Did Sup Forums help Notch make Minecraft great?

Did Sup Forums help Notch make Minecraft great?

yes. we also made trumps president. next stop, final solution.

>women oppression
>she will never live in Saudi Arabia

Sup Forums certainly didnt help lmfao

That's racist you dipshit.

Lol? Sup Forums was super cucked and defended Hillary at every turn you muppet.

Big Daddy Don was supported by Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/

I kinda want to cuddle with gaohmee

>She can't even go there to become a human toilet for a rich arab's less than a secondly earnings because too ugly
Prime keks.

>Notch became an alt-right gamergater

What the fuck went wrong?

literally who you cuck

/r9k/ has become infested with SJW's recently.

They're not the same edgy NEETs they once were...

>implying any of those posts aren't anything but ironic

Sup Forums is easier to trigger than tumblr

That's what rich people tend to be as opposed to retarded plebs who believe everyone is equal.


That's a very recent thing. Actually. Like 5 months

>w-we were just ironic!
>madame p-president right xD

>heh w-we were just p-pretending

lmao BTFO


Cant say it didnt make me lol.

you just proved his point
also Sup Forums isn't and never has been a hivemind

Damn, lost. Anymore gold from this man?

>I-i-m to-o-tally not with her, you shitlords

>wake up
>it's 2016
>Sup Forums anons care about irl stuff
>"muh politics, muh candidates, cucks amirite"

forgot how to breath for a minute tbqh

leave internet you fucking idiots, go vote, study, work whatever the shit

Good for Notch. He's 100% correct, but our society has gotten so insane, the truthful words he's telling aren't valid because feelings

So you can't speak for those posts then?

Also there were like 2 ironic posts there. The rest were either waiting to bait Sup Forums or talking "serious for a minute" about how much Trump is not going to win.

>I am currently right now p-pretending to be retarded haha g-g-gotcha

>be a first-first worlder
>make a videogame
>earn gazillion dollars
>move to GoodAmerica
>sex Anita
>shitpost on twitter all day long

is Notch a God amongst men

Can't complain about shit if you think it's also funny, choose one.

>when you hate Sup Forums so much you want a crook to win just so you can laugh at Sup Forums
>get btfo
My sides.

>he'll never buy Sup Forums to save us from Hiroshima and Shkreli

A shame he wasn't able to make the most of his life and seems miserable. I suppose he never had a close tie to family or a core group of good friends

>oppose feminism's idiocy is alt-right
stop being a retard

Didn't he do the same "I'm done with social media" rant that totalcancer did? And then came crawling back to whine on social media all day, just like totalcancer did?

pretty embarrassing tbqh

shkreli would be the salvation of this site though

He was probably under the influence of some really exotic and obscure, expensive drugs in his defence

>we also made trumps president
>implying it wasn't trumps goonies who made all the work

>wants to promote meme culture
>wants to monetize everything
Shkreli can fuck off.

>literally all he does his exploit people and loopholes
>good for Sup Forums

He'd make gookmoot look like a saint

right, not everyone on Sup Forums thinks the same way, and posters who give a fuck about burger politics are probably the minority

Those are shitposters

That's because we have shit boards like /lgbt/ and /mlp/.

>people actually are deluded enough to think that Sup Forums did anything to sway the election

Not him but it is alt-right, that's where the "alt" comes from, demographics that aren't traditionally very right-leaning espousing right wing ideas.

>implying he wouldn't scare the normies away due to that "ebil man leading 4chin"
>implying he's a poorfag like mook that needs to monetize this website to reach the end of the month

I don't mind this jap lying about how much Sup Forums costs per month or making board set behind paywall, but if Shkrelli legit bought Sup Forums I'd stop visiting it the second he did.