Name a more overrated game.
Name a more overrated game
Super metroid
Metroid prime
Deus ex
System shock 2
Dark souls
The legend of Zelda ocarina of time
Silent hill 2
TLoU is not overrated, shit taste.
Skyrim is an overrated game.
How is TLOU not overrated
>not overrated
>game is universally praised
>it's actually bad
>hence it is rated significantly higher than its content merits
Pretty sure that is the literal definition of "overrated." What language are you speaking?
Spec ops the line
Because it is very good and lived up to all the hype
Going by Sup Forums's standards, TLOU is a heavily underrated game.
Dark Souls 1. Its reputation have preceded it in a VERY bad way
Dark Souls
Morrowind on Sup Forums
How is it very good?
>this world is very gritty and real
>press triangle to win
>press square to strangle
>basic third person shooting
Mediocre at best
false. morrowind is the greatest rpg ever constructed.
How is it overrated?
I really liked it
but then again I'd never really played a 'cinematic 3rd person shooter" before so the concept was still novel to me
And for what it was, I thought it was a pretty fun experience overall
name one thing portal did wrong
Witcher 3.
How is it not? Are you the same retard as before? We're not going to spell it out for you every time.
I went back and played the game for the first time after 3 came out and 7 years of memes and hype completely killed it for me. It's really starting to show it's age, and not in a good way
>press triangle to win
This literally never happened
>this world is very gritty and real
What? Is this supposed to be bad?
>name a more overrated game
>posts a movie
Wrong pic?
Bioshock Infinite
personally i bought dark souls day one and love the game but it was pretty fucking annoying see it get spammed here for literally years as everyone and their mother slowly trickled in to the fandom.
gauging "underratedness" is purely a contrarian effort though. i guarantee every game posted itt is going to be a great game.
Any game that people on Sup Forums irrationally dislike, as far as I can tell.
I like the game, but I genuinely don't see what it does -so much better- than the other games
TP and MM had better dungeons
MM had the better overworld
WW had a better combat
I dunno, just don't see what sets it apart as "best game ever" material
If its a gritty and real world the gameplay shouldn't be casual
There is no reasoning in either of these posts.
Play on something higher than NORMAL difficulty scrub.
user, sometimes people don't like things you like
Super Mario Bros. 3
Half life 2
it's kind of like the witcher 3 where its too easy so you need to play it on hard modes to feel engaged, i played the hardest mode and where you basically die instantly if you make a mistake. the combat looks and feels amazing. the story is well told. i dont know what to tell you, it was a fun game and quite the single player experience.
That's not what I'm saying.
To strangle a person, you press a button. None of your companions can die. There is no risk.
Metal Gear Solid is more gritty gameplay than TLOU.
There are none so blind as those who will not listen.
This. At least with TLOU, you don't really expect anything before, maybe expecting the whole "Citizen Kane of vidya". But with BI you at least expected it to be better than Bioshock 1.
That doesn't make them overrated games though.
They should still have a reason for it.
>Sup Forums still assblasted over this masterpiece all these years
Me fucking your mom.
OoT had better Dungeons than MM but I agree with the other things you posted. Most of MM's bosses sucked to
>What is TES4: Skyrim
Bioshock Infinite
Uncharted games
TLoU is great, except for it's pants on head retarded AI.
Who the fuck charges a guy with a shotgun or flamethrower? Who the hell wanders off after shooting an arrow into a corner in the middle of a firefight? How is everyone's night vision so bad?
Also, why did they need the entire brain? All you need is a sample.
Red Dead Redemption.
Miyazaki-San I apologize for speaking poorly of your game, will you accept my apology?
You played it 10+ years after its release. Thats why.
Thank you. Came to say this
People used to bring up Dragon's Dogma all the time in these threads. I wonder what changed?
Nothing I think, still overrated.
Came out on PC, what else?
>lived up to all the hype
>had to make companions invisible to enemies because they couldn't get the AI to work like in the demos
Nothing can be more overrated than Ocarina of Time.
>bad controls = gritty gameplay
you aren't even trying anymore friend
Are you deliberately ignoring my point?
no, not even the user you were arguing with. just think it's funny that something thinks that an mgs game controls better than tlou
Can't be done. It's a decent, if not overly cinematic TPS with sprinklings of survival horror that garnered enough critical praise to make even OoT blush. That doesn't necessarily make it bad but fuck if it's not the textbook definition of overrated
I've made maps and source and have modded the engine for the past 6 or so years and i cant believe valve gets praise for such a simplistic and generally basic game.
The fact that the game doesn't have cut scenes isn't revolutionary, its because the engine literally can't do cut scenes without bugging the fuck out.
OoT was a forerunner for a number of 3D action adventure designs that have since been taken for granted, and compared to the other 3D Zeldas it has the best pacing and sense of progression by a good margin. Hell, you can even tackle the adult dungeons out of proper order without breaking anything, no other 3D Zelda to date has allowed this.
>To strangle a person, you press a button
It's a video game that uses a controller, how else would you do it?
Shadow of the Colossus
You're strangling a person. Mash the button. Hold it down. Anything other than "press button for scripted kill."
Nah, too niche. It's appreciated but it's a cult classic.
>Mash the button
That's literally what you have to do though
miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss
Petty complaint. Shut The fuck up.
The fact your companion can't die is awesome though, nobody enjoys escort missions, they're always terrible.
For once, I could enjoy the game without the stupid ai partner running into death and getting me killed.
And if she could die, that would be your argument for why it sucks.
It's not a bad game, but it's definitely not great.
It plays as any other generic 3rd person shooter.
It's another post-apocalyptic zombie game with a heavy emphasis on the story.
ITT: dumb faggots with opinions they regard as fact
collectively end your shitty existences
Not in TLOU, you just press square and then death animation.
It's not petty that the core gameplay completely contrasts with every narrative element.
>generic 3rd person shooter
doesn't that just mean that YOU personally don't like third person shooters?
no really, you actually have to mash it or MC releases them and they attack
This right here
make good use of it
Well I don't know what fucking game I was playing but it certainly said "The Last of Us" on my PS3.
Persona 4
Any turnbased JRPG that holds your hand abd has lazy combat like the two mentioned above
maybe you were playing on casual?
Are you telling me Hard changes the controls?
No. I like the genre and I still play plenty. But perhaps I am used to them and know what to expect pretty quickly.
The limited resources definitely made some parts more difficult and engaging, but that was early on.
a lot of game have changed controls specifically for casual mode
But does TLOU?
Note: Hard, not Grounded difficulty.
I don't know, I didn't play casual.
I honestly can't.
This turd was so hyped up by the games media that even if it was a great game it wouldn't have lived up to it.
It didn't help that the game was kinda shit and the story was meh.
I honestly think that people have forgotten just how overrated it was. This was the "games are totally on par with movies" poster child to end them all
It's pretty much Oscarbait in game form.
Mass effect 2
I'm not a huge fan of the last of us but I can respect it, but if you think mass effect 2 is an amazing game then fuck off
Really, calling a game in the mass effect series overrated and you go for 2? Really?
I didn't really like ME2 either and I understand your overall sentiment but while critics fawned over that game TLoU got a dick sucking every man would be jealous of.
Skyrim and Witcher 3
They all are overrated as fuck but 2 had the most acclaim
I heard it called "the citizen Kane of games" by so many retards who don't understand what that implies and that it did nothing really to influence future games.
>did nothing to influence future games
>tower knight theme.mp4
Name a more underrated multiplayer you meant
let me guess, you are 14?
bioshock infinite
There are none. TLOU is the most overhyped, overrated, circle Jerk ever created.
My friend in college let me borrow his ps4 just so I could play this "masterpiece".
After 2 hours my abs started cramping up from the laughter. I then set fire to my friends house while he slept.