
I don't even know how that would work story wise.

Prequel with Yuna's dad?

Tidus gets his head blown off by an explosive blitzball

Are we going to pretend X isn't the most popular FF game now?

No, that would be FFVII.

X is the best FF though


Man I did love the PS1, but PS2 era was fucking god-tier. The industry will never go back to that.

>not wanting to see Tidus kick a grenade and have his head blown off in glorious HD 1080p almost 24fps consolevision

7 is the most popular in the west.
10 is the most popular in Japan.

>The industry will never go back to that
One day it might, when normies leave vidya for the next fad.



>Ok we hear you! More X-spin offs, Mobile games and social media integration

Square has the worst management.

X is more popular in Japan

Isn't 10 still like the second most popular in the west? It's pretty close

Japan loves 10.
Almost as much as 4.


Why are people surprised? X 3 was confirmed when Nomura made new character designs for Tidus and Yuna in their 20s

i hated that le cool girlz meme in x-2 so much so hopefully nothing like that

she'll be wearing nothing but a thong and X-shaped duct tape on each nipple.

And I'm okay with that.

X is one of the worst.

The only thing it had going was grafix!!111!1 on the early ps2 era.

Can ya.. show me that move.. one more time? YA?


3, 4, 7, Lost Odyssey

1, 8, 12 spinoff (Revenant Wings), Bravely games

2, X-2

5, 6, 9,, 12, 13 series, MMOs

Not only is it the most popular FF game, FFX is usually rated as the greatest game of all time PERIOD in most japanese polls. With FF7 usually in second followed by DQ 3/8.

The japs love their RPGs.

I stopped being able to understand FF after 5.


If it happens, I want absolute brand to areas to explore. None of the reused assets like X-2.



Am I the only one who thinks 7 is the most overrated FF?

>Lost Odyssey

Just let FF die already.

did you play it?
sure, i thought the same before I played the game, but it actually was better than I thought it would be.

>yfw the blitzball turns out to be a bomb

Yes. Only a fool would hold that opinion.

7's the best but you can't deny how fucking well done the dress spheres were.

X-2 had one of the best class systems in any Final Fantasy. Come fight me fgts.

Can you blame them? They probably haven't even heard about the titles western gamers usually list as the best ever made

It actually makes sense from a commercial standpoint.

FF10 and FF7 share the same universe. FF X-3 could be a story about how Spira's population (the "humans of FF7) came to the Planet and encountered the Cetra.

But it will probably gonna have fan fiction tier writing. Main villain will be a powerful Ultimecia- esque sorceress called Jenova who wished Sin back. Tidus and Yuna will defeat Jenova/Sin but they sacrifice their lives in the process. As most of Spira uses Shinra technology to run away from the planet destroying battle, Wakka and Lulu adopt Yuna and Tidu's son, who bears a strong resemblance to Cloud Strife.

Jenova's remains survive and follow Spira's population to the Planet of FF7.

>hasnt played 6
what are you doing nigger, its the best one. unless you are a youngin and cant stand earlier graphics, go play it. also 5 is great, 9 is good and 12 is fun

This..actually sounds like something current Square would do

>He thinks videogames haven't always been popular with normies, especially back during 6th gen


That would be 9. I never understood the praise it gets, must be just an age thing.

>red eyes
>no swirl

>Lost odyssey
>anything more than low tier

>Not high tier

>Hashimoto says Final Fantasy X/X-2’s HD Remaster sold well thanks to all the fans
It fucking better have, they fucking re-released it on PS4

It was mostly hyped up by furries.

Didn't they release it on PS3, then PS4 and PC?

>>Not high tier

>Gameplay is a mess
>Questing is a mess
>Enemies are all cookie cutter because of the job system
>Platforming sections
>Terrible new animations
>Reused assets out the ass
>Terrible VA
>Lore destroying
>Retroactively kills X's story
>Absolute cash in territory
>Tonally is all wrong

Get out of here with your memes. Go back and play it right now, it's terrible.


Yeah, it had better have sold decently, there's no excuse to have a game on 4 platforms and not sell well.

Wait what

FFX-3? I didn't even bother to play FFX-2, I just jerked off to Rikku r34.

Fuck FFX, I'd rather play Final Fantasy Tactics 2 or Final Fantasy Tactics A3.

How would that work? I played ffx and x2. Tidus is a dream. Yuna finds nega tidus. X2 ends and that's that.

X3 is tidus is no longer a dream? What? Does yuna dream tidus become real?

They were already making X-3 like a decade ago

They turned it into XIII

>Gameplay is a mess

>Questing is a mess

>Enemies are all cookie cutter because of the job system

>Platforming sections
You mean that shit which is piss easy?

>Terrible new animations

>Reused assets out the ass
Oh shit, same locations / enemies also use same assets - the horror!

>Terrible VA

> Go back and play it right now, it's terrible.
I'm playing and it's good.

But how can Tidus be there?

According to one of the sequel novel things, isn't Tidus fucking dead

The set up for the story in X-3 is more interesting than the set up for the story in X-2 if that's anything

It would either be a sequel, where you have to take down Sin again, and every other dead thing coming back to life meaning Yuna would have to fight Braska at some point , or, the one i think most people would enjoy, Braska's story. I'd love to see how the final aeon would work.

>I have no arguments so I'll shitpost instead!

Against the rules, newfag.

Are you implying that making blanket statements like "X is a mess" are actual arguments?

He's reimagined by the Fayth, although now he's super depressed because he knows he can disappear at any moment. He's "injured" and just going through the motions, playing blitzball. Also he split up with Yuna.

>Hashimoto says Final Fantasy X/X-2’s HD Remaster sold well thanks to all the fans

I'm surprised, considering it took them fucking forever to put it up on Steam, despite it being in the database since before December

How was it tonally wrong. They showed how Spirans were learning to open up and live in a world without the constant threat of Sin. Tone was different, but made sense considering the changes to the world.

Are you implying that statements such as "enemies are all cookie cutter because of the job system" can mean anything other than what was posted?

Fuck off shitposter

Everyone's dead in Spira, didn't you know?

he and yuna got stranded on an island and he was frustrated but there was a blitzball nearby so he kicked it out of frustration but the blitzball was a bomb which blew his head off and it landed near yuna so she picked up and wished him back to life

>He knows he's not real

Wouldn't that have made him disappear though?

I did not

This is wrong. Yuna brought him back to life, and in doing so, brought back Sin and everything else that died.

>gameplay is a mess
X-2 has some of the best gameplay in the franchise
>questing is a mess
only if you're going for 100%
>enemies are all cookie cutter
this is super wrong.
>platforming sections
man, I hate having to hold circle while walking around.
>terrible new animations
debatable. they're programmed fine, they're just dumb.
>reused assets out the ass
god forbid the same world, only a few years later, would have the same assets.
>terrible VA
huge step up from X
>lore destroying
yeah, this was a big one.
>retroactively kills X's story
not really, it just butchers the optimistic despair of spira.
>absolute cash-in territory
can you blame squaresoft? spirits within bankrupted them.
>tonally is all wrong

X-2 has amazing gameplay and a terrible story and soundtrack.

I seriously can't comprehend what you mean by enemies being "cookie cutter" and that does not relate at all to your statements of X and Y being a mess.

Is X really the popular? I know it got the first direct sequel but I always figured that was because they could reuse a bunch of assets.

I love FFX but I think there are other games in the series that could use followup.

Jesus Christ. The enemies are all basically the same because they have to accommodate 20 different jobs. Are you retarded?

>but there was a blitzball nearby so he kicked it out of frustration but the blitzball was a bomb which blew his head off and it landed near yuna so she picked up and wished him back to life

>Blitzball is on a stranded island
>but it's actually a fucking bomb
>Tidus couldn't tell it was a bomb
>after his head is blown off Yuna just picks his head up and wishes he was alive

what the fuck

You know it was also on 2 other platforms, right?

>Yuna brought him back to life, and in doing so, brought back Sin and everything else that died


I still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

How are they "basically the same" any more than enemies in FF6/7/8/9/whatever?

but that's wrong. You can definitely get screwed over with bad party comps, since the enemies are almost all just reused from FFX.

Yes, I just figured PC would've helped either way.

Was mentioned in the X-2.5 book and audio drama.

Because in X every enemy is balanced towards a certain party member. That doesn't exist in X-2

They're "reused" but all their stats and gimmicks are changed. Ie, you don't need a samurai to kill armoured enemies, you don't need black mage to kill elements, you don't need a swordsman to kill fast enemies, etc. You can beat the game with 3 gunners. Literally. It's an unbalanced mess because of the job system.

Never read the book, but the audio drama is placed a few months after the book and it's all still peaceful.

>7 the best


> You can beat the game with 3 gunners.
some classes are a bit overpowered, sure, but that's not on the enemies, that's on the job system itself. criticizing the enemies because you CHOSE to cheese the game is on you, not it.

You going to also say FF6's combat system is shit because you can set the game up to one-shot almost any enemy in the game before anyone even gets a turn?

Just read up on the audio drama just to make sure, but Sin is in it, because Yuna proclaims she'll defeat it again.

You do realise that for example elements are resistant to physical in FFX-2, right?

And no, you don't need anything specific to beat things in X either, it's just simple resistance stuff just like in X-2.

6 is easily the most overrated FF, probably one of the most overrated games of all time actually

Is X-2.5 dead and buried yet? Please say yes.

I love that game, and will always have a special place for it, but i would argue it's one of the most overrated games of all time, only just beating The Last Of Us.

There are easily far more really overrated games like Skyrim for instance.

>In X
>Deal literally no damage to elements unless you play by the rules

>In X-2
>Deal slightly less damage than you normally would against an element

Fuck off, shitposter.

>some classes are a bit overpowered, sure, but that's not on the enemies, that's on the job system itself
This is the worst fucking argument I've ever seen. They go hand in hand you fucking retard, the battle system fails because it has to accommodate every single job with every single enemy. This isn't cheesing the game, it's playing the game by its own rules - ie, pick whatever job you want because it really doesn't matter.

What the hell is that picture

Skyrim would probably be 3rd, but FFVII is treated as some sort of God.

why does this picture exist

I think 7 is an above average JRPG, and rightfully influenced the direction of JRPGs for years. I think the game itself is great.

However, the fanbase can fuck right off when they claim it's the GOAT.

I'd love to see you pick, say, a team of berserkers or black mages against an enemy with magic resistance/physical resistance.

Not anymore though, its rubber-banded so hard. Every list will write some passive aggressive comment about how 7 is overrated and put 6 as some miracle of the genre and storytelling as a whole. What a joke


You must only be looking at Sup Forums lists, because it's still heralded as the greatest JRPG of all time.

The game allows it. If you can lock yourself in to a battle with a limited garment grid with only 3 different kinds of physical dress spheres, the game can't assume that you can access magic. This is why FFX-2 is fundamentally flawed. It rewards you for playing to enemies weaknesses, yes, but the game always makes it easy to win battles without, anyway. So why bother?

>but the game always makes it easy to win battles without, anyway
Whatever you say dude.

Forcing you to drag X to the fray because Y is immune to Z isn't anything special and just FORCES you to exploit weakness.

Diablo 2 sucked fucking ass thanks to the immunity spam on Hell.

That would be a well designed battle system you numbskull. Like X.

Sup Forums is the only one still praising 7. Look up any mainstream outlet's top jrpg/snes games/greatest games of all time lists. All of them overrate the fuck out of 6 and put it at or near the top. Even the youtube crowd believes this.

Oh that's what you're talking about.

Yes, actually. I managed to get all the way to Vegna Gun using the standard dress spheres.

I just wanted to get through the story