Can't wait for MOBAFPS to die
Why doesn't TWANG TWANG man have his pillars anymore? More importantly why is his ult and F ability so fucking shit
page 8 general
Oh looks its Torbjorn and Reinhardt
Is Drogoz as bad as everyone thinks?
Game of the Year to be honest.
>Paladins thread
>No posts
And everything was right in the world.
Why are people upset about this? You won´t hide behind cover to shoot at immobile targets, everyone has abilities to go all over the place, pretty high TTK and heals are very strong.
Those hitboxes are pretty much necessary. This isn´t Overwatch where landing one or two shots is enough to kill someone. For example ShaLin (not Hanzo) needs 3 fully charged arrows to kill the character with the lowest health pool in the game, he can´t score headshots.
This game copies overwatch
I want to marry Ying.
The game needs more modes.
Holy shit, how is this in the game at all?
Pardon for being retarded but how 2 make hi rez accout with google. I'm too dumb.
>higher TTK than basically any other shooter
>healing is super strong
this sounds like a fucking awful fps, jesus
at least in overwatch you can kill someone in half a second by unloading your whole magazine in someone's head even if they're being healed by anyone other than ana
>these hitboxes are okay
dumb ying poster
Be honest, I've seen quite a bit of shilling, "shilling," and advertising for this game on here. Is it really THAT good?
How are the waifus in this game? I have no intention of playing it. I just want to masturbate to the waifus.
You tell me.
Fucking shills please help! I can't even use my gmail because it says it's in use already.
The "shilling" on this game almost non-existent.
OW has been fucking promoted like crazy.
People talk about Paladins because its good game. Just play it. Its free.
such a ow ripoff.
i am not even trying to bash nor bait.
Just look at the screen. It' Reinhardt-lite with shield and definitely-not-dwarf-torbjorn.
Even his gun looks the same
It's so bad of a game that a Hi-Rez employee had to post in the Paladins Reddit defending his game and even tried to make it look like OW stole ideas from it.
Worst part is that said employee uploaded videos of characters from their old game Global Agenda and customized their characters so much that it seems like OW copied from them, e.g. made the medic a white female with blond hair and a halo, where originally they look absolutely nothing like that.
>the "shilling" on this game almost non-existent
You do know that means that there's been nothing but actual shilling (read, someone directly related to the game, Developer, marketer, Intern, whatever, promoting the game pretending to be a customer) which means the game is shit.
"shilling" is the Sup Forums definition of being a shill, "if you talk about the game, you're a shill!" that has become stupidly commonplace lately.
That said, I got your point even if you fucked up the wording. I'll try it out later tonight.
>get propel IV
>press F (or L.shift in my case)
>blast off totally out of control, can't aim for shit
I just wanted to behold people...
It's not that devastating since there's an item that reduces healing on your target by 30% and up to 90% for a couple seconds. Her healing was nerfed last patch as well and you had to be lucky to be targeted by both of her uncontrollable healing totems anyway.
It's decent, if you liked overwatch but had complaints about it regarding balance and shit then paladins is a good alternative. You're in the wrong place if you're looking for something competitive or a great, long lasting experience though.
two characters this game ripped off
now run off you mouth breathing retard
Aren't these hitboxes just in the 'training' room/map? Because I never encountered this kind of hitbox mastering when playing vs. players
>it's supposed to be shit
Why in the fuck would hitboxes be different between modes ever?
pretty generic design desu
Oh look its Engineer and Medic
>customized the characters to look like the overwatch heroes
whoever made this is incredibly autistic
Viktor has a definite "Point in their general direction and you'll hit them." thing going on.
This triggers the Overautists
You need to get consistent headshots as Viktor to do any meaningful damage, tho
I've been playing this a bit. The mechanics are good but the graphics/art style are pretty bad. The whole thing just feels like a puddle of Fischer-Price colors. I think the shadows are too weak or something.
it's because it goes for that same art style that league of legends uses aka everything looks like an mmo from 2004
It is like that in overwatch too, you don't remember the webms of people in overwatch training hitting targets 2 feet off the target?
Stop with this shit. It's training mode only.
>implying torb can build shields or Reinhardt has a flamethrower
Are you autisticly retarded?
Do people only play this game ironically or are all the players intense Overwatch haters who are trying to get revenge at Blizzard?
TTK was much more higher before CB30, and people complained a lot.
Support was more useless and more damage oriented before too. People complained and they reworked the entire class to be healing machines.
Thank you OW.
No, people play it because it is basically a recolor and slightly altered version of Overwatch, at 40$ less.
To be fair most the overwatch heroes were actually commonly played builds and archtypes in Global agenda. That doesn't necessarily mean overwatch ripped off global agenda. It could just be common designs game devs end up catering to in high-scifi shooters
That was because the hitboxes were the same in every mode and they hadn't patched them to be smaller like they are now.
Honestly if someone said that webm was from when the game was in closed beta and they fixed the hitboxes to be smaller I'd be fine since I can't argue with that due to not playing the game, but if it's actually still like this currently it's pretty inexcusable.
What's more funny is people who say these hitboxes only apply to training mode, which would require more effort on hi-rez's part for absolutely no reason to do so
Seems like the only people that play it are kids and poor people
Look at the steam reviews
So it's literally a poor man's Overwatch for people with no source of income and people who work for minimum wage.
I just like it because it is faster paced. The long walks to the objective only to get sniped killed overwatch for me
not him but
you should probably kill yourself
Recent patches have been complete garbage, it's like they want to kill the game.
I like it better because each hero has a movement ability, no matter the archetype and ults are more skill based and have more counterplay compared to OW
half the players must've come from ying's double peace
Why is she covered in hand soap?
Is it?
I thought that at first too.
We're both wrong though, it's obviously bird poop.
Nobody came for the characters, the people playing came because they wanted Overwatch but they can't afford it.
And even then, the little i've played just made me wonder why I wasn't playing Team Fortress 2 instead.
killcam replays are wonky as fuck
I actualy find it better than overwatch.
I bet you're the same guy who posts the overwatch killcams of widowmaker shooting the air and getting hits. In these games the kill cams are never on point
I came for the machine gun mech but stayed for the rocket dragon
Remove aggression.
Why do you not want free damage??
Because he understands mathematics.
Because it gets countered by Haven.
You need to spend 1200 credits to counter a 300 credit item.
Get Wrecker or Cauterize instead.
It just started dipshit
>Because it gets countered by Haven.
Uhh wrong
Greetings, fatass redditor.
Someone told me I'm wrong better call them names X3
Nice damage control
Game isn't that bad but it lacks soul (and cute waifs).
I'd play it more if I didn't have to install the hi-rez botnet service.
>Guy points out two instances in which the hit detection is obviously a joke
>'It's only the training mode!'
>'K-Killcams are just wonky!'
You know those cross signs means those are headshots?
That's an aimbot
Says a lot when the aimbot aims to those places.
He's right tho
>first Fernando's dash is nerfed
>then Wrecker is buffed
I don't how much longer I can hold on, amigo.
Not sure about this but at least in tf2 there are hacks that lets you place shots while your crosshair points to other things.
Just stop baiting people and actually play the fucking game
I like Paladins better than OW. Big maps with lots of flanking routes just are my thing.
Though the client is buggy as shit right now. I'm just taking a break till it's fixed.
It's not a MOBA if there are no cannonfodder creeps to kill.
lol wtf is this? poor man's overwatch?
Drogoz is great if he has teammates trying. If everyone concentrates on him, he is going to get massacred without being able to do anything useful.
I didn't know the hitboxes in Siege were so huge.
Thank you for opening my eyes, senpai :^)
I want to fuck Ying
>has characters like this
>one of the most played games on steam recently
>still no sfm porn
explain this???!!???
they didn't spend 300 guanzillion of ads
Viktor with aggression means the team which he is on is going to win. now I wonder what will happen if a team has Viktor and Kinessa.
battleborn was the only MobaFPS and it died