type fast, with bunches of lasers and shit, and flight combat instead of clunky land based stuff.

Tyranny but the whole game is conquest from character creation, but the conquest itself is a tiny fraction of the whole game. Most of it is dealing with balancing the needs of the Emperor and the desires of the conquered people

>You're an element leader for LAPD SWAT
>but in the special unit that responds to paranormal emergencies
>like SWAT 3 but with better AI and some specialized weapons
>First mission is a daylight raid after someone calls in a suspected vampire brood
>apartment building, low income area
>you choose your specialized weapon layout for your element
>decide on the entry plan
>go inside and get up to the reported floor
>stealth or dynamic entry
>it's pretty dark, most of the lights are out
>some of them are ripped out and sparking
>find some bodies, continue clearing floor
>use mirror to check around corner
>a bat winged creature is over a body and eating it
>use either lethal force to neutralize the threat or non-lethal weapons to capture it for research purposes, possibly giving the lab information to make new weapons
>story develops across missions
>Los Angeles is on the San Andreas Hellmouth.

would play

The way you were talking about Vampires and specialized equipment reminded me that I want a Hellsing Game.