what's your favourite Vampire moment?
What's your favourite Vampire moment?
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I play through this game regularly just so I can do the sewer segment again.
Truly perfection
Hard to say, honestly. There's a fuckload of memorable moments in that game, with heaps of variables.
I played a Gangrel first, then a Malkavian then a Nossie and they all played and interacted differently.
If I hid to pick something from VtMB it'd be Grouts quest line though. He seemed like a cool guy.
Pissing Damsel off.
Too many jump out to just pick one. Like the museum, but I'll list my couple of favourites;
-Heather showing how thoughtful and loving she is by bringing you home dinner.
-Having the stats to call Tung on trying to manipulate you at the start of the game, and getting his respect for being sharper than the average neonate
-Slaughtering your way to the top of the hotel for Venus, and fucking that mobster right up
-Finally seeing Damsel go all deredere on you at the end of the game as an Anarch
-Giving LaCroix the keys
>Pissing Damsel off.
Remove Cammy scum
How is this game? Also do you play as a vampire or a vampire hunter?
>How is this game?
oh golly it's so good it evades apt description
>Also do you play as a vampire or a vampire hunter?
a vampire, you're a fledgeling member of one of the main vampire clans, each of them offer slightly different playthrough
>How is this game?
Amazing, almost beyond description, but don't expect a perfectly polished experience. Just use common sense, don't build a character with no combat ability and then whine when you suck at combat.
>Also do you play as a vampire or a vampire hunter?
A vampire, hunters are just faggots anyway.
If you like RPGs that favor good dialogue and story you'll enjoy it.
It has a big following.
I still enjoy it today as much as I enjoy it the first time I played it, apart from the fact that I know everything that's going to happen already
Finishing my first playthrough on a bunch of coke. I wish I still snorted 2bh
I'm no cammy. She's just cute when angry.
Letting LaCroix open the box probably.
It's very unpolished, full of bugs, and removed content. In spite of that, it's one of the best damn RPGs out there. The gameplay is fun, the setting is godly, the story is good, the characters are memorable, and it doesn't take itself too seriously.
When you figure out that the Malkavian Primogen isn't dead at all, he just faked his death and he's the friend that has been sending you chess-related warnings the entire game.
I loved encountering aspects of all the different clans. Pisha was one of my favourites.
Literally not even a Vampire. She is a flesh eating demon that has absolutely no vampire vitae in her at all.
Grouts Mansions by far, I don't know why everyone raves about the Haunted Mansion, maybe they only played up until there?
>I'm no cammy. She's just cute when angry.
Why, that's some fine taste you have there, user.
So? She's cute, surely all of us undead abominations can be friends in our unlives.
What, is this legit?
Who is sending those emails anyway
I love that despite being based on heavily documented clans, they still managed to make the Sabbat and the independent clans feel alien and mysterious.
Alistair Grout. I'd like to think he was the dude sending you emails all game. The chess pieces allegories certainly echo in his mansion, and it's likely he has greater insight due to the madness.
>surely all of us undead abominations can be friends in our unlives
except the chinks
Wasn't it the taxi driver sending you emails?
Think Deus Ex with vampires and in a modern setting
If he faked his death, who is the person walking out of his burning house?
Fuck off faggot. Nagaraja are a documented bloodline. Necromancers without a primogen, sure, but they're as much of a bloodline as what Tremere are.
Unpolished with janky combat, but great writing, art design and (yeah I'm gonna say it) atmosphere.
>except the chinks
Yeah, fuck the Kuei-Jin. Which is a shame, because that dragon lady had a good vibe going for her to begin with.
>but they're as much of a bloodline as what Tremere are.
Remove Tremere.
baka senpai
Taxi driver was literally Caine, or he was meant to be before Troika was forced to retcon / make ambiguous who the taxi driver was.
The taxi driver's voice files are named like "Caine01.mp3". White Wolf didn't want Caine actually appearing in the game so the devs just made the character ambiguous. He's either Caine himself or an extremely powerful low generation Malkavian who can manifest his aura to appear that way.
I couldn't play this unfinished mess of a game. I don't think there's a more over glorified game than this one on Sup Forums. The same people who love this game hates The Last of Us for some reason, even if they like the games for the same reason "atmosphere" "Art" "Story" while the gameplay is shit.
>The same people who love this game hates The Last of Us for some reason
Both VtMB and TLoU are two of my favourite games.
Guess again.
only thing missing from your post is mentiong undertale, that would give you tons of (you)s.
just don't shit up VTMB threads, you have three console war threads to go for on the first page
Yea, for some incredible reason, people here intentionally glorify really bad, broken games. I used to think it's to troll the newfags, but I don't think anyone would put this much effort and energy into just trolling someone every fucking day. People here must be genuine retarded contrarian hipster idiots.
Exactly. Caine and Jack were working together.
The only people that could even know what you were doing and keep an eye out on you.
I really liked the part where you're being experimented on in that facility, really felt like a superior predator prowling in the dark taking out the soldiers one by one
They really did good with evoking these different feelings. Superior in the above instance, a scared little bitch in the haunted mansion, a pussy in the werewolf encounter, disturbed with the whole snuff sequence and then the sewer part, like a detective when you're tracking down the serial killer, funny and intense when doing the graveyard zombie part
Fuck I love this game
>tfw my game bugged out constantly and I didn't get to see Heather until she get killed in the hotel
I always make a point to go back to my apartment after every mission too.
>tfw you discovers that the female character will leg lock into her victim when she feeds
straight up boner material right there
Telling LaCroix to fuckhim self, stabbing the faggot and later flipping off those self-righteous posers.
The hunter? The one burning down the mansion
There should have been more Heather content, you didn't miss too much maybe 2 encounters and making her change her clothes
I liked how she wasn't even that attractive when compared to other girls you encounter, she looks like some average nerd but this made it all the better since she was yours
No, the person impersonating Nines.
After playing this game I now understand why Sup Forums was practically on the verge of suicide when the WoD mmo was announced as cancelled.
That was the chinese vampire bitch. She reveals this to you near the end, LaCroix wanted her to do it so he can frame Nines
fucking self-righteous faggot
>I lived through the Great Depression bwaaa support us commies
maybe as prez Hoover's boytoy you rosy-cheeked bastard
No shit.
The dude is saying that Grout faked his own death, though.
>tfw I open the fucking casket anyways after stabbing him because I wanted to know what it is
I wasn't even doing it for the power, the curiosity is just killing me.
What part of "don't open it" was lost to you?
Maybe it's for the best, maybe it would have been a huge failure and nobody would ever touch anything WoD ever again
This way at least it's safe, for now
He looks like a homosexual.
there's only one homo vampire in the game and it's the kikelord of Hollywood
You spelled STALKER wrong. Now that game is totally irredeemable trash Sup Forums touts as perfection. At least masquerade has some replay value with mods.
Probably just the heat of the moment, I fought off a trillion guys and a big gorilla vampire, I mean what's the worst that could happen to me when I am a vampire, I thought if I got my blood drained by an antediluvian it would still be worth it because the curiosity has been digging with me since I first knew about the casket.
u dumb
Things that people thought were totally dead can still haunt you if enough idiots bother to resurrect it.
its gotta be the wolf part for me
>mfw feel like an unstoppable predator throughout the whole game
>mfw slaughtering humans and kindred alike like its nothing
>mfw werewolf comes out
>mfw he kicks my shit in
>mfw i actually felt powerless for the first time in the game and it felt fantastic
this game just has a certain charm and attention that i cant describe
Eh, understandable
Well what do we know for a fact. There was a skeleton on Grouts bed, couldn't have been Grout. Grunweld Bach burned the entire fucking house down cause he's retarded. The Prince sends you there to figure out what happened with Grout...he probably knew Grout was alive, just ignored his insane ramblings. Had Ming Zhao plant a skelly and then walk out as Nines. I don't really know how Grunweld got in there, he must have been tracking you and realized its Grouts house.
I wish they could have finished their fucking game goddamnit fuck you Activision.
>mfw i actually felt powerless for the first time in the game and it felt fantastic
for me it was probably the warrens, a ton of those mutant jumping frogs aside, it also has one of those "make a boss into a regular enemy
and has very little ways to regen lost HP and blood.
thank god I invested deep into stealth.
Nothing like being an almost unstoppable up to that point and trying to slice it to pieces only produces "clang" sounds and no visible effects(unofficial plus patch wasn't out yet). First time I genuinely panicked in that game.
That's one of this game's strong point, if you went into the game knowing very little of the WoD lore you would thought that vampires are probably roughly on the same level as werewolves, you might laugh at how Nines was being a big pussy about them, when Nines got launch right off the cliff you then knew you fucked up hard.
>finally make it inside the building
>cant hear werewolf anymore
>damn that was close
>motherfucker breaks down the wall out of nowhere
>see one of those 4 legged wome things with saggy tits
>thought it was a mini-boss or something
>was melee so it wasn't fun
>turn around the corner there's another one there
Fuck those things
>get to the observatory
>nigger ran away somewhere looking for my ass to violate
>open the roof
>he's there
the warrens is probably my least favorite part of the game, my second least favorite is the sabbat hotel.
Both levels are long as fuck but warrens is especially worse because there are more tougher enemies that you can't feed on and is a fucking maze.
This game has the best atmosphere out of any others I've ever played. The sounds/music/theme was superb
Sabbath hotel is tiresome I agree, but at least it was fun fighting the mini boss with the shotgun and then the Tzmisce at the end
The fucking warrens had nothing going for them at all except the little diaries of what happened which were fun to read
Mandatory to play in background in every thread
Facing off against the Sheriff was pretty intense.
After having seen him stand around menacingly the whole game and occasionally kicking ass - suddenly being on the wrong side of him as he poses in front of you bare chested and this track kicks in was exhilarating.
Took some practice before I could avoid him pushing my shit in.
>a chick comes up to me and says she recognizes me
>she says that she thought i was dead, and when I deny it she says I lost memory
>tells me to wait while she makes a phonecall
>can't find her again
Unironically in the sewers where the first human chimera slowly bends down from the roof.
Sewers sucked dick but that was the best.
My game is bugged as hell so she disappered for me as did a lot of other NPCs for me in the game.
Just make her think you're her pet turtle.
Oh, you didn't play malk? Laughinggirls
My favorite parts were in between missions really. Reporting back deal with Lacroix's shit and then hitting up the Last Round to ask Jack about everything I'd learned, hear how events had developed while I was gone. The way that was handled felt like the city was always moving around me in ways I couldn't see.
Then corner some clubgoer and feed, head back to my apartment, check on Damsel, read my e-mails, listen to Deb.
Comfiest fucking shit.
I completely forgot about that encounter. Nice touch how they remind you that you left behind your old life and friends completely.
*check on Heather
>No Ravnos
Fuck off
How is there no remaster of this game with all the cut content yet
yeah it's hard to find a game where regularly checking up on people after missions is nice and comfy instead of tedious
Hollywood had some of the best sidequests for Malk. Like when you make the reviewer think he's eating maggots. Reminded me of that scene in Lost Boys
>no Vampire sequel announced yet
The Tremere ARE a bloodline of the Tzimisce, though. They essentially magically diablerized one of theit own who got embraced by a Tzimisce, and turned themselves into Tzimisce unknowingly.
Man I miss those days where games were about having fun and not pushing out sjw agenda.
In my headcanon, LaCroix fucks his African import.
LaCroix is a power bottom. I thought this came across quite clearly in the game.
> the curiosity is just killing me.
Indeed. I did the same. The outcome was humourus, no regrets.
Troika doesn't exist anymore, and Activision doesn't have the rights to White Wolf's stuff.
Any WoD nuts wanna clue me into Changeling?
What do you want to know? Arguably the worst part of the OWoD, in my opinion.
>Any WoD nuts wanna clue me into Changeling?
Around Elves, never relax.
When you awake in Leopold's society, alone and with rotten armor but then you remember you a fucking vampire and start spamming brainwashing spells on humans
General what the fuck, how they interpret different shit. It's the only WoD gameplay system i know literally nothing about and every time i've tried my eyes just glaze over.
opening it
>don't insult muh favorite gayme ;_;;;
Kys nigger
>play game
>get really far in first sitting
>eventually go to sleep/friends bother me
>come back the next day
>start new game
How does diablerie work and how come nothing happens when the player character diablreises other vamps in game?
Maybe it does. You do become ridiculously powerful over the course of a few days/weeks.
Dont do it nigga