>perma b& for not playing the meta
lol just lol
Perma b& for not playing the meta
Other urls found in this thread:
its known since s2 that riot bans you if you don't play meta
This. Stop playing them.
Well there is a difference between playing outside the meta and playing like a fucking retard.
assuming this is league? what does signed support mean? and wow I heard the game was cancer but the fact that you can get permabanned for just playing the game how you want to and not feeding is pretty fucked
Yup, that's pretty much the state of it. I got banned in season 2 for playing nunu support.
>playing MOBA shit
brought it on yourself tbqh
There's a difference between not playing the meta and going full retard.
People don't like it when you play a champion in a way that isn't accepted by the community.
inb4 takes all of his adc's farm
inb4 goes to proxy like a retard while flaming his team or some shti
>2 weeks is a perm
they need to change website
If you're going to solo qeue you need to be able to make concessions.
>People playing Overwatch or whatever and complain about Hanzos or useless shits
>Nobody does anything but bitch and complain
>Some MOBA character doing something that isn't what they're supposed to be doing
>Riot steps in and says cut the shit out
Pick one
>18 threads about Overwatch are ok tho!
>that image
>if you continue
so yes if he were to continue playing a character he wants to play he'd be perma banned.
>>Some MOBA character doing something that isn't what they're supposed to be doing
If he has a higher than 50% win rate what's the issue?
>I mean we totally can't have a middle of the road decision that compromises, it has to be one end of the spectrum or the other! lmao
The problem with overwatch picks is that they're usually fucking terrible at the character they've picked and would be entirely more useful if they choose something else.
If OP isn't lying, his pick isn't a detriment to his team and shouldn't be punished.
Seems pretty standard to me
If you played an mmo would you want a mage to tank or a healer to dps
Just play what your stats and abilities are meant for
Why doesn't the game just have a ranking system so shitters play with shitters?
>getting banned for playing the game
>having to play the game by other peoples' rules
You would be complaining about this shit if it were some douchebag server admin enforcing these rules but when it's Riot it's okay
What happened to the fucking internet man, trolling/acting like a dickhead should not be bannable if they're not hacking the fucking game
Hell, why not just lock certain characters to certain roles if they don't want players to have the freedom to choose
What compromise?
People who pick what they want without caring about the rest of the team will not bend.
That's the entire reason Riot stepped in and listed how they've been doing this for awhile despite complaints from all the players around him.
Because it's a team game, not a solo game.
Also if he was winning they wouldn't say he has been having a negative impact.
>If you played an mmo would you want a mage to tank or a healer to dps
If the game allows it, then sure.
boiling motherfucking honey.
it's been years.
I got to Diamond.playing TF support and never got any warning
you weren't perma banned you salty faggot, if you're going to go non meta in ranked and play poorly despite not listening to what the team wants your fault
It does have one.
Apparently he made it to play doing this and he still has over 50% win rate with a bunch of games.
Just sounds like whiny scrubs in gold rank who take the meta too seriously even though they're all garbage at game so they mass report him.
>do something that helps your team win games
>get banned
really makes you think
Again, it's not the fact that he played a character in an off-role. It's the fact that picked a character in an off role and just went herp derp around the enemy jungle, leaving his carry stuck 1v2'ing the whole game. If OP picked Singed support and actually played it properly, we wouldn't be having this thread.
Well if he's actually good then yeah that is some bad shit going on with Riot's side.
Usually when people say they weren't doing anything wrong in response to bans they tend to have been banned for a good reason.
Were his wins done with him having an impact on the game or was it just 4v5s winning it out and he was around?
>It does have one.
Don't see the prob then. If he's as good as his team8s while playing with shit strats then the other shitters deserve it.
>both sides are wrong I'm the enlightened one
the compromise that the team he was playing on don't just erupt into an autistic storm of rage and reports because they are leaguebabbies.
It's pretty easy to be nice to a teammate and try to reason with them in a game that is, by your own admission, supposed to be heavy on team compliance and support. But hey if leaguebabbies want to flip a tit and cry to mommy, then its just further reason to not support those autistic garbage eaters.
Of course I have to assume this was in ranked. If not then holy fucking shit these people are whining for nothing.
>if you're going to go non meta in ranked and play poorly despite not listening to what the team wants your fault
And the punishment should be a garbage rank for losing.
The ranking system should naturally punish poor play, there's no need to ban people as long as they're trying to win.
It grew up
No one thinks spazzing out le cool face guy waste of 45+ minutes troll is funny anymore
Did anybody read the OP?
Here what happens:
>Picks Singed Support
>People say why do you pick Singed support
>he doesnt answer
>People ask agaian
>He doesnt answer
>Probably play Singed the way he get all the kills and not his adc
>Doesnt answer o complain from his teammates
Non Communicating is a bannable offense and he could avoid that by just copy pasting his op.gg stats to show how good he is
This is applaudable. I don't touch mobas but faggots in overwatch who pick symmetra on attack need to go.
It doesn't matter how many games you "won" / got carried vs bads as whatever singed support is, the fact is that you could be doing even better with other characters, and not achieving your maximum potential makes the game less fun for others.
Mobas/overwatch are the same, the game isn't fun, but winning is. Not winning is very unfun.
but they are, fucking faggot
>If he's as good as his team8s while playing with shit strats then the other shitters deserve it.
The people mass reporting him are 99% shitters who obsess over meta picks even though there mechanics etc are god awful.
>i take a side blindly because of Sup Forums memes.
Also if you could actually read, you would realize I wasn't calling both sides wrong at all, the singed player is absolutely correct, I was calling the user who said it either has to be inaction or permabans.
LoL is the game with the worst ''quality to playerbase size'' ratio in history
It's a 1 in quality on a scale of 1-10, yet is the most played PC game
Its Singed, as in the name of the character
Each champion can be given a role: top, mid, adc, support, jungle. Singed is played top 99%+ of the time and he's a very rare pick because he is underpowered though you can make some good plays anyway.
Now what OP did was to pick Singed as a support. Support's job is to assist adc (adc is just someone who goes pew pew without brain) but OP refused to do the job he was meant to (left his adc alone, didn't buy wards to grant vision, etc) so a lot of people reported him.
Ban was undeserved anyway, I love singed and breaking the meta too, crybabbies can suck my dick
Supposedly he talks to team before game explaining it etc.
No matter how much you say people aren't going to like it though, still shouldn't be bannable.
It's your fault for being so bad at the game that your in same rank as this dude.
Overwatch threads should also be banished to /vg/, but the mods are absent and won't make those decisions for us like moot did. Hiro won't either.
lol was banished to /vg/, and all assfaggots players are insufferable.
TF has actual cc other than throwing enemy jungler directly at adc
>Non Communicating is a bannable offense
what was the name of that bitch that was an angel but not really. I got a code for a blue and silver skin for her and that shit was awesome, but I haven't played in years. She was the only character I liked.
Did they get rid of singe's slow?
Judgement Kayle I think? I haven't played in two years.
>I was calling the user who said it either has to be inaction or permabans
>I wasn't calling both sides wrong at all
>not communicating is a bannable offense
reminder that this guy got to plat with singed smite support only
Meta-enforcing in video games pretty much = no fun allowed
yeah a mini-puddle that can be easily dodged without any effort doesn't count real cc
Uh, yes? Why the greentext? OW threads are also cancer.
Same, going against the meta is the only joy I get from the game. I'd prefer not to play it at all but since all my friends are addicted to it and won't play anything else they can deal with my jungle lulu.
>and not achieving your maximum potential makes the game less fun for others.
Since when are people you play with owed you fun?
If you enter solo queue you don't have a leg to stand on. If you want other people to do what you want them to do then play with friends.
yes that is correct.
that user is one side
can you read user?
A lot of people play this game, but it certainly doesn't make it good.
bad game bad community bad support
If you aren't getting paid to play the game there is no reason to play this horseshit.
just play aram idiots
>non communicating is a bannable offense
Man, I hope all assfaggot sub-humans get gassed
>Non communicating is a bannable offense
It fucking shouldn't be if that's the case, holy fuck, didn't realize riot was actual nazis
>Not communicating in a game that depends on communication
Actually i played unusuals Supports to and win most of the time.
And i get often bizarre reactions too ranging from people just asking if i picked the wrong champ or swearing 100 lines in less than 1 minute.
Posting my stats with the champ helped in 99% of the cases and i didnt get reported .
>gets plat playing goofy off meta shit pick
>scrub team mates who are equal rank while playing normal picks get butthurt
>riot threatens perma b&
>people ask me why I don't play multiplayer game while this sort of shit is a thing
>mfw you can literally block all communication in hots
>even pings
So which side do you think is correct? Inaction or permaban
>download game
>spam reports on everyone
those aren't sides user, those are decisions.
jesus fucking christ.
>picking singed support to counterjungle
t. intentional feeder
plus i'm pretty sure this post is some years old already
>Play a game
>Game is a teambased game where you make up 1/5 of the entire team
>People play ASSFAGGOTS and think its a good idea to ignore all your teammates
If someone wants to play what the character they want, why shouldn't they be able to? Why should they be forced to play a character they don't enjoy?
I don't understand this mentality where people feel entitled to have other random strangers play exactly how you want them to when you're playing solo queue by yourself.
>not buying ward item is now bannable in LoL
Fantastic damage control but unfortunately for you choosing to ban a player or just not act on something are both sides of an argument
>play the game the way we tell you to
thank god i never got into assfaggots
post screenshots that make you feel better about your permban
>everyone plays the exact same meta and just tries to click better than the other team's counterpart who is doing the same thing
And this is why esports suck. I hate how nobody ever tries something different and instead just works on perfecting the accepted strategy. It's skillful but not interesting.
Riot has said that each player has a "reliability" metric associated with them, so if you spam false reports the system will start ignoring you
>Non Communicating is a bannable offense
they can and theyre not
if your teammates dont care then you wont get banned
because in soccer and other team based games it is not accepted to run around naked humping the enemy and laugh in the face of your teammates as they are losing
>he actually is arguing this seriously
if you don't understand that's fine.
This board is anonymous after all.
>forced into interacting with one of the worst fanbases of all time
>if you don't you're banned
>thinking winrate matters in an elo system
What's better, 45% winrate against diamond or 55% winrate against gold?
>Play a teambased game where you make up 1/5 of the entire team
>Decide this game BY YOURSELF
>People play ASSFAGGOTS without a preamade team and think they're entitled to jack shit from random strangers.
>Non communicating is a bannable offense
> teehee look at me i'm swearing but it's an acronym so mummy can't get mad and take away my ice cream! haha ASSFAGGOT ASSFAGGOT ASSFAGGOT!!!
holy shit this is awful, im so glad i played dota and never touched league
>noone discovers meta for months after patch
>meta ends up being so fucked up shit noone could predict except for that bloodstone/octarine lesh meme
>carry heroes end up becoming support heroes in tournies and vice versa for supports
>Bounty hunter buff + gold changes create an entirely new position 6 whose job is entirely to fuck up lanes and leech xp then transition into a aura/mek dispenser
Do you work for Riot and use hip and trendy Sup Forums terms?
Do you get paid for it?
Either you think off meta is right or you don't that's all it boils down to there's no need to damage control those are sides
>play team game
>wtf I have to talk to my team this is bullshit
>Non Communicating is a bannable offense
e-sports ladies and gentlemen. Even if you want to play for fun, you're still banned for interfering with the imaginary paycheck of some faggot who thinks he can "go pro".
Your punishment for being retarded is having a shit ranking and playing shitters. In other words, being shit.
Banning is for cheaters, not incompetents.
post the rest of it
>roam and counterjungle is bannable
just gona leave ths here
I imagine some "esports" can be conducive to innovation but LoL is probably the worst one.
You can in an online soccer game.
You have to be full on retarded to equate an online video game with real life sports where you interact with people face to face