

SC really can't compete. Even against the reduced lewdness of MKX they lose.


That design is so awesome but it´s not canon. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make Mortal Kombat Kids: The Game

A teen with a bow beating an old Emperor wtf

They're sort of right.

The perfect woman has:
>a cute face, with a cute and matching hairstyle - not some dyke half hair half shaved garbage
>at least somewhat large breasts
>a well-built body, not necessarily ripped, but athletic enough to appear able to hunt panthers
>perfecting it off with thick, child-bearing hips and thighs, and a supple ass

>but it´s not canon

Says literally nobody but idiots like you.

>Hey, we've got this new generation of young fighters who will be the new protagonists of our story and will presumably go on to save the day. How do we organically introduce them to the audience?
>Have all of them job to Sub Zero.

No her looking like that is seriously not canon to the story

NRS went and gave Liu Kang, Kung Lao old men designs and Kitana that design

They used that as their primary and they were revealed like that in order to throw people off in thinking they come back from Quan Chi's Woolay treatment.

They don't, which makes the whole thing kinda cheap

It's not. Kitana, Sindel, Lau, Liu, Smoke (Sort of) and a bunch of others don't actually get saved.

Which makes Kitana's Arcade ending really fucking cheap. Raiden can go fuck himself.

No one beats Sub-Zero.

They actually made a good character-design on MKX.
Pretty much impressive since the game always had such kitsch visuals before.

The Soul Calibur girls don't exist in a universe of hyper-violence and generally don't make it a point to look like strippers.

Plus, Mileena has no place to talk about looking too feminine (face notwithstanding).

who gives a shit

>No one beats Sub-Zero

>Blundergod headcanon

thats his brother that becomes noob

more like mk2 canon senpai


That said, the Soul Calibur universe is terrifying as fuck at times. When the Evil Seed launches, you have entire cities turning into ghost towns overnight.


That's not the real Mileena.


what was his fucking problem?

>dude soulcalibur objectifies wo-

he got mad

I know

His future self was being very vague, so he threw everything at the wall and tried to find what sticks. It was only until the very end that Raiden realized he had to throw the fight to Shao Kahn in order to beat Shao Kahn.

Then everything with Shinnok happens, and Raiden fucking snaps and goes on the offensive, proming revenant Kitana/Liu Kang that he will personally fuck them up if anyone fucks with Earthrealm at all.


I can't be the only one who wants Mileena to take a bite out of me.



what did Sheev mean by this?

MKX Mileena is trash. Coincidentally so are all the other classic female character's MKX designs.

i would rather have sheeva rip my skin


nice opinion

>Platform heels
>Nonexistant ass


What is it about women with 4 arms that makes them so fucking hot ?

Why is MKX such fucking offensive garbage?
>ruined and killed Mileena
>donut steel OCs like D'Vorah and Cassie dominate the story
>FOUR guest characters
>practically no worthwhile single player content despite that being a strong point of MK9
>stupid meme characters like Leatherface are in the game but Baraka and Noob Saibot are nowhere to be found
>no Havik despite an excellent role in the comics, and this being the perfect time for him to come back
I HATE this fucking game.

Soul Calibur has Aeon Calcos, so it wins by default.

She can finger your pooper, jerk you off AND fondle herself all at the same time.



only takes one tumblr to make mortal kombat look retarded

do you think thay can be good buds

Reptile's face weird and squished.
Also, Aeon would probably want to eat him or something.

>mfw porn where she actually takes advantage of that

Don't get me started on the Arcade endings.

>Johnny becomes immortal super star
>Mileena finds the clones
>Jax dies. Again.
>Kano becomes best dad ever
>Liu Kang becomes Satan
>Kung Lao breaks being a Revenant through friendship
>Raiden is evil
>Jacqui fucks up
>Kenshi and Takeda actually have an okay one
>Sub-Zero gets DRAGONS
>Kitana is left screaming to herself in horror over how much Raiden fucked up

And the fucking Guests.
>Predator kills everyone
>Alien kills everyone
>Leatherface kills a lot of people and takes Cassie's face
>Jason beats up Liu Satan.

>ruined and killed Mileena
And yet they made it a point to execute her in the sexiest method available at the time. Mortal Kombat really is about battlesluts.

>people were too dumb to realize Sheeva was best girl
Think of all the porn we could have had. Just think.

aren't they getting the guy that did the comic for the next game

That was the pass-the-torch moment to make D'Vorah the new "sexy beast bitch."

cute feet

>when ed boon ""updated"" mileena's face

>that mk3 friendship

Boon stated that Kitana and Mileena were the female equivalents of Sub-Zero and Scorpion of the series, as such they're not being replaced.

Is MKX worth it if I like single-player and occasional online/party play?
As terrible as I am at fighters, I love MK

You got a problem with kissable lips?

Please don't post concept art for this game, I can't stand how all of it is so much better than the final designs.

yea fuck her

I'll let it slide if they revert her design for future games.

>That flat ass

can you imagine how long it fucking takes for her to brush her teeth

I liked it

she looks good

You are exactly the target demographic that Netherrealm aims for. You are why MKX is one of the best-selling games in the FGC right now.

MK is the only fighter left that remembers to have single player content, now that Soul Caliber is dead.

Show her built-in heels.

>It's not a real fighting game if there's no campaign mode
You got a problem with arcade mode?

no this is flat

>covering nonexistent nipples

It's a good redesign
How the fuck is she supposed to be able to eat without lips to hold food in

Nah, even that's an ass compared to what Mileena has in that costume.

At least they tried to make arcade endings tie into the main story this time, unlike last time.

>How the fuck is she supposed to be able to eat without lips to hold food in

Have you not seen any of her fatalities?

The exact same way an entire race has been doing it for countless centuries?

I think what I hate most about the new design is retards' attempts at justifying the change, asking stupid questions that mean fuckall and were never once brought up prior to MKX, let alone never applied to Baraka/Tarkatans.

To be fair, it's been a, what, 20-year timeskip from MK9 to MKX? Mileena had time to grow more of her mouth in. I guess if she were full tarkatan, the mouth wouldn't grow in, but because she's got Kitana's genetics, those caused her mouth to mature and "heal."

Doesn't explain why this never happened in the original games.

The fact of the matter is they added it so she could be kissed to death in story mode.

Could also be because she wants to be more like daddy dearest.


I don't mind, it added a bit more detail to her face than just a venus fly trap for a mouth. With the way Netherrealm models and animates women's faces though, it seems like a waste.

Friendly reminder that her new look makes perfect sense


It makes zero sense.

>Biologically designed with heels
Fffffffffucking why.

love this meme

They never cared about plot in the old games
How familiar

Noticing this is MK, I'm sure there'll be some magic fuckery to bring Mileena back. She's too popular to just trash imo

Because heels are perfection, also they can be used to attack.

Who are you quoting?

>designed with boobs

MK is always been known for its lore.

oh you serious?

Nah it makes perfect sense

Bee hives

>Kelly Hu voices Sindel, Dvorah and Frost
So she just gave up on her 'acting' career then huh

You now remember that Jade best Edenian died like a bitch in MK9 and never really accomplished anything in the story. Which is unfortunate, if you ask me.

I'd lick the back of her knee and then move on to the armpits

>sucking on her beebies cause her to secrete honey


God, if they were real their assholes would be mine.