Smash Bros. 5

Now that the objectively best roster for Smash Bros. 5 is out of the way, what else do you want to see in the Switch game?

No Krystal , No Cranky

>Some of those characters I literally don't even know.

Bad list.

just because you're an uneducated faggot doesn't mean everyone else should suffer.

Maybe if Nintendo made better games, I'd play and know about them.



>>Toon Link
>>Toon Zelda
>still only 1 Ganon

Well Nikki's there.

But we all know this shit ain't happenin'

what's the point of the thread

>Pig Gannon

finally a heavy character that can teleport.

I don't even play Halo and I've wanted master chief for years

Tighter gameplay then. I dunno. There's only so much you can do. Make the final destination stages have platforms since people are using those more in tournaments.

So Battlefield?

Yes. Battlefield versions.

You forgot someone.

i cant shake the feeling thatd hed be some sort of love child between Marvel Vs Capcom's Iron Man and Smash's current Ganondorf

halo 4 and 5 pushing spartan abilities made Chief going fisticuffs same much more realizable (and stuff like assassination animations rounding out his throws, without the combat knife of course)

The melee roster in HD

inb4 casual faggots get butthurt



>Ice Climbers
>Solid Snake
>Lucina, Dr. Mario and Dark Pit rolled back into alts

tune up/rework the remaining current cast, would feel sated with this

>All those shit characters who haven't been relevant in over a decade

woah woah woah man

You can't say something's bad if you don't know about it

>no snake
>all these literally who's
>no dr wily or eggman

That's the point tho

Yeah megaman should really be removed

Why the fuck do people love clone characters so much?

Get rid of Falco and Wolf they are all basically the same thing. Same with Dark Pit.

>Get rid of Falco and Wolf they are all basically the same thing.

you don't actually play these games do you

>Master Chief
>Not the OG FPS marine

A roster with Corrin in it could never be a truly great roster. Remove it.

>Not bringing EVERYONE back for a big Smash Fest
>haphazardly including obscure literally-whos
>more "Zelda" characters than there are Fire Emblem characters
>Waddle Dee
>Paper mario

The only good thing about this list is Wonder Red.

I recognize this roster.
And it still sucks.

>all those literally who's
>no Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow

Fuck Ridley. Give me Slyux, Anthony, and Rhundas.

I'm sure Mike McGilicuty and Chris Sabat would be more than willing to reprise their roles.

>adding characters from a dead franchise

But OP added Ridley

>thinking Cloud, Ryu, or Bayonetta will be in the next smash when Solid Snake couldn't make it back

What a piece of shit list. You can't put Ashley next to actual icons like Donkey Kong. You're not getting Linkle in there or literal who's with Starfy. Birdo? Really? TWO SPLATOON REPS??

Terrible list. Sm4sh did it right. Add actual icons like Ryu and Mega Man, and reveal a literal wtf with Cloud.

How dare you think Wonder Red is a viable candidate. So glad none of you have the resources to influence the roster.

>thinking Cloud, Ryu, or Bayonetta will be in the next smash when Solid Snake couldn't make it back

If Capcom, Sega and Square Enix don't go full retard like Konami, they'd probably be fine.

Also if Bayonetta is in danger, I guess Sonic is too because they're both owned by SEGA. Dunno why Sakurai would go through the trouble of getting one SEGA character back but leaving the other in the dust, especially considering she was the winner of the ballot.

>2 people next to Greninja
>Painter guy
>2 people next to the Jew bunny
>The two in between Saki and the Mii's

Seriously, who the hell are they?

I made a wtf character icon just for you.

>2 people next to Greninja
These are the Ultra Beasts Buzzwole and Pheromosa. They're the new "it" thing for Pokemon and both Bug/Fighting types
Pheromosa is cute. CUTE!
>Painter guy
The mascot for the Art Academy series which there are 6 games for now. More than some established reps.
>2 people next to the Jew bunny
This is Isshu from the upcoming 3DS rpg Ever Oasis, and Yuri, the protagonist from Fatal Frame: Maiden of Blackwater
>The two in between Saki and the Mii's
The first is Sofie from the Style Savvy series (which has sold more copies than any Zelda game) and the second is Nikki, originally from SwapNote, but she is her own thing now.

>Art Academy

Should've known that. Fuck these niggers, though. I'd rather have a real mans Pokemon. Pichu.

>not wanting a real man's Pokemon

I find it funny and insanely hypocritical how neo-nintendo fans always spout "THE GAMEPLAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!!" and then proceed to make the 5999009th thread about muh roster without ever mentioning the abysmal gameplay the series had these past 2 entries.

>Aw man! Look how EPIX and BADASS he is!
>His goofy over the top design is seww EPICC

fuck off

Fuck off, tourneyfag. Go back to huffing Fox's farts on FD.

>two spinoff characters and a 2nd Zelda instead of beast Ganon with a trident or Vaati

fuck off

>implying there is anything wrong with 4's game play.
