What the fuck is this game?
I'm in the prologue and I've never been more confused in my life.
What the fuck is this game?
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Dumb fun and references: the video game
Wish the gameplay wasn't so boring
Its basically dynasty warriors turn based.
Its a shallow easy as fuck game that gets boring fast and only serves as fan service.
I tried playing the first game but have up nearly 50% in because of how mindless it is.
It barely even has any story so its not like i am suffering thru repetitive middles game play to get some kind of payoff.
Worst part is the combat is not even that interactive because every button press is an entire combo.
Namco X Capcom at lest had manual attacks so you actually felt like you are plying the game not just pressing buttons to watch combos.
Goddamn sonics even in this mess?
>I'm in the prologue and I've never been more confused in my life.
space time bullshit is warping time and space.
Hence why DMC3 Vergil is teaming up with DMC1 Dante against Nero Angelo
>Chris is the most chilled guy ever in this game and even can make some jokes
>tfw thinking about RE6 Chris
The game probably deserves all the critic it gets regarding the gameplay but it is without a doubt the best game I've ever played while traveling. I played two chapters and three hours flew by like nothing.
It's just scores of unfiltered fun.
It drags on for about 5 chapters longer than it needs to, but the banter is top-tier. Stick with it.
My head literally exploded when I saw the Sakura Wars cast AND Strider Hiryu within 20 minutes from each other so I'm definitely sticking with it.
>The game probably deserves all the critic it gets regarding the gameplay
Then whats the point? Just read fan fictions if you're just getting enjoyment out of reading in-game dialogues.
The cast of this game is as good as it gets. A lot of people were sad that characters from the first like Frank West and Arthur didn't come back, but in return, we got reps like Chrom/Lucina, Axel Stone, and motherfucking SEGATA SANSHIRO.
>You call that a Genesis? Dies it even have Blast Processing?!
It's a game 100% based on both referencing games while advertising it at the same time
Also bantz, all the bantz.
>that blush in the last panel
dunno how I didn't notice that before
>being confused at a generic parallel universe story with barely any plot
you might just be more stupid than the retards who start threads with "what did he mean by this?"
I literally said that it really entertained me and I wasn't talking about the dialouge alone. The gameplay objectively isn't great but personally I think it's a fun time killer.
>A lot of people were sad that characters from the first like Frank West and Arthur didn't come back
true but at least we got a good reason as to why one was not back
Xiaomu and Reiji are great
I'm legitimately asking whats fun in the game if the gameplay if shit? Is that not the point of games?
The whole game is basically bat-shit crazy stuff and fun, the cast is amazing, some of the little interactions and jokes are brilliant, and it's funnier than just about any game out there. It can drag a bit but the characters get you through.
(on of my personal favorite bits is Leon's Japanese VA used to voice Ryu, so when you put Leon with Ken/Ryu you get a nice in joke)
I personally enjoyed oneshotting everything and everyone and just being along for the crazy ride that it is. Not every game has to be Dark Souls.
I found the game play fun enough, it's repetitive overall but it reminds me almost of MvC2 style of combo juggles. That coupled with the characters, which I found very entertaining, was enough for me to enjoy the game.
Personally I think the game is fun and I like playing it but objectively the gameplay isn't anything special, probably even tedious for most people.
It's "Hay guize, 'member this franchise we killed off?" the game.
is there a rom or something that has the US version but with the JP special edition ost?
She is a turbo slut though.
and nobody hooks her b8
>giving a girl a present represents free sexuru
brb moving to nippon.
nope, tons of people prefer story over gameplay, hence JRPGs and adventure games like Ace Attorney.
>after 55 hours, finish the first game
> would you like to start new game+, which is the same shit except you keep levels, items and equips and enemy levels continue going up from the last level?
Don't forget about the hot springs scene when you finish it again. :^)
but we've already got that user
unless you actually want to blow the steam away yourself
The combat in SRW:EF was actually way better compared to this, even when the entire battle system is practically the same. It just lost the depth it had and somehow feels unbalanced in PxZ. Combos were fun in SRW and keeping them up actually required some pretty good timing. I don't see the enemies having anything other than regular block to save themselves. Loved the system, too bad it went to a shitty crossover game.
The only thing from the first game I miss in the sequel is Frank West + Hsien-ko.
They were the best tag team, holy shit.
Do I need to play the first one in order to get the second one?
Or are both games self contained?
its really cheap on amazon right now.
>Fiora basically left out
I know she got a robot body but I'm still disappointed.
You play it for the dialogue and references, not the gameplay.
And damn are the dialogue and references glorious. I love pretty much everything that comes out of Xiamou's mouth.
I went straight for the second one and didn't miss a thing.
They are self contained. There are some references but nothing major.
No need to, you can just play the second.
You need to play every game every character comes from to understand these, which gets super fucked up once you include Zengar.
fucking Chrom
>which gets super fucked up once you include Zengar.
no really. You can play the OG games
>not playing the Alpha games too
They could have used human fiora instead of mechon fiora for fucks sake
>>not playing the Alpha games too
it's a different timeline
Nah, you also gotta play Endless Frontier stuff too
You already needed to play that since Reiji and Xiaomu were there.
>you need to play Street Fighter 1
Nah, man, fuck that.
How faithful are the characters to their original series? I noticed from some screenshots that Chrom and Lucina appear to have (entertaining, amusing) personalities in project x zone 2 however in fire emblem they are completely bland and forgettable. Are there any other characters in project x zone 2 where this occurs?
Axel is pretty much a stand in for Tomokazu Sugita since he voices him.
The only character that immediately comes to mind is Ryu; he's silly as fuck in this game.
Everyone's silly to some degree, but for the most part, everyone's in character.
to be fair, much of Axel's personality is "hot-blooded detective who talks about video games", which is pretty much SoR1 Axel in a nutshell.
>triple bacon-avocado hamburger
every time
Between this, Stella Glow, and Langrisser, which is the best SRPG?
Project X Zones games are as much as a SRPG as Disgaea games.
Its just about flash combos and animations. Not much strategy to them.
read manga then
>referencing air tatsu's to escape the corner in SF4
Ha Who would even get that