What did he mean by this?
Blasted Vidcons
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What did he mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
I actually don't get it.
Why did the tattooed crossdresser kill all of those people?
A three letter acronym explaining my intent to chuckle in a manner which can be heard by others!
Looks like he's having a bad day.
Let me fix that for you.
where's the fuckng loss edits
that's what i'm here for
Back in 2009 when they were slightly funny.
here u go
>Malcolm X
>That gun
I know, we need to ban them.
Too soon!
I don't get it
what DID he mean by this?
unironically, I must know
this sort of looks like a bittersweet encounter
The "boy" is transgender. He is upset that the old lady is misgendering "her". Because someone using the wrong pronoun is more depressing than losing your son.
I desperately want to see that author's reaction to the results
just in general this was my favorite part about this year
malcolm x started supporting MLK's peaceful protests toward the end of his life, mudslimes didn't like that so they killed him.
They haven't updated since. They might have killed themselves.
Two possibilities
1. The person in the pink shirt was at a loss (inb4 loss pun shit) for words because he felt bad for the lady, who lost a son
2. The person in the pink shirt is a women or trans, i dunno and feels bad because that old lady assumed her gender, and wrong at that
Don't forget to donate to her operation guys ^^
If Nintendo suddenly changed Pikachu's name to Charmander you bet your ass I'd have a hard time with it.
I literally only know like 3 pokemons name you fucking prejudiced shitlord
back off transphobe trash
I'm looking for the source to see if there's commentary. Seems kind of alright in comparison to that fucking retarded webcomic about the transtoddler. I'd just find it shitty to put your own feelings of perceived persecution over another's feelings of grief, especially if they only had good things to say.
Also looks like this one's one of ours.
woman, not women
>Not posting the edit
>Being this far down the rabbit hole
It's just an uncomfortable encounter, the author is making a joke at their own expense--literally nowhere does it compare the loss of a son to being mistaken for one. Consider suicide, faggot.
That would be perfect.
>Bullied by children
Oh for fuck sake dobson
Except if you check the artists website that's exactly what it's about.
>and antusad jsaa nitbng to do wi
I love Dawkins because he has no patience for retards.
What's with all the blank speech bubbles? Makes me think of Youmu's ghost.
I mean, Trotsky got assassinated, so did Julius Cesar and Rasputin
Are sjw turning on each other nao
>That'll show those anti SJW's!
>Proceeds to block people on twitter
how does one fuck up this badly?
is this an edit? What the fuck is it trying to say?
no seriously
Are you sure it's not ((("""Jessica""")))
>live together in harmony
>try to love one another
>he didn't make a Switch comic yet
Goddammit he's so late.
Found it. Pretty minimalistic commentary. Issue was indeed being misgendered, but also sorta being mistaken for a dead son and feeling bad for both. Not as LOL as a LOL thread deserves, suppose it's more of a 'that feel when' situation rather than a 'look at these evil heteronormative cis-scum transphobes' etc we usually have in these threads.
Also this comic is boring as fuck. It's like the opposite of B^Uckley in terms of words, with some speech bubbles being literally empty, but in addition to that there's not even anything happening visually.
>That comic
Kill me now
That author will never be one of ours until they stop supporting/being a part of the pushing for mental illness as normal and for normal people to be prosecuted for their sanity
>they actually tried to pass this as law
Isn't this the comic that Sup Forums gets all feelsy over? I always thought the MC was a bitch that can't deal with real life problems or seek the proper help at least.
Yeah, that's why I made the thread.
Shame on me for meming
Didn't he advocate to abolish the caste system in India, and getting rid of the untouchables?
that fucking comic left me without words, like, nice fucking argument stating that just because you were older, means you're better than somebody, heck, you're apealing to nostalgia, not to real facts, maybe the guy has better tastes in games, you fat bitch
>be transdegenerate
>go to a job interview
>prevent potential employer with a list of your 30 preferred pronouns
>make clear to them that they, the boss's employees, their business associates, their customers and literally everyone that interacts with you that they HAVE to adhere to your pronouns, lest you and your company become liable for prosecution for failing to do so in any context
>dont get hired
It's my favorite of those comics because of the little spat the creator had over a guy who fact checked her comic and it revealed she really didn't give a shit about video games. It took like four posts to get her to vindicate the guy.
>Being a little whiny bitch
Please, God Emperor Trump, end this fucking madness.
>because of the little spat the creator had over a guy who fact checked her comic
care to show the facts?
The 1983 Joust champion was male.
malcolm X doesn't really fit in that list famalamboghini
Joust is featured in that dreadful Ready Player One book, probably why it's mentioned in the comic.
reference to to the latest ps ad
>The president who would rather risk tearing the union apart than let the south keep slaves
That is literally the direct opposite of harmony
That's an edit right.
>Bayonetta under "movies"
Fuck off ACfag
Obviously, user
They're still trying right now
Wait what? A new update? Is he uploading to a new site or something?
Ahoy there mate.
>terraria 1.7k hrs
>ftl 600 hrs
I hope this isn't yours
Fuck your transgender shit, I'm crashing this thread.
ACfag is a turbo-autist, more news at 11.
>it's autistic to want videogamey stuff in your video games
A pity.
No, it's just that neither game are worth more than 200 hours. That's autism right there.
>200 hours of gameplay isn't good but 2 hours of cutscenes is a-ok
He said "more than" though.
Who are you quoting, you blubbering retard?
It's weird, he's usually so on top of current events
Wii U should've been assassinated by now