What are some games with crows?

What are some games with crows?

Maybe Alan Wake, but possible they might have been ravens.

WoW Hunters have Murder of Crows. Grim Dawn has a raven familiar (I believe, I haven't picked that mastery yet).

Subterranean Animism


Dark Souls
Resident Evil
Bioshock Infinite
all pretty minor though

What are some games with the people's champion of crows?

Game of Thrones

ravens> crows

>mentioned dark souls
>not mentioned bloodborne

Dark Souls


Here's the thing ...


The longest journey/Dreamfall series
There's a crow character literally named Crow

Best crow in vidya.
So much personality

9th post best post

I tend to feed crows around my dorm. They are cute.


There's a crow-themed dungeon in ESO. Bonus item from it lets you summon a murder of crows to devour a corpse.

I haven't played Bloodborne, sorry.



>Crow Mother
So, was it Nocturnal?

Marginal to the story, though.

I think only one of the murders involved crow-related stuff: the two crows to light up the oil at the cemetery and crows blood to draw a symbol[\spoiler]

best crow

Fahrenheit had a crazy old woman with a crow

nah, just a minor Daedra with a small realm of Oblivion. a very lonely one.

or not entirely lonely, depending on your quest choices.

Not sure, m8

I want to fuck a male raven

This is your date tonight.

Now I might want to fuck a bird but that's going too far

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance

Bloodborne. You not only fight crows but you can dress up as one

Would a Crow work?

Also I guess I somewhat found a game for though it is furry as fuck. Decent fighting game though if you can get pass that.
