What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Music was too compressed.

Felt fine just wasnt that well designed in parts

Coverart. Dawn of Sorrow's is better.

Pic related

you beat me to it

seriously, that game is a perfect example of terrible music ruining an otherwise good game

Could have been more difficult.

Too many "slow, heavily telegraphed swing" bosses.

Lmao this looks like trash compared to Harmony.

>he likes that feminine trap art

>not liking traps

Fuck off, normie.

Nothing is a was a perfect game for its time SotN in your gba i wouldnt ask for more besides the travesty series weebshit of sorrow were never made



also the cave parts

and the fuckawful character animations

>no Order of Ecclesia
>Strider in meh tier

Stopped reading there.

Stopped reading right there

castle map became too much of a clusterfuck for me to keep caring.

i wouldn't mind if the level design wasn't 98% dead ends

Anyone else feel Konami should, yes I know, re-release all the Castlevanias (Classic Formula and Metroidvania Formula) on HD consoles with HD sprites? I cannot stand Alucard's literal faceless sprite in Symphony of the Night, needless to say, every single character in the franchise is faceless in the games.

Well except Leon Belmont because he has a 3D model.

If that triggers you then don't ever play Metal Gear Solid.

I liked it more than circle of the moon. though that doesn't mean much when I don't care for either of them.

Less variety
Huge areas
Super compressed music

>Axiom Verge
Fuck you, those games are pure hot trash

Strider's meh as fuck though. Would have been far better as a tightly designed linear action game instead of a "metroidvania" with no real exploration in sight

Nothing. The gameplay is smooth, there are tons of boss battles, lots of ways to customize combat, atmosphere is actually unsettling and Juste is the most powerful Belmont. Also, swag levels are off of the fucking charts.

What's wrong with Momodora?

it being saddled by GBA specs and screen.

Good music composition ruined by shit tier quality.
IGA's team was still trying to get the ropes.

On the other side forward dash was great and the magic system was good.
It's still better that CotM.