>Game has niggers


>game has cucked white people

>Sup Forums has racists
>in 2016
Can you not? Please?


are you literally shaking?

Uh, no.

look at this butthurt non-white mongrel

Daily reminder that race is a social construct and there is literally nothing wrong with being an Uncle Tom.

>triggered by this

And I thought the tumblrettes were a bunch of sissies

>3 (You)s in the same minute
You niggers makes this too easy. I'm out.

don't let the door hit your black ass on the way out tyrone

>nigger has games

>Sup Forums is an American board
>Sup Forums has retarded murricuck politics

Who would've thought?


Shit thread but I love to anti-shitpost to show how fucking easy it is to talk about video games (assuming you casuals even play any). The first Fable game only had two black character on it and you can choose to permanently kill both of them. I can't say I recall the later Fable games having black people but I couldn't bare to play them longer than a hour so I wouldn't know to be honest.


>haha niggers XDDDD TriHard


This so much. You guys need to stop. You are being so childish. We must support our black brothers and sisters.

Would any of you ITT have the balls to call some black dude a nigger irl?

Yes. We must uncover the great white conspiracy and help them reacquire their space age technology, telekinetic powers and time machines.

don't you go to jail in usa if you do that?

>using "nigger" instead of "dude" or "bro"

I really need to stop but it's just too funny

also chill, it's just a word

No because this would happen


Internet is my safespace.
I can say whatever the fuck I want

we are taking back gaming if you like it or not



>ywn be called a white devil as the nigress in the avatar picture rides your little white dick

Why continue living

>beating up a 12 year old is the best thing blacks have ever done to whites
>white people literally enslaved niggers, hung them, slaughtered them across their own continent and colonized the entire thing
