New info on new alien enemies

New info on new alien enemies

Also, Mass effect andromeda / ME thread.

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makes me a little sad every time I see something ME related

I think it has the potential to be good. I know alot of people shit on DA:I but if you manage to get past the slugfest that was the hinterlands there was some good gaming ahead.

It's worrying that this new reboot to the series has alot of new developers who love that sgjb or whatever shit. No doubt there will be afew gay characters thrown in there like that awkward one in ME3

Going to be honest, I am still butthurt about ME2 and ME3.

What pisses me off is how they ruined the mass 3 ending so much that they had to take this new game into a whole new galaxy. I mean that's fucking insane.

It would be better if this new 'khet' (drug name, wtf?) race were a milky way race and somehow managed to survive or even evade the reapers, knew about them but decided not to help the council races or warn them, and now they are capitalizing on us and are trying to take control over our milky way while we are worn out and weak from the war effort.

ME2 was almost perfect. Only afew plot details and the terminator reaper piss me off.

That would be interesting. Like the Vong from the star wars eu books?

I feel ya, it completely turned me off from buying anything made by EA.
This series really deserved a much better conclusion, same with Dead Space.

I have a terrible feeling that it's gonna be awful.

EA are gonna slap tons of microtransactions on it to a point where you buy half a game.

Also the dumbed down gameplay, the shitty party members and the dumb as fuck story.
>oh hey shepard you died but we, a shady evil orginization, rebuilt you as a robot using reaper technology.
>what? no of course this will never come up again, why would you ever think that?

I was so pissed with ME2 that I didn't even want to give 3 a chance.
People who defend it need their brain examined, it's a massive leap backwards in pretty much any regard, especially combat.

nobody cares. ME3 was possibly one of the worst video game experience I've ever seen.

Maybe in the multiplayer but ME3 turned out fine enough without having to buy anything.

>ME2 was almost perfect
In terms of fucking what?

That me3 dlc Citadel was the most euphoric gaming experienced i've ever had. It was bliss. It was a great final send off to your gang.

ME2 was fun

Want an N7 helmet? $4 please. Want to PVP? $15 please.
A mako? Yep, $7 please.
Fyi, if you don't buy these things you can't play with others cos muh compatibilities.

Fuck you EA.

Every side story and character. I know the main story was dumb and short but it was more about going to different planets, exploring illium, tachunka, seeing your boy wrex again, etc, than just the main plot, and it was perfect.

play more video games

What? This year ea seem to be alot better. They've dropped alot of the dlc, preorder, microtransaction bullshit. Look at titanfall 2, every map is free, no micro transactions and it's a great game to boot. I think they've learned that they may end up with alot more money in the long run if they take care of the customer like cd projekt red does with its fans. That company is huge now thanks to witcher 3s good press and stance on dlc.

it was full of back peddling and fan pandering in the wake of one of the worst video game conclusions of all time and some of the most passive aggressive developers I've ever seen.

>it was more about less planets with missions, a tiny city, a set of linear objectives on a rock, Wrex not even joining while Grunt is underdeveloped, etc.
Yeah, perfect game.

Bioware can fuck right off and suck a bag of trannysjwdicks.

They squandered the immense potential ME1 brought to the table.

Lore, world building, writing, characters, fuck even the villains. That first Reaper holgoram you encounter gave me the fucking chills.

Fuck everything Bioware has become, seriously.

Yes I'm mad. Still bitter about it.

I had a blast playing ME3. How can you not the tuchunka arc?

I wish the earth intro was longer, the ending was better and kal reegar and other small things were handled better but damn it had some great big moments and im happy with the game.

>it's humanoid again so horrid bioware animators have less to work with

>things that never happened
>fanservice dlc has fanservice

>I had a blast playing ME3

Fuck off you fucking biodrone. Shill somewhere else.

No matter how subtle you get. No one will ever trust you fags again after ME3

Looks like a Turian that got its head smashed open.

Why does every sci-fi game / movie have to do bipedal humanoids?! They're alien so make them ALIEN

Probably because its easier to accept to the masses also easier to animate. Also for a species to grow and evolve you'd have thought they'd have to use tools like we did, and to use tools you need a precision grip ie thumbs that bend inwards, so species would logically be similar to us.

>Sup Forums is literally, LITERALLY defending ME3 right now

I wish I could kill everybody in this thread

Including you?

>tfw no blasto companion

>tfw no fleshed out multiplayer story mode a la PSO

tentacles and a shitload of other outgrowths would work just as well

so be it

>create brand new alien from different galaxy
>make them have the same structure as the collectors except bonier

>I wasn't gonna say anything but imo it looks like a collectorized version of the turians

If you think ME3 is a bad game you've obviously not played many video games.

For tentacles it's only lifeforms in the sea that have them, and a big point of us evolving and reaching an awareness / conciousness above everything else on our planet was the fact that we had to build fires to survive which helped us socialise and band together, create tools and such from there. No sea life can do that.

the hanar did it

It felt too MMOish but I didn't find it terrible. I think it could be good as well. I prefer optimism over the eternal MUH CYNICAL GAMER attitude. If it sucks, it sucks though.

>the Hanar

Give me your money

I've played many video games

Its not not superman 64 or sonic 06 bad, but as a video game experience its pretty fucking god awful. Prove me wrong drones. Prove to me its not "too video gamey"

The story was trash and the gameplay was boilerplate Gears shit but overall, the gameplay itself wasn't bad. Ending was a shit all over the fans though, which left a terrible taste in most's mouths.

Oh, like you're doing right now? Huh?

Not him, but the gameplay is incredibly simplistic, especially when you look at the ridiculously barebones horde mode everyone praises. It's the worst mix of cover-based shooting and cinematics.

>We took a really cool design, and then did everything we could to make it as awful as possible

Dammit Bioware.


Explain why the gameplay mechanics are bad. We all know the writing sucks but just based on the game mechanics, why is it bad? Since the multiplayer is commonly agreed to be pretty good, I'd argue that the gameplay wasn't bad. The story was trash and it was a story driven game but boiled down to pure gameplay, it was decently done.

The hanar touched a prothean (reaper) relic which gave them awareness / ascended them to the next level.

>"too video gamey"
me3 practically plays itself

Who gives a shit.
It'll be fucking unredeemable trash.
It's a fucking Bioware game for christ sakes.

You should just ignore it, don't make threads about it, just let the franchise and the studio die the true death.

what does that have to do with them having tentacles and not living in the sea

>Mass Effect

I'd rather pay a burly man to shatter my knees and elbows with a claw hammer

Ah yes, the "good content".

So lazy

That would be a nightmare for bioware to write around though. They'd have to canonize an ending from ME3 and either way there would be a shitload of destroyed planets they'd have to contend with. I think they just chose the easiest route possible so they could have more freedom in this story, kind of like how lucas arts told them to either make a game that ties in with the star wars prequels or make one set thousands of years before, so they created KOTOR because it gave them more freedom and creatability.

What sucks about going to another galaxy though is, somehow we manage to take 4 or 5 arc ships to this new andromeda galaxy, so surely the protheans did that 50,000 years ago, their empire seemed alot more unified and more advanced than our council races. So with the khet looking like protheans, maybe they are prothean ancestors or some other bioware shit like that,

It's a gears of war clone.

no you wouldn't

But what if I'm into that

He would. And if he chickened out I'd pay the bury man to do it to him instead, and I'd still rest easy in the knowledge that I hurt him less than if he had played ME4.

>protheans in andromeda
It would be pretty cool if during their reaper war, the protheans sent afew of their own arc-like ships to andromeda as a backup plan, and we find out abit this from the Khet, who destroyed these invader protheans from the milky way.

Have you ever seen an octopus do shit? Their tentacles are very dextrous and can do pretty much anything a hand can except for play videogames. Have you seen an elephant's trunk?

I still dont understand why they even had him die in the first place.

ME2 is like the 3rd season of Community. Yeah, it's not THAT bad, but it's still barely comparable to the first.

Gears does cover shooting infinitely better.

And it has a better and more satisfying story to boot so what the fuck does ME3 have that gears doesnt do better?

Waifu's. Which is precisely why you lonely faggots even play like this miserable pile of shit. Am I wrong?

And it isn't done poorly. It's pretty boilerplate but here's the thing, it isn't badly done. It's bland, sure but to say it's terrible because of its blandness is an insult to actually bad games and is the reason behind 7/10 it's horrific. There is no such thing as average to you fucks. It's a bad game because the story sucks in a story driven game, the gameplay is perfectly fine. Not revolutionary but fine.

Loved 2/3, one was too clunky to be as enjoyable but I'm ready for 4.

ME's combat is garbage. ME2's an improvement on it in every regard.

I like sci-fi so I am hyped.

That's simply what humans think. There are so many more interesting ideas than how humans evolved. Look at how advanced dolphins are and how different they are from us? There's endless possibility in the universe. Fuck bipedal aliens.

I'm not saying it does anything better. I'm saying the actual gameplay is serviceable. Not good, not bad. Just perfectly average. That doesn't mean the game is bad because the story is bad. but gameplay was it handles perfectly fine. It's not innovative, it's not great but most things aren't.

How much do you get paid to turn this thread into a house of lies?

It's the exact opposite.

>Shepherd dies
>crashes down on a planet, the cinematic cleary shows that he's on fire
>somehow he's not burnt to ash and/or splattered to bits when Cerberus comes to find him

how is it bad


If it was only a multiplayer game you would be right, but people didnt play ME1 and ME2 for multiplayer. Them tacking it in to ME3 for no reason and not only that but requiring you to play it to get the """""""best""""""" ending was just foolish

Especially when they said specifically you wouldnt have to. But hey, every pre release quote was basically a lie after the game released so fuck it then

Dolphins are smart but they will never, ever create medicine to help cure them from illness or look at the stars and know they are burning suns. It's impossible.

Everyday I wonder more and why I keep coming to this shithole full of retards who try so desperately hard to shit on everything to try and fit in.

Reddit and twitter are the only places left for proper vidya discussion without all these mindless morons.

You're literally retarded if you unironicaly believe that.

What ifbthe game deserves to be shit on?

I don't think anyone accomplishes fitting in going after such low hanging fruit as shit like ME3

Well then fuck right off with your fellow redditors and never come back.
Sup Forums will be a better place without you.

>It's impossible
And that's why we rarely get any interesting sci-fi. Because people think that we know exactly how everything works in the universe and we only make stuff based off our narrow experience.

Jacob implied the latter when we met him in ME2.
Shepard was 'nothing but meat and tubes'.

>the shitty party members

compared to what? the grand total of 2 party members that were good in 1?

ME2 had Grunt, Garrus, Jack, Mordin, Thane, Legion and Samara. Plus Zaeed and Kasumi if count them in too.

ME2 absolutely demoslihed ME1 in terms of interesting characters. Also the gameplay was better. Even though the main story of ME2 is "pointless" the game as a whole is better than ME1, since ME or Bioware games in general is all about the characters.

Octopus are cool but they're not on the same platform as us, nowhere near.

You have to be a social creature like us to even have a chance at going to that next level. What I mean is, we created fire and tools to help us survive and we climbed to the top of the food chain, which in turn created bigger numbers for our species, longer lives, bigger communties, which created basic trade, and warring tribes and rivalries, and so on. Killing beasts for pelts to stay warmer, needing to expand territory, Discovering fire kick started all this. How the fuck could octopus do this when they are loner, independant creatures.

As humans numbers got bigger, slave trades started which eventually reached the point of the industrial revolution which started all our technology inventions. Yeah octopuses are dope man but you need more than a flashy tentacle to even reach that next point of awareness like we did.

>science fiction
You are one boring motherfucker.

Excellent counter argument

>shitty part members
literally objectively wrong
there are a lot of things in ME2 you can rightly shit on but the party members were the saving grace

Aliens created us from monkey and pig dna dude.

>aiming is represented by a large circle on your screen, even with max level accuracy on your character
>weapon balance is terrible
>get a good enough heat sink and you have never have to worry about overheating in combat
>combat is rigid, there are two type of attacks: projectile pellets and large projectile rockets
and most damming of all
>combat is too fucking easy

You had have to be some sort of low grade contrarian to think that ME had better combat

Hyperbole is not a great argument to start with

In ME1 universal translators were a thing to explain why everyone could understand each other.

How the fuck are they gonna explain being able to understand extra-galactic aliens?
Or am I giving them too much credit in assuming they'll address it at all.

There's no reason to believe that a creature would have to be social to be intelligent. We only have 1 intelligent creature for basis so saying what's possible throughout the universe is pretty dumb.

They don't need to explain it, it's a given that it's alot better for us as gamers that they speak our language, it's so much better. Remember the selkath from KOTOR? Godamn...

We learned their language and programmed it into the translator. Easy.

You know I'm psyked as fuck to see all those awkward reused animations everywhere.

At least they adressed it in some way.

And anything over listening to mucha shaka paka for dozens of hours.