Orange Juice

Why aren't you spending your Sunday night playing board games?

Hot Candy


Because I was playing Smash with friends for most of the night.

I'm joining anyway.

Because I got this game day 1 and i'm outraged that at this point the DLC is more expensive than the base game and the base game is not fun without the DLC cards.

>too poor for Orange Juice
nobody would want to play with you anyways

I got all DLC except for the star breaker and the new cards. It's still a fucking outrageous practice. Fruitbat Factory is a fucking jew company.

Yeah but the art is cute

>playing Smash with friends for most of the night.
Sup Forums?

yeah it is jewy, but I bought all the DLC on various sales so in total probably spent like $11 and have about 400 hours played. not the worst deal I've seen

I got 114 hours on it and was part of the first 50 in the Sup Forums group and I still think Fruitbat Factory fucking sucks for doing this.
It's a money sink.
Yeah, it's not to bad, specially if you get the DLC the week it's released with the 25% discount but still, at this point the DLC is more expensive than the base game and you will not enjoy the whole game without all the DLC.


That last part is beyond fucking jewy. It's sickening.

>Forgot Military Sora
3 characters are behind paywalls.

>tfw bought the breaker pack only because i saw a lewd star breaker pic
>turns out star breaker is fun as fug to play by bullying everyone
>only play her and sora now
That DLC was worth every cent.

If you want it to be treated like any other small-scale indie game (left in the wilderness for fans to play but not supported longterm), that's your prerogative.
Being able to support a game longterm costs money that doesn't magically get pulled out of developer's asses. This isn't a multi-million dollar operation like a AAA studio that can absorb the costs or a F2P being floated by microtransactions. At the end of the day, goodwill can only go so far and bills need to actually get paid for. They've done more work out of goodwill than they have for a DLC pricetag either way.
With the payment layout they had going, it was only a matter of time before DLC outbid the base game in terms of cost. There was no real going around that unless you wanted them to just stop making new content. If you want to be the guy who suggests buying a season pass rather than the individual DLC then go right ahead.
I will agree that the setup they had going for the tie-in characters is hamfisted and inelegant. They should have been handled as unique DLC of their own that, in having owned them, offered a discount on the game they represent rather than requiring the game to be purchased before getting a character. Hell, the characters don't even show up on the store page for consideration, you have to dig through news posts to realize that these other games exist and have tie ins.

>need to grind 400 candies
>2 days left to grind
>no time to play
Considering I only have 5 hours of vidya a day, is it even possible to 400 in 15 hours?

I got every costume in 2 days with mostly losses. You probably missed your chance to get them all by now though, unless you grind straight wins for like a full day.

keep playing fernet with 3 puddings

ez wins

is military sora any good tho

she's trash, just like normal Sora

>is it even possible to 400 in 15 hours?
Easy pie. I got 660 candies in 14.8 hours.

Hot Candy

1 more tamale needed.

hyakku paacento

oreenji juusu

I am and this grind is terrible
2:35 am and I only have 12 candies


Any advice for grinding candy?

get more skilled rolls so you can win gooder

Play online, user. You get 5 candies (10 if you win) each match.

Best option is to play online and just do your best to win. Grinding out single player is going to take a very long time, even with the CTRL speed up.

play the poppo

Oh shit I should stop with QP's story then
Yeah rolls fucked me
4 failures of QP's 4th stage with Poppo as the winner

if you actually want to get a few costumes before the event is over dont waste any more time on the campaign


Need 2 more

>tfw want to join and play but i need to study

>wanting to better yourself through academics for a brighter future instead of wasting your time on some weeb game with some strangers

Your loss user.

Could've been worse, he could've been at work.

Candies is still here?

To the 16th because of patching issues.


Need 2 more again. Come play a round or two ya fags.

ded game


Sleep tight poppers

but i don't play the poppo

Is anyone still catching up for the costumes? If anyone's interested, i'll be hosting for an all Aru game for sanic fast games later.

where the rooms at

glitchy game
bad game
ded game
what's its name?

200% Mixed Juice!

make one

Each DLC is like 6 months apart.

Each character from other games is used to bolster 100%

It's like a buck a character for a game that gets regularly featured on bullshit sales and G2A

You don't even need the DLC

The game has released this much DLC over the course of four years.

maybe they should raise the price to 30 bucks a DLC?

>almost last day to farm candy
>no lobbies

give me 4 hours

I'm dying

Name one (1) thing that isn't dying

100% Orange Juice!




should i make a lobby?


>tfw trying to grind for candy because newfag to game
>lobbies are slow as balls and only a few are open
goddammit I just want QP and Poppo's costumes

make one then

This is what happens when you don't advertise lobbies. You get nothing.

Make a lobby, I have everything already but I would gladly bully you for a while.

I barely know how to play the game and I've been just clicking and hoping for the best
I don't even know where to spend the candy
I guess but I haven't made one

how do I make a lobby
pls forgive me for being a retard, I'm playing 100% OJ in the middle of a uni class

bullying time
usual pass

What is the usual pass? What if I am new to this?

Is there anything bkub's style can't make adorable?

>What if I am new to this?
Quit acting like a baby and make it happen

I need a bkub Alte version of this

you can easily get QP and Poppo's costumes in a few hours, don't fret friend

Whew, that's good.

Also if I didn't bother with any of the DLC characters or bosses/enemies I wonder if it would cut down on the grind.

just aim for the few you like the most, you'd have to grind non-stop from now until the event is over to get them all at this point

Probably going to go for QP and the other basic characters then

Just do Kai's first campaign on casual. It's boring but way faster that playing online if you hold down
Ctrl + Shift.

Kai? Ok then, I'll try that, was going through QP's on casual for easy candy but kept losing to poppo since she always snagged the boss stars.

I'd buy Sora even if 100% Orange Juice didn't exist. It's a fantastic game.

he's still better off doing lobbies and getting 5 candy per game

My internet is shit and the turns take upwards of 3-6 minutes each, especially when there is a battle.

In terms of time investment, you get a lot more mileage out of grinding 5 wins in Kai's first stage in casual than you do playing online and losing a match.

Sure there's the potential for you to have won that online match to double your earnings, but the time invested if you lose is more time than if you hunkered down on the easy wins.

1 more slot

I'm comfy outside with my laptop and 3G ready for some 100% orenji bullying

gimme a lobby senpais

do you live on the moon

no I live in canada and my router is barely functional and will randomly disconnect because it just kills itself
that's why I'm grinding in the middle of a university class, the wifi is ten times better here

is full right now tho.

wait how do I get kai
he isn't showing up in the shop

Just pick wins norma with Suguri and kill the seagull and the chicken.

You win 2 candies per game in single player. Pretty sure that's way quicker than playing lobbies, unless you win everytime.

If you didn't start your file with Kai, you'll need to clear your currently-unlocked campaign to start unlocking other characters. Kai, Suguri, QP, and Marc are the ones who have campaigns to play through at a baseline level.

Shit, final battle with QP now then

I started playing Suguri because of 100%, and I'm loving it, despite how much I suck at bullet-hells. If I can base my predictions of the quality of the other OJ games on what I've played of Suguri, then I know will love playing those other games, too, regardless of obtaining extra characters for 100%.

Suguri and Sora are really good and unique, it's a shame the steam version of Suguri is a half assed port by shitty Rockin Android. The Acceleration games are really fun too, but Acceleration 1 was another one that got mangled by Rockin Android. Luckily FBF got Acceleration 2, so there's working multiplayer to look forward to.


What's your favorite Halloween costume for non DLC characters Sup Forums?


meido sora

This card is just too cute

QP's magician costume

Robo Santa

Sweet Gundam Breaker

>for non DLC characters

Suguri, I guess? All the ones I really like are DLC.