Shit that pisses you off

>stamina meter
>weapon degradation
>can't skip tutorials
>cinematic games

Weapon degradation is only bad if you can't repair shit. It's a necessary part of punishment for dying in a non-permadeath game. They could just deduct money from you but that would be less immersive.

anything resembling a locked door.

Powerup Walls
Anything deterring you from progressing into an area or room or something.
Doors only opened by weapons.

I can't stand locked doors.

Minish cap was the fucking worst with it. Literally everywhere was locked off to you because theres a boulder to be pushed in a hole.
I can't stand game design like that.

Just place a challenge in front of me that unlocks the next area, dont make me hunt down a fucking card key on the other side of the map so I can open the door here.

>tutorials in game can't be turned off
>turn based combat
>rpg elements like upgrades and experience point
>destructible enviroments that respawn
>lack of realism for basic stuff (like corpses disappearing in REmake)
>new game +

Also this , to some degree.

>complete a very long game without saving
>you get the most useful rewards is when you did everything in the game
>achievements the developers never did legit (requires years of grinding or extreme luck even with savescumming)
>adding another difficulty for a game after a year for no reason

any western game made after 2005

In FPS games I can't stand it when I'm locked in a room with nothing to do because some asshole has to spout exposition. Because obivously that can't be done over the radio or anything.

Borderlands The Pre Sequel drove me nuts with that one part where you go to a big ass ship and two asshole talk over the radio and you're waiting for them to shut up so the locked doors can magically open.

Seriously, I want this trend to fuck right off.

>gold sinks

>Merchants don't have enough money to buy your trash

>crafting system
>hunger system
>ubisoft and bethesda patented mindlessly shallow freeroam 'sandbox' gamelay with slight rpg elements tacked on

>can't play hardest difficulty without completing the game on the difficulty below that

What's wrong with stamina meters?

>procedurally generated levels
>crafting system
>knee-high barriers
>invisible walls
>jelly splatter screen
>have to unlock harder difficulties

Sounds like you just don't like RPGs. But I can understand hate for RPG elements in non-RPG games.

stamina is one of my most hated game mechanics, whether it's for sprinting, attacking, or just counting the number of dungeons you can enter in quick succession

it's fucking awful

>can't skip tutorials
Fucking Fire Emblem on the GBA. It's 10 chapters long, what a crock of shit.

Inherent inaccuracy in fps games. Jesus fucking christ this one makes me so god damn mad. At the very core of most fps games is aiming, whether by controller or m+kb. Why would you add an extra layer between the player and the game by forcing inaccuracy regardless of how well the player can aim? Furthermore, aim assist on consoles, although i don't own a current gen console myself this shit was awful as far as i can remember.

>playing fps
>on a console or with a pad

>>can't skip tutorials
>non-skipable tutorial is several hours long
welp, never doing a second playthrough of that game

>new game+
Why? I understand hating it if all ng+ does is make enemies "harder" to kill such as more health/damage. But i like ng+ that actually spices up the game and gives me a reason to play again.

Payday 2?

>Get the cool stuff After beat the game 100%

>ask if it's a jojo reference
>no one replies

>no map
I know it makes for fun exploration for most people but I fucking suck at remembering places
>run around the same spot 3 times trying to remember where that last fork I wanted to explore was
>find shortcut back to area where I came from 1 hour ago
>go through it
>no fucking clue where I am

thank god for emulators
being able to speed up makes everything worth it

>no new game+ to have fun shitting on the entire game with your secret rare equipment

>Stamina meter

Objectively a good thing

>open world game doesn't have a mini map
Wtf just cause 3

>Game features summons/minions/pets
>They only last 20 seconds
>Can only have one out at a time
>They take a portion of the EXP you receive.


>Want to play a game
>Have to download steam since it's not available otherwise

Fuck you ToS,i guess you're not my nigga.

>Weapon degradation is only bad if you can't repair shit.
Naw nigga. Remember Dead Island? I agree that it can be perfectly fine, but some games just take it to annoying levels.

Average bait, made me answer

>Hours of scripted handholding.
>sequel removes features
>Doesn't trust the players to understand the game's mechanics.
>Procedural generation in place of actual design.
>Forced linearity through incredibly artificial road blocks. (Looking at you pokemon)
>Mandatory black character with zero original personality.
>Cutscenes that aren't at the end of huge sections of gameplay.
>Changes to another type of game for one part for no fucking reason (Forced stealth levels)

>game has no "GAME SAVED" message

>>Forced linearity through incredibly artificial road blocks. (Looking at you pokemon)
I don't even understand why they have branching paths if every time you get blocked by Team Rocket until you have finished whatever dungeon you're supposed to do next

I'm okay with stamina meters if they only affect your attacks.

Fuck the ones that force you to stop for a breather when running, though.

>stamina meter
>weapon degradation
Casual scum.

You'd love Silent Hill

>Would you like to save?
>Are you sure you want to overwrite file 1?
>Do you want to return to the title screen?

>playing online competetive without a mic

I hate this russian shits.

>Exiting game brings you to the main menu
>Only option is press Start
>game connects to online server again when you press start
>Here's today's news and patch notes!
>now you can exit to desktop\
>can't just exit to desktop from the game

>games where you are forced to take hits during every encounter
Fuck pokemon
I can't have a lot of fun in some RPGs, or strategy games. I'm not saying that every game needs to have a dedicated i-frame button but make the hits I take my own fault. I want to be able to avoid damage, for a price if need be, and if I have the skill of course.

recoil and magical curved barrels in fps games.

The recoil is always so bloody absurd it's like you are playing someone with the strength of a literal toddler. Even worse is when the devs decide
>First shot is 100% accurate
>Second shot can essentially fly off sideways
>but only if you don't wait one second
piss off with that shit firing twice doesn't literally bend the barrel you aren't shooting guns made of jelly

>tagging enemy that make wallhacking looks justified
this shit is almost everywhere in modern vidya
whoever started this trend deserved to get shot in the head

I'm sorry your SMG doesn't have pixel perfect accuracy across 2 miles user.

What? Towards the end of pokemon games you become so overleveled that you can just oneshot all pokeman a trainer has and your speed is way higher than theirs

Most games that feature it also have a dedicated button to active it. You can just not use it

Yeah, after hours of mindless grinding, which is another thing I hate. No thanks, I'd rather just stay away than get mad at it.

>games that start with 20 minute cut scenes to set the story
>games that segue from shitty 20 minute intro cut scenes into forced tutorials
>game starts off with all your abilities and takes them all away after the prologue
>game restricts access to areas which have no logical reason to stay closed with invisible walls
>game believes it's doing something new by reiterating a concept that was done 20 years ago
>story boils down to simple message as "war is bad", "crime doesn't pay" or "be good and not evil pls"
>game's story is told exclusively in cutscenes
>game relies solely on user created content
>game with popular multiplayer shoehorns in a mediocre single player campaign
>game forces multiplayer elements into a singleplayer experience
>game has items that can only be unlocked by microtransactions
>tailing missions
>forced stealth sections in games that aren't stealath based, where you fail instantly for being detected
>game tries to capatilize on a gimmick like motion controls
>game forces you to grind bonus challenges in order to finish the main story instead of them being a neat thing to do besides missions
>game throws in a new control scheme for only one part in the game

so do you hate all turn based games then?

>mindless grinding
I do the mindless grinding at the beginning against homeless Pokemon. I then dominate every trainer I come across, which in turn levels me up way more than fighting stray Pokemon.

>In Pokemon

Nigga you can fucking murderize everything after the first couple of gyms in every single game.

I'm okay with just tagging the enemy
I'm not okay with tagging them and they're magically visible through the wall

look at Ass Creed 2 for example
you use the eagle vision to know which one is the target and which ones are the guards
that's just it, no wallhacking bullshit

in Ass Creed 4, the moment you use eagle vision, the target and enemies are automatically tagged and "wallhacked" for casual shitters

>stamina meter
it's only shit when it's not properly implemented, like in the elder scrolls series, but in other games like the souls series it's literally what makes the combat great. If you're talking a "sprinting" meter then I could see it more.

the only thing that dark souls does that elder scrolls doesnt with the stamina bar is dodging, thats literally it. power attacks, sprinting and dodging all drain stamina in boths games

the only reason it doesnt drain stamina for dodging in elder scrolls is because there isnt a fucking dodge, that doesnt make the stamina implementation shit, it makes the elder scrolls mechanics shallow

>you practically draw it yourself
>only know where you are if you can triangulate two known landmarks

Miasmata made maps fun

>>destructible enviroments that respawn
>>lack of realism for basic stuff (like corpses disappearing in REmake)
Limitations because of ram.

>"survival" game gives you tons of resources and ammo

Survival games are only fun until that critical tipping point where survival is no longer an issue. Take urw for example, the moment you kill a large prey like a reindeer and can preserve it you are set for weeks. Weeks you can use to casually stroll around and get more food without eating it all the same evening.

That surplus stretches your survival months if you just capitalise on it

>Unskippable tutorials
>No Exit to Desktop option, so you are forced to go to the main screen. Yeah I know alt-F4 exists.
>Invisible walls
>The open world meme aka lots of empty space or the same boring creatures everywhere

lack of dodge is the main issue I agree, but there's also the fact that there's no back and forth in terms of blocking or not blocking to either not recover/recover stamina. It's just, swing wildly until you're out, then either continue swinging widlly or pause and just chug stamina potions, when really you should have the meter replenish fast when not swinging or blocking and have it almost recover nothing at all when blocking. Put in a dodge and the game gets a lot better, but the stamina meter is still pretty irrelevant if you do.

>not having a stamina meter and sprinting everywhere for the entire fucking game
>using a single weapon on a game with a large amount because it never degrades

>shooter real time "RPG" features enemies of higher levels that have giant lifebars which makes you backpeddle constantly while not being able to avoid damage, so it just becomes a trade
>Excessive hud elements and highlighted shimmering people everywhere instead of relying on in-game consistent maps and menus and showing the detailed world as it is
>every open world game is a giant "complete 1/30" of the same activities over and over again instead of utilizing random events and stumbling upon things by yourself

>Game's character editor is embedded into a 30 minute unskippable prologue
>Can only look at the character in editor from a handful of angles, under one specific lighting that doesn't apply to anywhere else in the game

ME2 was fucking unbelievably awful with that shit, I must have replayed that fucking starting half hour 4 or 5 times. I couldn't even put on a movie and mute the game and waited while they did their thing because it demands input in the gameplay part embedded between the cutscenes.

>What is Repel
Did you even played that game?

>shooter real time "RPG" features enemies of higher levels that have giant lifebars which makes you backpeddle constantly while not being able to avoid damage, so it just becomes a trade
Speaking of FPS shooters, I fucking hate Fallout 3 and and its janky-ass engine that almost demands using VATS.

>Aim at an enemy
>As you hit fire, the enemy drops into an instantaneous, 2 frame crouch, dodging the shot
>Or else he hits a small pebble and shoots 3 feet off course, or immediately and unexpectedly starts running diagonally without adjusting his animations at all

>weapons and other objects just shrink until they disappear instead of slowly going transparent

>mandatory shitty lockpicking/hacking minigames

>two characters are talking
>Character A stops talking mid-sentence
>full second of silence
>Character B "interrupts" Character A

>tutorials you have to repeat whenever you start a new game
>cutscenes you can't skip
>"exhaustion" animations that won't let you move
>reload animations that you can't cancel
>designated saving locations and no quicksaves
>enemies that heal after certain time out of combat
>bosses with healing as their main gimmick
>bosses with 1HKO as their main gimmick
>bosses that are scripted so you HAVE to lose to proceed
>item stacking limit
>no item stacking
>invisible walls in retarded locations
>invisible walls in general

the new falllouts really are just oblivion with guns. It's braindead, there's no positioning, having to get off a skillful shot before the enemy does the same to you. It's just being crammed in small interiors and having bulletspongy enemies gang up on you as you hold back as you fire at them over and over again and hope that your backpeddling offsets some damage by having the enemy having to reach you before they hit you so they have to run a bit in between each blow. It's the same as in elder scrolls really.

>Interplaytard pretends FO1 and 2 were anything but savescum-a-palooza as you wait for the 70% chance to hit to actually hit

>under one specific lighting

I play Saints Row 2 a while back and decided to make a pale character. Indoors and during character creation he look great but Jesus Christ outside he shine like the fucking sun. Like bad bloom level kind of blindness. I wanted a pale guy but not one that fucking glows.

it really should have the opposite effect, but that really makes me want to replay Dragon age: origins.

Shitty roadblocks

>want to go to saffron? sorry i'm thirsty roads closed go entirely around the map
>want to go to the ice cave? i dont think you've gone sightseeing enough
>want to go to mossdeep? i'm training wailmer, fuck off
>want to go to sunyshore? there's a power outage because fuck you
and so on

>Character interrupts the other character before they say what's suppsed to get interrupted

never said that, but they certainly don't pretend to be real time shooters while at the same time being turnbased rpgs and fucking it up spectacularly.

you just sound like a casual retard. go play gta v


i'm glad you guys are worthless stains on the earth instead of developers

>takes far too long to get something that only appears at the end of the game

Why the fuck would I ever use a Hydreigon when it won't evolve before the Champion fight? Why the fuck would I ever farm the Pink Tails in FF4 if i could have beaten the final boss 100 times in the time it takes?

>Game is more shallow than the previous game

for fuck sake

>getting pissed over a video game
well that makes sense, low eq is a symptom of autism

>>bosses that are scripted so you HAVE to lose to proceed
I wish if developers use this, they would also make scenario where you actually win. Like, fight is so tough everyone assumes you should lose, but one day some asian hardcore speedrunner manage to win it at discovers, there's some hidden stuff there.

>slow text speed

Why the fuck? There is never a good reason for this.

>a medium shouldn't iterate on itself and get better
>movies should intentionally feature bad acting, poor editing and writing for the sake of diversity

just use the defualt Shepard you autist

Are you retarded? If anything people are complaining that too many games are making the exact same mistakes. Sorry if that was meant to be bait or something but it honestly doesn't make any sense. May as well slam your head on the keyboard and try to pass that off as bait, pretty much what you had done.

>Getting pissed over heavy traffic
>Getting pissed over bad coffee
>Getting pissed because your boss asked some over-time

Showing some emotions is definitely of a sign of autism

>ng+ makes all your secret rare equipment do as much damage as your regular equipment in ng

>thread is about complaining
>user complains about things
>"hurr durr casul"

The fact that I find some game mechanics infuriating does not mean I do not play games with said mechanics

go play some maplestory


Sure love running for 4 seconds and walking for 10 while it recharges

>sequel removes features
I swear if I was in charge of a dev team I'd have the devs playing the previous entries religiously so they knew right away when a feature that worked great, big or small was missing in the new one for no apparent reason.

getting pissed over traffic is the stupidest thing ever
not like it's gonna make things go faster

Harvest Moon seriously seems like a series stuck in time. Every single game is, What if 64/BtN had "this" instead.

>not ever feeling frustration over things that you have no control
Are you a robot?

Having to find secrets in order to upgrade weapons.

Looking at you DOOM, it breaks up the pace too much. Would prefer grinding to having to find secrets

How would you deal with level limits on a non open world game, if not with invisible walls?
Sometimes you can use natural barriers or walls to form an enclosure, but in a desert for example that would be impossible.

>being a wage-slave
The purest form of autism there is.

>50% chance for 0.3% *resilience* penetration on every 3rd crit

Why the fuck does everything have to be so abstracted?