3rd birthday

Is this game worth playing?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Game II
>3rd Birthday

It can be a monotonous grind sometimes, the story is a convoluted time travel thing and the twist might anger you depending on how much Aya is your waifu.

But having said that I enjoyed every minute of it.

>it's another "it's a good X, just not a good Y" thread

I hated playing this game on the PSP. It was painful, but that is thanks to the PSP being a pile of shit.

Gameplay and visuals (for PSP) are great.
Music is solid.
Story is meh and infuriating if you're a PE fan.

Classic example of good game that would've been received much better if it didn't use an existing famous brand.

Still better than resident evil 6

This case is justified due losing the license for the Parasite Eve use.

>and the twist might anger you depending on how much Aya is your waifu.
Play the game on NG+
There's NG+ exclusive exclusive ending that reveals Aya planned everything all along and finally has a quiet happy life as a normal woman.

Jesus christ no

Terrible game

It's a decent game, but the plot is a fuck up due not being able to use the terminology found in the Parasite Eve novel.

Even more SE went and simply fucked over the only character not owned by the Parasite Eve setting for no reason, the twist at the end of the game is just nonsense.

It's a shit game

There's a secret ending.

Unfortunately you won't find it on Youtube because the director went out of his fucking way to block it from the internet to not "ruin" the surprise of the secret ending.

The only instance online where you can still watch it is here:

>ruins aya perhaps the best female characther in all of video games
But play it anyway.

ITT retards that don't know extra ending un-ruins Aya

It wasn't exactly a surprise, but the plot was still a bit too crazy. I enjoyed the game though, it was good for when it was released.

I'd love to see a remake of Parasite Eve 1 though, that's always been my favourite in the series.

Remakes won't ever happen and the prime reason why story in 3 was a mess is due to very same reason.
That reason is that the woman who wrote the novels threw a bitchfit at Squeenix beause she didn't like the games and immediately withdrew the rights the second the contract expired.
It's also why we only had 2 games on PS1 in general and why a sequel never happened on PS2 either and why 3rd Birthday story and terminology is a mess.

>Lightning in parasite eve, the game.

Wow, I never knew that. What a total bitch

Maybe get a reboot then? I know it's wishful thinking, and SE sucks at doing what fans actually want.

Just feel like you could have 1's gameplay, setting, general biohazard esque fuckery, and most of all Aya, or a new Aya with a generally "new" story that doesn't use the copyrighted terms.

Yea, it's great.

No reboot either, 3rd Birthday was an attempt to gauge interest but unfortunately it didn't sell as well as they hoped so the franchise is canned forever.

Absolutely. The story is total trash, and the designs of her "protective" gear are trash, but the gameplay is really great and fun. It's a shame they fucked with the character and story so badly. It could have been an amazing game.

Real shame too, because the game didn't really leave any room for Aya as a character to have more adventures. The whole, she ends up leading a nice quiet life is stupid. I would have loved more adventures with her. Even adventures where she was older.

I disliked the gameplay. It started fun but then I noticed every single skill you get are all boring passives like more damage, faster reload, more hp etc. In the PS1 games you had more variety in combat like magic, transformations and ammo type. Third birthday got grindy and boring fast.

It's okay.

Hope you enjoy THE CLAW, though.

>not being Vita master race

While I bought it legit, the game feels actually enjoyable and playable on a PSP emulator because of the ability to set the right stick to camera... the gameplay went from 5/10 to 8.5/10 for me.