MMO/Everquest Thread

Do you remember Sup Forums hailing the guards near Qeynos & getting lost underground near the aqueducts

Traveling for literal days getting from one side of the globe toward the other end only to end up losing your body mid-way through the common lands

Staying up late at night hunting for that last piece of armor from the ONE gnoll in Highpass to carry it

>that music & shop theme

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I remember all that and also falling through boats, making a name for myself as a trader in the East Commonlands and being horrified when I was starting out and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get my corpse back.

Good times, this game was fucking amazing.

Yeah to this day I don't think I've seen more complex dungeons/area's

you could get lost or just farm gators for eggs

>mfw finding the secret room near the bottom of the ocean floor that had all those teleporters


>tfw no one appreciates these kinds of things anymore.

Yeah no one appreciates these things anymore, that's why an entire wave of nostalgia-fuelled MMO sandboxes are coming out next year

Project Gorgon
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen
The Repopulation
Shards Online
Camelot Unchained
Gloria Victis
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar has potential but I don't think it's going to be able to really amass a big player base around it's gameplay desu.

It already has a sizeable player base thanks to the RG fanboys

Sure it's not going to get millions of players but I'd rather have a community of 75 like Project Gorgon than 5,000 on a server like World of Warcraft

That can't be real

Hyped for Pantheon desu

What can't be real?

>begging druids for SoW.
>dinging 50 killing igloo skeles with my guildies in permafrost
>getting lost in runnyeye
>the ceremonial vestment craze
>nobody ever able to do jack shit in isle of dread cause that one mob that would get trained through the zone one shotting everyone
hanging out in highpass hold all damn day/night
>how reluctant i was to go to sleep

It's a great game in terms of world exploration and the combat has only gotten better over time. I just have mix feelings about the whole card deck skill system as a whole it just doesn't flow well with the rest of the game in general. Feels like its only merit is that it is unique not that it is a fun system.

>starting out as a ogre or troll

>starting as an Erudite
my friend did this and didnt know that there were more than 10 people on the server at any time for the first 20 levels

was he twelve years old?

14 actually

>mfw it can't run on my i3 2007

Deck system is GOAT once you understand it. I genuinely hope that it gets adopted in more games even if SotA fails

I felt the same way as you until I actually really got into it


God i'm impressed they're pulling those visuals out of Unity

I still hope we see a revival of the genre soon

>every major upcoming MMO is a sandbox inspired by UO/Star Wars Galaxies/Asheron's Call/Everquest 1/EVE
>AAA devs have finally stopped shitting out WoW clones

The future is bright for us user


I haven't touched eq in ages.

Live is dead unless its a progression one. Too late to join phinny.

Shards of dalaya is dead due to faggot devs.

P99 is alive and kicking but its suffering central at high level.

Meh, I'm done with Everquest forever I think. The future is in Pantheon RotF

from what I've heard there's talk of a discord server but it's in the early stages at the moment

Dude lets be real brad mcquaid is already squandering that sweet money on cocaine and you know it.

>people who use new models

Have you seen the progress on it? He didn't reach the Kickstarter goal so it's all coming from VCs

It looks too good for him to be squandering that investment money on coke. I think he finally kicked the habit.

I want to believe but I've also wanted to believe in smedley and know where believing leads.

Real talk while EQNEXT was clearly not going to be >everquest I still lament it dying. I can't fucking buy the excuse of it being unfun and them being unable to figure out how to make it fun as a real fucking thing.

What the fuck were they thinking in wildstar, long gay ass attunements weren't something anybody enjoyed in wow or any game.

shit isnt even alpha

I miss when level design was like this, where they didn't care that someone was going to make a guide, rather, let players explore on their own terms, if people wanted to be min-maxing cunts let them, I for one liked the massive open worlds with morrowind tier dungeons and monsters that were strong enough that you had to work with others, or get really good at cheesing things with a broken class, like a necromancer

The first year of EQ is one of those gaming experiences that can never be replaced, only rivaled by equally impactful (but different) experiences.

I think the most notable memory I have of the game is how people used to treat it as an adventure, not a game. Groups of people would form just to run along a dangerous route from town to town.

Falling off boats in the ocean or down trap doors in dungeons would give today's players PTSD. So would the political effort needed to share leveling camps, territories, dungeon spawns, and raid zones.

It was also nice how Everquest was brutal to most people trying to solo. If you didn't want to group, you could maybe hit level 20-30. Only specific classes could really solo up to max level, and it was a huge challenge.

Why can't any of those games have proper animations, combat mechanics and combat feedback? It all looks and feels so clunky and/or buttery. One thing WoW did right was combat.

>roll Barbarian
>head out into the winter wonderland
>night time falls for the first time

>you still have a physical everquest map book somewhere

god has any modern mmorpg truly done sprawling multi-level zones like eq did?


>Dungeons having an end goal. Kill the last boss and scoot.

I hate this game design.

You can literally go play EQ: Velious right now, with 1000-1600 people online at any given time. It's called Project1999.

Hero's Song is really cool and their EQNext "storybricks" system would have been amazing in a 3D environment as planned.

I'm sure the former EQNext devs will eventually get together and make a "spiritual successor". Sony didn't want to pour money into it and Daybreak killed the dream of it ever releasing.

>falling asleep while going through Kithcor Forest

I swear gamma wasn't an actual option until a few expacs in.


Wow's animations looked like dog shit for 10+ years

Deck system is shit. Letting an RNG decide what skills you're able to use? Laughable.

you could turn the brightness way up, but that was about it it made everything look like shit tho

Thank WOW for this desu.

I mean, early WOW wasn't that bad, but the expansions turned dungeons from "sprawling places full of loot" to "rush the boss for bonus XP/tokens"

BRD, ZG, Diremaul, Marudon were all god tier dungeons, they just needed better questlines.

Nigga that image ain't kithicor, you ain't foolin these eyes.

That's why you build a good deck. I'll take RNG with benefits over a standard hotbar

What the fuck is this deck system balogne

>tfw spent an entire year here farming loot to play the market in EC
made so much plat that i sold for real cash, bought my first car.

>god tier dungeon

I can't believe you could possibly share my opinion that BRD was a misunderstood and underappreciated masterpiece

Those things cost money, and MMOs cut corners everywhere possible.

I remember tagging along into Plane of Fear in my early days trying to get that tear for shaman epic, pick up raid got wiped zoning in and spent hours trying to break back in to get our bodies, this was back when the aggro range was ridiculous. I finally looted my body and got out but didn't manage to get the tear for quite a while later.

I want to to be good.

i want the beta to start sometime in 2017 so i can play

It's okay, Dark & Light/Age of Wushu 2 is coming.

We're going to get
>pic related

>WOW vanilla is the only expansion that did it right where you just clear a part of a dungeon in a group, dungeons were still hard but managable and you only had to do it once
>BC made attunements retarded as fuck with massive daily rep grind gates which they later removed because it was the only thing stopping the majority of players from progressing through the raid tiers as they coudln't keep a full roster

>Wildstar thought BC attunements which were dogshit was too casual and added even more rep grinds and currency gates as well as timer based bullshit

Why is it so hard for people to understand, attunements were simply a retard check, Wanna do Onyxia? Better be able to clear a UBRS and a fraction of BRD, but you only had to do that shit once.

Combat is literally the most important part of a MMO though.

I enjoyed greatly all those ancient MMOs like EQ and DAOC, even more modern stuff like EQ2 was god tier (until SOE raped it in the ass) but god damn, combat was fucking awful, animations, sounds, "feeling", UI feedback, all about it.

This isn't just about indie games though, most of AAA MMOs feel like ass too.

That is such a dull image.

As WoW, and many other copycats, have proven for decades now is that combat quite frankly doesn't matter. It just has to be tolerable, sales will follow.
Even look at a game like Guild Wars 2. People are praising the combat in that game as if it's absolutely mind blowing, but it's a boring spamfest, just with more animation fluidity. That's how abysmal the MMO industry is, of course it would be nice if MMO buyers woke the fuck up and acquired some standards, but they will continue eating shit as long as customizability and socializing are things MMOs do better than other games.

>farming dreadnaughts so guild blnoobs can run IoD with the big guys
>running highpass the first time
>farming PoD/PoS with my defiler 1.3+ cm'd
>actually being able to solo end game boss shit and NO INSTANCES
>grinding cm's in that undead place where VoX spawns with max Ar for the pariahs
>washing faggit dk/slayers in pvp with my sensei
>being able to pvp anywhere at anytime
>lvl aesthetic class gear in original version for warrior, that crisp fucking blue hue
>glitch jumping on the bank in freeport
>hagley boon plvl
>classes are actually balanced no real hybrid bullshit classes
>farming gators for days gor weregator infection trigger
>epics, 50/60
>factions that actually matter
>only 10$ a month

i could go on and on

>mfw i'll never be able to play this again

i'll never forgive soe

Combat is important, but its not the centerpeice, its community that makes a good MMO, combat, conquest, and having your efforts have lasting effects on the server is what matters more, otherwise you're better off playing literally any other game if you want good combat.

There is no reason to git gud at an MMO if there is no community to share your efforts with.

>Currently playing FF14

what has happened to me.

WoW actually had pretty good combat, UI and addons made it much better. You actually knew what the fuck was going on at all times, what to expect, etc.

That's not the case in most MMOs, you don't even know what's going on half of the times.

There's a group working on getting a private sever going & so far they've had smooth sailing eveb plan's for your old PS2 disk to work

>MMOs will never have zones that are just big hostile but functioning NPC cities again
>MMOs will never have useful reputation systems again
>MMOs will never have real dungeons that you can actually explore again

Dead genre

Are you guys talking about EQOA? I never played it.

That said the everquest diablo clones for ps2 fucking owned

>what is Age of Wushu 2/Dark & Light
What you're looking for is a mechanically/socially-driven sandbox MMO

I'd say this is true for early WOW when you couldn't spam your attacks and spells with a billion CC effects that last half a second.

You're also doing numbers in the millions now, rather then the hundreds/thousands like in vanilla, and the difference between tier 1 and tier 2 isn't 50-100% more health and damage like it is now where item level bloats well over 100 ilvls in the first expansion

But not anymore, there is so much clutter and bloat now its gotten worse, not better.

You mean Champions of Norrath & Return to Arms

>that village you wake up on and hear this

Combat is important in that it should be as out of the way as possible so you can chat with your party and build relationships. EQ got it pretty much perfect. There were a few classes that always needed to be doing something and were active if that was really your thing and a bunch of classes that could just chill out and enjoy the party.

They are already doing age of wushu 2? Did they ever properly translate and polish the first one?

>tfw I rolled mage just to CC everything not do damage
>I rolled arcane/frost to have max slows/snares and to be able to pom sheep while also amplifying damage they take from my friends spells
>tfw blizzard completely destroyed that archtype of mage early in vanilla's history opting in to have mages be a pure DPS class with some CC effects
>mfw CC was gutted in BC onward, making it an unviable way to spec a class, instead you have to play with the latest burst DPS meme builds in order to compete/survive

I don't remember Age of Wushu having any real dungeons or interesting zones. Dark & Light looks like one of those vaporware pipe dreams

Eh, no idea, I haven't touched anything past WotLK. Vanilla was the most enjoyable overall though.

I'm just baffled that with everyone trying to copy the failures of WoW, nobody tried to copy its combat, which was actually good.

>Wurm Online/TERA Sup Forums will never exist again
It hurts so much

I've been recently playing FFXI.
It's really similar to Everquest, right?

How come there isn't a private server for LOTRO? They game would be so good if Turbine weren't such Jews.

BC and WOTLK were prime examples of the game's combat going downhill though, they kept streamlining stats and builds, focusing more on raw DPS rather then surviving the encounters, and on a PVP side of things they removed entire archtypes of class dynamics by focusing entirely on a 2v2 deathmatch.

i wish i still had it or if i could find one on ebay or something, i read about and seen they are even trying to get all the renaming on everything done. i still haven't played anything that can come close to eqoa, literally the perfect blend of what makes "hardcore" mmo gaming fun but with playability for casuals as a ps2 EQ port, but not pandering for casuals.

I just want to level beyond ~30 already, fuck.

Will there ever be a CoH private server?

Age of Wushu 2 is happening, it's buy2play with purchasable expansions like Elder Scrolls Online

Releases next month and AoW2 is in March. We'll see.

you stopped getting the loot!

TRAIN to entrance!

they weren't all bad


I also miss Vanilla World of Warcraft

It's not like you can't have the standard hot bar if you don't want it as well.

What game is this?

Oblivion m8


>Traveling for literal days getting from one side of the globe toward the other end only to end up losing your body mid-way through the common lands

Heaven and Hearth thread?
Heaven and Hearth thread

I should have known from the shit LOD

I want to love Heaven and Hearth but it's so old school

I played Project 1999 for a bit and really enjoyed the actual sense of exploration, going from one part of the world to another felt like a real adventure, but I didn't get past lvl 15 because solo play is just so fucking brutal, and I always had trouble finding people to group with.

when you died in everquest you'd lost everything on you that you then had to get back by traveling to the exact spot that your corpse dropped in order to retrieve your things

needless to say this caused some people to have breakdowns when going through particularly tough zones/areas

mfw when firemage are op.


Now it's been ages since I played H&H, but I am pretty positive that it had the same death system as that. Or was it perma death?

Regardless fuck russians.

This not even WoW have a system in place for traveling the way EQ did no other MMO even try'd approaching that level of immersion

mounts ruin immersion, unless they are only a slight edge. It turns appreciation into attrition.

eq has sow but it only lasted like 30min and drops on being hit or hitting

So why are MMORPGs dying anyways?
What is it that they are lacking that they had in the 90's-early 00's?

>drops on being hit or hitting
since when?

scale of wolf did