Whats he telling him Sup Forums?

Whats he telling him Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>You're absolute garbage at streetfighter

>your wife is amazing, bro

>When I go solo you're finished but I'll throw you a bone every once in awhile



>I played Mika once and liked it

I like asian girls.

>Allah Akbar

lets go back to sf4

>me and floe r butt buddies

>Unplug the ethernet
>We're going wireless

>more like git gudtecks

>I have a goth fetish



Adam > KBrad > Mike > Floe
But didn't Mike's solo career go tits up? CPT was cancelled.

Why is Mykk so likeable.

>I will body you

>last SFIV Excellent serioes
>"These guys are going to het shit ON by us now! You need to have GOOD footsies to play SFV"
>SFV hasn't been in the market for a year
Remember how Mik asked Gootecks in one of the series uploaded last year what would happen in people picked Mika and went braindead? It's almost like they KNEW.

>I'm going solo, good luck faggot

>plebs not knowing who mike ross and gootecks are
just end yourselves, you've already lost

sorry for not keeping up with new pokemon games

But they're my favorite people in the FGC

James Chen and UltraDavid are so much better than these faggots

>wake up jab

>wait till you see my dick

Ultradavid is best

Two Steves > Miek Russ & HyuckTecks > UltraChen

my mind LITERALLY thought these were the same sentiment

>Not F-Word and Logan
Step up faggots.

>they are stuck with awful trash sf5 for a few years
>evo will be forced to mainstage sf5 for at least another 5 or 6 years
>people will have to force their enthusiasm for this awful boring game for another half decade

This is dreadful.

>no F-Word and Logansama

>James Chink and Ultrajew
>even remotely good

>Not Ski Sonic

>Not even the power of the incredible Asus G11 Pro Edition can save you from these frames

He was away for a while because chat would explode with insults the second he picked the mic. Good riddance too because he's fucking abysmal. Skisonic and Spooky are gargabe-tier.

I love Aris + any technical commentator.


Ah yes, SFIV Low forward into dead edition was so fun. Or did you prefer when players picked yun and just dive kicked all day? Or when people picked elena and played in the most cancerous was seen in fighting games. Yes sir, USF4 was GODLIKE HYPE!!11! Thats without mentioning Vanilla SF4 which was EVEN BETTER! XD

Implying the best commentators aren't Chris Hu and Jaha

spooky literally one man carried early FGC streaming though

Doesn't mean he gets a free pass forever, respect what he did, but nothing lasts forever.

The fuck do I care? He's boring to listen to and that's all that matters.

So have they made any good sets again without being blazed, without awful annoying third wheels, and a good game?

Haven't kept up with them at all since they started having that annoying fuck Kbrad on. Good lord he is awful and I know I'm in the minority.

Can't stand him. I watched that ultra sf4 with Floe that was the last I watched of them though, they always had someone on that was really fucking offputting and I lost a bit of respect for them when they released a set where they were obviously stoned like fuck, that was an awful, embarrassing and highly unprofessional set, honestly.

>Laura requires skill to use her
>Laura is High-Tier
>Watch me Gootecks!
>[heavy breathing and concentration]

I'll take that over sf5. I'll take any other street fighter over sf5.

talking shit about ma boi kay BRRRRRAAAAAT

>I'm about to throw the stick Gootecks PLEASE take the stick away from me
Rinse, repeat.

Aris will never be topped imo. He's just too damn likable.

I can hear it in his voice

I'm not even sure what Gootecks makes money off of these days, but the SF5 videos are horrible.
There's no emotion put into them, the guests are horrible and the general feeling SF4 added to the series is long gone.

Not saying SF4 was the pinnacle of fighting games, but it was way better (even with the stupid balance) than 5.

>people actually like random forward dash and occasional jump fighter V
>people like RNG Neutral Game Fighter V
>people like buffer whiffed normals in case of a random forward dash because you can't trust your own reactions Fighter V
>people like whiff CC normals if you notice someone is whiffing normals to stuff your forward dash Fighter V
>people like jump if you notice someone is whiffing heavy buttons to beat your buffered buttons in case they forward dash Fighter V
>people like everything is a guess Fighter V

What happened to clean Street Fighter? Are we really stuck with this ham ass game for another 6 years? Even that NuckleDu vs Tokido grand finals at Red Bull recently was just a bunch of buttons, jumps, and forward dashes. It looked like an online match.

100% honest question for you guys who keep up with excellent adventures and have watched the majority of them.

Have they fixed their audio imbalance issues yet? It's been like 5 years now right?

It'll be all low volume so you gotta turn it up then suddenly something in game happens and they start screaming and the volume is up so it's really fucking loud and it keeps going back and forth like that.

Have they fixed that shit or is it still awful like that with no proper audio equipment to help out or even fix that shit?

>Eight Frames

It's a shame how we can surmise and summarize a person's life with a few phrases. It's still funny though.

The recent one where Mike throws a 27 win streak with his birdie then wins it back with some reads was pretty sick

>our faces when this shit is gonna be forced for another 5+ years easily because the more "famous" players MUST stay relevant and they have almost no actual choice in the matter other than just falling into obscurity forever

Shit sucks, Capcom is such a tragic company now they have no idea what the fuck they are doing. Only a couple more years and MH will be ruined completely and they will have nothing left.

>Adam > KBrad > Mike > Floe
No lies.
>mfw the Turbo giveaway message book he put out


I said "and a good game" for a reason.

As in, not sf5.

Well fuck nigga it's not like sf4 was a good game

better than Dash n Jump Fighter V, nigga

Why the fuck do all of you niggers go to that sf4 defense immediately holy shit.

I don't give two fucks about any other street fighter, I didn't say shit about sf4.

SF5 is trash. Any other street fighter game being good or bad is irrelevant because this isn't a discussion about which is better.

Flat statement was made. SF5 is trash and not a good game. Didn't mention any other game.

>People never buffered buttons in neutral randomly to keep dashes in check in SFIV
>That wasnt dudleys entire gameplan in SFIV

Nice meme, especially since the frame delay reduction dash in/jump in memes have become substantially worse, its a big reason Infiltration is sucking dick right now, people have adapted to his memes and they can react.

I dont give a fuck about dudley's 4 gameplan. I didn't play him. Now it's everyone's gameplan in V. If you can even have a gameplan in V, anyway.

i agree 5 is wank
dropped it like a rock

>james "white-bread; yellow-crust" chen

>CPT was cancelled

Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck? Why?

The reason for this is that the reasons given for SFV being "trash" are either vague subjective things like "the game isnt hype" or objectively wrong statements like "its impossible to react, or anti air (granted, anti airs need buffing to be more consistant but it isnt impossible to react to), the game is totally random and footsies don't exist/are very bad".

Even me, as a random super plat shitter can react to so much in the neutral game, in fact its WAY easier to whiff punish many normals in V comparatively to IV because many normals have extreamly large recovery times.

nigga doesn't work for twitch anymore keep up

>Nucledu playing guile as a mix of hard zoning, neutral and rushdown
>Chris plays guile hardcore rush down with little emphasis on defence
>ISDD plays him 100% turtler

There are many many examples of this in SFV (Eita compared to Momochi, Tokido compared to Ryu etc etc), but dare i say it i just don't think you play at a level where you can differentiate your own play style beyond unga bunga and so project onto others that such styles simply dont exist


Wait, wut
When did this happen?

>a mix of hard zoning, neutral, and rushdown
so nothing, then.

Also, the player that's just doing a little bit of everything because SFV doesn't allow for dedicated playstyles is the one that's getting the farthest. Go figure.

>it's a bad game
>can't compare it to games though
Do you realize that you're retarded?

Wtf... why is FGC threads always about e-celebs and never about the games?

This is hella lame.

I can hear his voice when I read those lines lol

What? Ok ignoring the fact that you disregarded everything else I said Du plays a flexible style thats highly dependent on the pace of the game, the MU and whether he gains momentum and "smells blood" or thinks he needs to be patient. That is contrasted to the others who definitely favour one side over the other at both extremes.

Holy shit, they really do smoke before recording.

>SF5 is so fucking shit that even excellent adventures is fucking boring to watch.
>The last SF4 episode with Smugg was the last good episode

WHy is SF5 so bad folks? It got some things right but the game is so utterly boring to watch and some matchups are fucking ass for both sides.

> did u see the reads, gootecks, the reads

Because the people playing are more enjoyable than the game itself.
Every week when a new episode comes out, I get hype and try playing SFV and hate it.

>the best performing guile just either rushes down, does a tiny bit of zoning, or presses buttons depending on guesses

Contrast that with SF4 where the best Guile, Dieminion, had some of the best zoning in the world. My point is that dedicated playstyles/strategies are useless and get you nowhere in SFV, and the only thing that will elevate you to high level play is a mix of dashes, jumps, and baits.

Even among your examples of Chris G, ISDD, and Nuckledu, none of them play a clean completely zoning-oriented Guile like Guile played in SF2 or SFIV. Have you ever seen how often ISDD jumps? Just disgusting. Because it's better and safer to jump in when your opponent is anticipating another sonic boom rather than having a gameplan of having a sonic boom on the screen as often as possible like in 4 or 2. Every player no matter what "playstyle" you think they have throws in a few random forward dashes and jump-ins because the game allows for a mix of random nonsense as long as the opponent isn't anticipating it. SFV is fucking garbage and is the death of the "chess match" oriented fighting game series that people could once identify it as.

Im sorry but I dont think you were watching the same SFIV i did, or have very nostalgic memories of it, but everyone, no matter how "clean and defensive" always utilized jump ins and dash ins. The only time people were content to stay grounded was when the matchup heavily favored doing so such as gief vs guile.

Watch this montage, in SFIV dieminions guile would do dash up fHK and random jump ins etc etc and it fucking worked because this shit always worked and will always work. youtube.com/watch?v=lFzxIvNHG84

Watch Daigo "clean, defensive e.ryu" dash in, jump in and randomly whiff buttons A LOT in neutral vs Kazunoko "im gonna divekick the fuck you gonna do".

What im saying is being random has ALWAYS been an aspect of fighting games and always will be, its a part of what keeps people on their toes. SFV is only marginally more random that SFIV and the gap is closing as the level of play gets better.

>in SFIV dieminions guile would do dash up FHK and random jump ins
Those dashes were actually guaranteed though, he had frame advantage from blocked booms. I didn't see a single random jump either, he just air to aired with jump roundhouse. Way better and more inspiring than all of that fake ass empty forward dash throw bait back dash punish shit that NuckleDu and Tokido were doing at the RedBull grand finals.