Hey Sup Forums, I am going start playing an MMORPG, FINAL FANTASY XIV:Online. I need help. Some tips for a noob will be good! I'm gonna play on PC, so don't worry, I'm not a console peasant.
Hey Sup Forums, I am going start playing an MMORPG, FINAL FANTASY XIV:Online. I need help...
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Roll a tank or a DPS. DPS clears kill quests like they're nothing but has to wait a long time for (mandatory) dungeon and boss queues, while Tank gets the opposite. Healer can't kill shit fast AND they're queue times aren't great, so they take the longest.
Don't skip the main scenario quests (the ones with the special flame-looking quest marker). You can get to level cap in as few as 20 hours if you know what you're doing, but its the main story that takes fucking forever to complete, which is mandatory for end game content and access to the expansion. Do them as you level and save yourself some pain.
Don't use a controller, even it its comfy as fuck sometimes. Read this guide on Keybinding and train yourself to use it. This one is for WoW but it works for FF14 too. This is important, because effective keybinding is what separates the skilled players from the casual normie trash.
Pick a name that isn't fucking retarded. No one wants to party with Unsmoked Bowl or Nuck Figgers.
Forgot link to Keybind guide
>Pick a name that isn't fucking retarded. No one wants to party with Unsmoked Bowl or Nuck Figgers.
my character's name is paul rudd and I always manage to collect free commends when I'm a dps
>Pick a name that isn't fucking retarded.
This is especially important considering that 90% of the names in this game are the fruit of complete retardation
Don't play Miqote
what is the logic behind this ranking
like how can you even compare SMN and DRK when they have completely different roles
It's just what I think are the coolest.
And I haven't even played half of them!
>tfw just cleared PotD floor 200
>WHM ranked higher than SCH in any capacity
>WAR on 2nd
>PLD last
wew lad
enjoy your last months being viable, it's been confirmed all 3 tanks will be broken in the new xpac
>it's been confirmed
>nothing relating to tanks in the new expansion has been mentioned at all
what did he mean by this
>he doesn't know yoshi said ALL jobs will be super strong and on equal terms on dps
nigger you even browse the general?
>browse the general
Oh lord. They're here.
Wat do @ 240 ilvl?
If all the classes in this xpac are on parity with each other I'll eat my fucking hat
Any game with multiple classes will never have balance
>do you even browse the general
for what possible reason would i subject myself to that?
Cyber with qt Miqo gals
Get to 270.
>Don't use a controller
Love people who say this and then get surprised when I top parses and then tell them I'm on PS4
Did the fucking servers just eat shit
Because sadly it is the only place where people SOMETIMES find actual valuable information like the one i posted
All those niggers in reddit discussing "M-M-M-MUH COMBAT REVAMPS" fail to understand that such revamp is literally making all jobs strong as fuck.
By the way, i haven't played since 3.1 and christ fuck i assure you i am not one of those degenerates who have text-based sex
There's simply times when i need to know what in the horizon for the only decent MMORPG today
>I top parses
>can't even parse himself
Your medal's in the mail.It's not impossible to perform will with a pad, but its easier for most to just use a fucking keyboard.
Floor 200?
I haven't played since 50 was the final floor, whats different and worthwhile?
Most PS4 players who care have their PC friends parse them
where did yoshi say that though?
he didn't say that at the last fan fest and there hasn't been a live letter since
Play on whatever the fuck you want
My group has 5 controller users for savage and we've cleared multiple times, when groups with nothing but keyboard users can't even do it
Anybody telling you otherwise is a retard and insecure that controller users can keep up
Fuck what that other guy said about not using a controller, I play healer just fine with one and honestly, the game's pretty much built around using one anyways. I mean go with whatever you're more comfortable with, be it keyboard or controller since neither one is any less viable than the other. Other than that, try to find a Free Company, this game's guild system, and try to be social, most of them will help newbies out. And don't be afraid to leave said FC if they're not helpful or social, there's plenty of them in any server that'll be glad to have you.
I can play Overwatch with a controller and trash shitters all day but that doesn't mean it's better than M+K
I can't play XIV with a moose and alphabet board.
I don't play FFXIV but how? Does FFXIV barely have any movement or something? The FFXIV playerbase that bad?
Is DF dead again?
I'm leveling SMN now, and how did you guys not fall asleep in 2.0? Seems like they dont get any hard hitting stuff at all until ruin 3 and deathflare - well there's fester but it doesnt have the same oomph.
Also, how much do summoners get to use ruin3 outside of DWT in actual content? I'm in PotD so maybe I'm not getting a very representative experience as its virtually impossible to run out of mana there.
There was some panel being translated and Yoshi stated the following (dont take it literally, i dont really remember exactly and i dont have the link anymore, but i assure you it was something like this):
On Stormblood, along with with the ineffective/unused skills rework/merge, we will balance all jobs to make them as equally powerful as possible due to years of feedback from players stating some jobs in the game under perform really bad against other jobs in terms of damage and ease of play.
There was not a lot of room for interpretation.
I dont think they will casualize FFXIV (at least not more), but i'm glad to know all fucking tanks will be useful.
Controller in XIV is legit good though. The hotkey layout and cross hotbars do not hinder you at all.
Literally the only hindrance on playing with controller, when it comes to combat, is targetting, that's it.
XIV is one of the more movement based mmo's, at least relative to hotbar based games. Certain classes never stop moving
in group content you only use Ruin 3 if you need a weak add dead immediately or if the fight is coming to a close and you've got mana to spare.
otherwise dreadwyrm onry.
It's hard to find well done comparisons between MMOs, because who really plays and subscribes to everything?
I love X|V, but I always wonder what's on the other side of the fence.
What was XI like?
Is there anything WoW does better?
What about the Korean and Chinese MMOs?
Mobs gain one-shot mechanics and bosses wander the hallways. Gold sacks drop HQ crafted Replica Dreadwyrm, Hive, Expanse gear, along with new mount, minions, bardings, housing gear and other things. Also this.
The only things wow has going for it really are its lore, and race identity. I hate how every FF14 Race is some variant on human. Tall Human, Cat Ears human, Scaly Japanese Human, Potato Human, Buff Human
No diversity at all.
Oh, and its PvP is much better.
They don't drop replica Dreadwyrm, stop spreading this meme.
wew, didn't know it could do this, and I thought chimera were bad.
Someone's gotta spread it, user
It can't if you kill it fast. Party in the video was evidently snoring cock.
>30 hours in
>still just found out keybind menu
>just found out monk is positional heavy stuff
why am i such a retard
>Is there anything WoW does better?
Mythic dungeons
Dungeon mechanics and design in general
Starting areas
PvP accessibility
Racial diversity
Why isn't Control+P Party Finder and Control+R Raid Finder by default? It seems like a clear oversight.
there's nothing stopping you from doing those binds yourself
No duh, I did. I'm questioning why SE didn't set it up as default if both of those keybinds are unused.
So I'm new to the Scholar shit
Is there some macros that are must have or should I continue what I'm doing
macro physik and your fairy's heal to the same button, cause if you're using physick on somebody then they must REALLY fucking need health.
other than that you can macro shadowflare to be instant, nothing else
What the hell is a keybind menu
the ones you use to edit keybind user
i bet he stays in one position as a monk
>taking any regularly used on Global cooldown skill out of the skill queue system
how about no
macros i use are
>Virus/Eye for an Eye share the same hotkey
>Swiftcast and Resurrection share the same hotkey
>Rouse and Eos aoe abilities share the same hotkey (rouse and whispering dawn have the same cooldown so it'll always be buffed)
how to smn?
>regularly used
if you have to use physick a lot something is very very wrong
>just found out monk is positional
What? Did you read literally nothing?
Here's what I do.
I do...
Miasma, Bio II, Bio, Miasma, Shadowflare.
Then a little Fester and Ruin II until Trance is built up.
Then just spam the shit out of Ruin III and add a Contagion in there somewhere.
i level it until 30 and tried to level LNC for b4b
i read all of the tooltips waiting for roulette
and found out flank and rear is different
Just don't run all the way from 3 to 6 every single time. More like back and forth from 4 to 5. Like a clock face. Or 7-8 as the situation demands.
yeah i read the tips that said basically the model is a horseshoe
can slide easily between rear and flank
dude what
I have no problem playing with a xboxone pad on PC. I use the LB+abyx to change targeting filters for party/alliance/enemies/all.
How many geared 60's do you need to unsync through 5/9/13 Coil?
I want to get on Alisae's good side for the new dialogue.
Did anyone even figure our what the new dialogue was?
Is the wind up Rikku supposed to be the dancer in the Stormblood trailer? Did they subtlety just reveal the name of the girl?
all i know is that she's dismissive and frigid towards you, compared to warm and friendly.
Get ready for your sleepy-sleep time because the leveling experience is extremely boring outside of the story elements.
>level 48
I tried.
T5 can be done with any number of people
T9 requires 4 at the minimum
T13 can be done with 3-4 provided they're not retards (it was 4-manned at level 50)
m8 people did coil in like ilvl 70 shit
What's the point of ruin 1 once you have ruin 2? Same potency, it blinds, its instant so you can move.
It costs a little bit more, is that enough of a difference that you still want to ruin 1 instead of 2 if you know you can stand still?
It's cheaper. That's it. MP becomes an issue in longer fights since Energy Drain is one of the worst things you can spend your stacks on.
it is possible to run out of mana in the tougher fights by ruin II spam
after your opener (which you'll basically use every cooldown you have) apart from reapplying dots and dreadwyrm stuff you might as well just use Ruin I until cooldowns come up, then you use Ruin II so you can weave oGCD abilities in again.
no, rikku is just part of the FFX theme stuff they are offering from the fanfest streams.
next one is lulu at JP, and finally Yuna at EU fanfest
How do Sophia execute work again? I just follow everyone else and often get fucked.
I thought I had to go to the clone without tethers, but sometime the daughter appear there and fuck me up.
I know ffxiv doesn't centralize around pvp, but is there some sort of territory control points between kingdoms sort of as an incentive to pvp at all? Is there anything like this?
As far as I understand, it's all instance-based PvP. Open world PvP or territory control is not a thing at all in FFXIV.
all pvp is instanced
None of it is persistent, apart from your own pvp rank.
>believing that the general's population is so alien that they don't cross-post
There's a very good chance that a a third of this thread is benchcats.
i kinda miss owning territory for our alliances in XI
all the LASTok jokes on my server...ah the memories
Aion Teleos executes the same action that Sophia was using when they were tethered to her. So for example she does Thunder III while tethered to two adds - those will do Thunder III when she casts Execute, the other two will do Aero, and so on.
Systems like that are boring and stressful, user. Don't you like doing your daily roulettes and logging out? :^)
She teathers 2 sisters at a time when Sophia casts a spell.
The two sister she teathers during her cast will copy her move.
Thunder III = Donut AOE. Safe zone is center of her.
Thunder II = Large frontal cone AOE. Behind her is safe zone.
During last phase she will do Thunder III Donut AOE first. Look to the matching sisters who are tethered. Those are your two safe zones. But then wait for her dashing head to appear which will be horizontal to one of the two safe zones. Whichever the Zone does not have a head is the one you want to go to.
Have fun in Sophia Extreme.
What are you talking about? Who are you talking to?
Does anyone know if you can just keep postponing squadron recruits until you get the one you want to show up? or is there a cap?
Only want one more
Palace of the dead is currently the fastest way to level and its actually fun
And skipping the plot quests? A major selling point of the game?
>outside of the story elements.
It's not that there's a cap, you just can't, because recruit identities are rolled at the moment you click on the paper.
Theoretically, you could have 2 recruits waiting, dismiss the first one, and then have the person you just dismissed show up again as the 2nd recruit. Its happened to people.
Happened to me before with that fugly Reindeer Elezen.
>pic related
I just want the cute pirate Au Ra. Is that so much to ask game?
but ive had like 5 recruits before and they all stayed the same, so im gonna try to keep as many as i can and see what happens
>Use a pom of flight in 182
>Still get full room of monsters
>he doesn't know
Is PotD the most successful side content they've ever done? Quarrymill is like a goddamn where's waldo picture any pretty much any time of the day on my server.