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Video Games #3581
Video Games
Overwatch takes no skill to play
Whats the best real(read: previously released on PC or console, not some mobile shit) port game for Android?
Realistic and Unrealistic Hopes for the Switch Thread. Just bullshitting
How can consoles even compete?
Do you like Krogans?
Final Fantasy VIII
Just bought pic related
Super Metroid: Redesign help
Game gives you various ways to play it
Did you like it, Sup Forums?
All memes aside, was this the perfect JRPG?
Do you think Nintendo learned anything from Skyward Sword or will they just ignore everything they did right and...
What was her problem, honestly?
Put under heavy pressure from publishers with strict budget and time constraints
Has anyone played this? is it good?
Would any anons on here be interested in a Daily Japanese Thread similar to Sup Forums's? Same guide and premise...
Jontron is officially dead
Have you malamalaka your melemele and tapu koko your moalo kalu with kaleilei Sup Forums?
How did Bowser Get inside Peach's Castle ?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the best xbox 360 game?
Have xbox 360
I'm going to get a N3DS this black friday. What are the best cover plates?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Odin Sphere?
Sup Forums calls game a shit for weeks
Why is Dark Souls 3 so much better than Bloodborne?
Admit it, Sup Forums
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Do you pick lighter or darker skinned characters?
Why did they stopped using this power-up?
Female character turns evil
You will never experience season 2 for the first time again
Honestly, i'm not a furry but... why was this allowed in a kids game?
What games do mom's play? anybody here a mom?
Whats the verdict?
This is Satsuma-sama from the video game My Summer Car
Sup Forums, this is Lucina!
Final Fantasy XV
Ten seconds
Black Friday
Tfw the vast majority of games wil never have qt yuri because of normies
Post some of your favorite locations/settings in video games
Why is this game rated so highly? It's not terrible but it is pretty mediocre...
You get your refund yet?
Dad who doesnt live with me brings a old friend of his
Does the pope shit in the woods?
Witcher fans, where would you place this installment in the trilogy...
Is this the most disappointing video game of all time?
Games that force you to play the other games in order to understand the story
Melee weapons deal more damage than guns
How do you guys cope with the fact that playing vidya is not really an adult's hobby...
ITT: Pretend Zero Time Dilemma never happened
Is Communication actually worth anything?
An asteriod is going to hit earth and end all life on the planet. What is the last video game you play as it hit earth?
Game begins with a quote
Which one, Sup Forums
The yellow zones are the most atmospheric FPS experience in years...
When was the last good Zelda game?
1. Silent Hill 2 was the first to imply that it is the town itself that's weird...
Hey Sup Forums, 'member the 90's?
What video games do furries play?
Why is the RTS genre dead?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Why haven't you updated your 3DS?
Nostalgia thread
Damn... I didn't think they still made Halo multiplayer like this
Final Fantasy XV
Most Senran's don't do much for me
How do you define JRPG and WRPG?
Dying for an immersive FPS experience like Stalker, I went back to Fallout 4 with lots of mods...
Why is she considered low tier? She seems viable
Just started playing this. Whats the difference between melee and gun attacks?
What's your favorite game that the rest of Sup Forums hates? Mine is necrodancer
Reminder to do your duty tomorrow and participate in the Nostralius Stress Test
So, what does Sup Forums think of Planet Coaster?
What games let you play as a werewolf?
Hi I was interested in the janitor position
Swapdoodle thread
Mom sets me up with a girl she met, says the girl is just like me
So if I hosted a server would any of you faggot play it?
Games people only cared about because they were stuck with one platform
Any other Sup Forumsirgin quitfags here?
Pvp game lets you choose between male or female characters
Hana Song
Name 1 indie game that is fun for at least 100 hours
ITT: Best MOBAs and why
Could you beat the king of games at your favorite video game?
Last video game you PLAYED or BOUGHT?
Worst party member
Are there ANY video games with bondage/BDSM themes?
Gundam Games Thread
How do you feel about female characters saving male characters in video games?
Post underrated vidya weapons that you love
Sup Forums constantly nitpicks every graphical detail in new games
Filter the word shill
Game ends with inspirational quote
There are actually people on Sup Forums who play PC games with a controller instead of KB+M
Why was the creator of mega man unable to create a new series after leaving Capcom? Was he a one hit wonder?
E3 2017
Don't you think buying an GTX 1080 is literally wasting money?
Tfw when Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, one of the greatest games of its time (or all time)...
Sup Forums plays Ragnarok Online
Life is strange
Is it good ?
What video game characters uses the power of the moon to do Justice?
Why is it so fun to grief in games?
Why can't she be real?
What games let me become the fastest in the universe?
YT gaming
What the fuck they did to her?
Can we get an MMO graveyard thread going?
Christ Sup Forums why was 7th gen so terrible? I'm playing this game and it's fucking awful...
I don't know how you guys do it
Well, Sup Forums? What does it do??
Holy shit, we did it bros
Solid game or just another pretty face?
Have an extremely high IQ
Wii game
Does Sup Forums wanna play minecraft?
Why didn't you like Super Mario Sunshine?
He's actually using this
Are the microsoft/sony consoles simply becoming a shitter version of PC?
ITT: August 31st, 2015
ITT: sum up your life with a videogame image
Sega Survey Results
Dolphin Netplay Thread
85% chance to hit
Tfw you loved the first Bayonetta and you still haven't gotten a chance to play the sequel after all these years ;_;
Gearbox ""CONTENT"" Artist
/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General
What's your most anticipated game in 2017, Sup Forums?
I'm thinking about buying this shootbang
Why is it so hard to play video games and browse Sup Forums at the same time?
Most hours spent on a single game
Proof that Emily Rogers has a reliable source at Nintendo
Failed quests are documented in quest log
Will any game ever top Ocarina of Time?
User. You will open your backlog which is alphabetically ordered. You will then play every game for exactly 2 hours...
Communist undertones in Kirby Super Star
Amazing graphics, solid gameplay, great story, great music/sound effects
A Call of Duty game has better mod support than any game released in the past 10 years
When did you realize this?
What was the last game you dropped and why?
League of Legends
Can someone explain to me, why is it that in the age when the simplest things get everyone triggered...
Hey user, join voice!
Doom cheat codes
Is this game worth getting Sup Forums?
Achievement unlocked: The Bigger They Are
The Old Man has voice acting in Breath Of The Wild
Just completed Momodora 100%, really feel like playing some more great metroidvania games
You're buying her game, right Sup Forums?
That sword looks like it could do some damage
How come every game they create is a huge success?
Dragon quest thread
Is there any reasons to own this piece of shit?
Alien Isolation
What was his fucking problem?
Main villain is a loli
Official Swapdoodle art
When will Overwatch have an actual scoreboard, at least one for my team where I can see which retard isn't doing shit?
What was in her mind?
I'm coming for Persona 5 next, faggots
What is the worst country in online gaming and why it is Brazil?
Did you play mostly rated M games when you were a kid?
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
What games did you McDonalds have?
Hey guys, a meme character from 2 is back and is the final boss
Post your mains
ITT: Sup Forums-approved YouTubers
Does anyone else feel like the American video game industry is led and operated by the most immature childish people...
Only Dark Souls players will understand
So I found this for $10, did I get a good deal?
What's the reason dota is a slower game and yet has a more aggressive rhythm...
"It will be dead on r-release!"
Has one man ever triggered a board this hard before?
Ready for GOTY?
She just beat you at your favorite game
Tomb Raider is 20 years old now
Sup Forums, what's it like being a video game programmer?
Really makes you think
Be developer 2015
Overwatch's 21:9 support actually reduces field of view
Which one?
Draw the HUD of a video game and we guess what it is
Why are 2D games always so much better than 3D games ?
Why doesn't notch donate some of his money to charity? instead of buying a 70 million dollar mansion...
Games that would sell a shitload if they were released on Steam
Press any button to start
Can someone with the Japanese version confirm if this has been changed in all language versions of the new Pokemon...
Post vidya characters who share your name
Do you guys hide your powerlevel in public...
In your opinion, what's the second best ass in all vidya after Cammy White?
ITT: games only you played
Be honest
Characters action game
What are you hoping for?
Admit its good
You were around when Sup Forums started defending
When did the FPS genre die?
Can you remember you favorite childhood video game character?
Why are their fans so hard to talk to?
Why do you like her so much? She's not that great
What are the largest open world games?
What Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals are you going for?
The final boss compliments your skills during the fight
Is foam the one thing physics engines can't do?
Is anyone else free weekend for overwatch?
Any Shenmuebros excited? According to Peter on Shenmuedojo we're getting a full trailer in December
Persona 5: Dubfags will never recover
Steam Trading thred
Is Ryuko used goods?
Tfw you apply for a Sup Forums janitor
Just bought a Raspberry pi 3, what are some games I should emulate? I already have most every original NES game...
Risk of Rain
What was his fucking problem?
What the fuck is this?
Has there been a Sup Forums/2chan reference in a game?
So, of all places just wrote a clickbait article suggesting changes for the next Elder Scrolls game...
Is this worth $20?
Mind if I play your favourite game?
Releasing DLC for an early access game
Shouldn't this guy be locked up?
Now that Time Fuckery/Manipulation skills are confirmed for the expansion, who do you guys think will teach this skill?
Is a new 3DS coming out?
Sup Forums plays Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
Mind Blowing Videogame Facts
He pirates his
Turn on PC
Is there anything more faggy than winning by a "time out" in a competitive game? I really don't think there is
He pirates games
New to Runescape (2)
Senran Kagura Thread
Nioh coming to PC?
Why are western developers so much better at designing characters than japanese developers?
What were they THINKING?
What are some video games with audiophile-tier sound design?
He has a PS4 Pro
Liking pokemon
Ugh, boys are so STUPID!!! Come on Hiyoko, I'm gonna give you a bath!
"Wow, another one? Nintendo must be getting desperate. Hand that shit over!"
Can we finally have an orc thread without Sup Forums shitting it up?
Story, gameplay or graphics/sound?
So, think Nintendo will backtrack their decision and unban the ones who pirated the new Pokémon Games soon...
Post your favorite game and let others guess your age
Best new trainer. Fight me
What the fuck is wrong with Bioware employing an openly racist game designer for ME:Andromedia
Games with borderline copyright infringement
Still no Imperial guardsman video game
Is griefing dead?
What the fuck was this? You guys hyped this up for a year now and it was steaming pile of shit
No, really. What is the point of this?
What are you eating and playing tonight Sup Forums?
What's wrong with Obsidian's Tyranny?
Why is it still getting updated?
Nier Automata
Will there ever be a game greater than this
Post recents
Nintendo Wii was released 10 years ago today. Say something nice about it
Would this be the best Final Fantasy if Zidane wasn't forced to be in your party at all times...
Switch Games
Watch Dogs 2
Is the FFX remaster better or worse than the original
ITT: vidya related people you wish death upon
Explain this
What are the most culturally significant/important videogames of all time that everyone needs to play?
Seriously tempted to play WoW again
MapleRoyals Sup Forums REBOOT
Since the mods are fucking retarded and don't realise this is about FUCKING DUKE NUKEM AND NOT A SHITTY KIDS SHOW...
God Eater
ITT: Good games you're not allowed to like on Sup Forums
Not buying games on release
Grove street
Anyone else hyped as fuck to buy HITMAN - Season 2?
I want to hug this ghost
Tfw gaming in winter
Killin g Floor 2 released
Does anyone want to play overwatch with me? >.<
Do they cut over half of the audio for the dub in all the games?
Turn based combat
Hey PC faggots
72 hour boss
Why didn't Sakurai give him any moves from the Pac-Man World series?
Samus' Arm Cannon
This is the Sony PSP. Say something nice about it!
It....doesn't look that good
What DS games made the most clever and unique use of the hardware?
This is your queen for tonight
Final Fantasy
Literally impossible
Interrogating a highly trained secret agent
Voice one of the most iconic characters in video game history
I legitimately do not understand the popularity of this game...
ITT: games that Sup Forums hates but you enjoyed them anyway
This is what dexfags ACTUALLY think
Why did 343 turn Halo into a cover shooter?
Remake is worse than the original
How do you feel when I see this character?
Are they the new Looking Glass?
Thank God for Halo MCC
Thanks Konami!
You'll never play Bioshock for the first time
Sequels that totally dropped the ball
How would you feel if SMT V consisted entirely of Doi artwork?
Look at your keyboard between T and O
There hasn't been a good WWE game since the Attitude Era
What was the game of the year?
STEEP open beta
Have successfully assassinated your target, V?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Do you go for the evil choice or the good choice in RPGs, Sup Forums?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Won't someone please think of the poor voice actors
Before release, I was so fucking hyped for this game. I pre-ordered it and played it on launch day
Aonuma wins 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think about the trilogy?
Vive for 1077.39$
What went wrong?
How are you enjoying Planet RollerCoaster, Tycoon 4/v/?
I'm not a furry, but the game is good
Fighting games are dying, that much is true
Replaying the first Dragon Age soon
Say something nice about this literally perfect elf
Cool Videogame Characters that were forgotten forever
This guy is sent to kill the protagonist of the last game you played. Can he do it?
Oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking new nintendo 3DS?! No way...
What went so very, very, very right?
How Much RAM for Gaymen?
"Worldwide release, except Europe lol"
Overwhelmingly Positive
Screenshot Thread?
Was the franchise completely consumed by WoW or will we see a proper Warcraft IIII in the future?
Does Sup Forums have a gaming related tattoo?
Tell me about the PlayStation
Tell mom I have a job interview
Only true men play Torb
Just got pic related, what am I in for?
Haha you picked the girl character again? what's that the 5th game in a row now?
What's your excuse for not playing the best FPS of the season?
What headphones do you use for gaming, Sup Forums?
Which translation do you prefer?
Middle earth entourage
Those factions
Anyone here know a guy who knows a guy at Nintendo/Retro Studios? If so...
SwapDoodle thread
Get on skype bro
Your Majesty
Cyberpunk 2077
Are there games I can play one handed and without text?
What is the best mod for Soulstorm?
Who was in the wrong here?
The character you thought was your bro turns out to not be your bro
How would Sup Forums design a video game around this series?
With the Japanese understanding that the PC market is viable, I finally lose the sole reason left to buy consoles
Mega Man 2 Mobile Remake Announced
Webm thread GO
The Wii turns 10 today
So i got into PC gaming recently and I've decided to start using kb and mouse
Big Sister is Watching
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the Elder Scrolls games that aren't Morrowind, Oblivion or Skyrim?
What silly name do you like to give your characters?
In just 10, 10 simple days
What I learned from Sup Forums school is ______________________________
You guys are gonna play the new mass effect right??
What's his fukcing problem?
Game about killing the bad guys
This is still in alpha
Kirby is cute
I love Broinne!
Takes literally 20 minutes before you get your starter Pokemon because of cutscene after cutscene after cutscene
How do you enjoy JRPG as you're older?
What is your favorite intro in video games?
Should i resub now or wait for 3.5?
Just finished FFXV, ask me anything
People care more about a two year old Ubisoft shooter than a brand new EA/DICE mainline Battlefield game
Looking for a fellow user who wants to play the 15 games on Heroes of the Storm for the Genji Oni skin...
Just finished GuP. Now I'm in the mood for some tank games
Since we are in a christian imageboard, we might share some games with christian imagery
This is the guy designing the next Mass Effect game
Procrastinate and put off playing since release
ITT game dev people you hate
Are american gamers really skilled?
Terraria bullshit
All Pirate Bans for Pokemon Sun and Moon are in fact PERMANENT
ITT: Vidya girls you want to kiss
The best turn based strategy game of all time
What are some good, lesser-known streamers?
For all the flak that Sonic seems to get these days, you have to admit that he's got a really good character design
Shotgun thread, post your best vidya boomsticks
About to Get Mass Effect 3, anything i need to know before i stop making these threads?
Is this undeniable proof that BloodBorne is the easiest Souls game is the series?
What's your favourite boss in video game history?
Say something nice about this >game
Working on a game with a team, sci fi shooter to be exact
This is a Japanese Kaguya
I'm not good at coming up with strategies, which party members to use and shit. How crucial are these things...
Why are gamers such sore losers?
What was your reaction to this in 2011? Were you hype?
Gamestop credit card nigga
Elder god tier
Do you think Sega regrets killing off Selvaria?
Cosmic horror
I am a great soft jelly thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth...
Is there any convincing argument against emulation? Like, at all?
Will it be as good as Spider-Man 2?
How can you report pirates and do they ever actually get punished?
Have to hold b to run
How can anyone in his right mind say that DaSIII isn't the best souls game? Sure you might prefer 1 or 2...
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone is coming to PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in the Americas and Europe...
ITT: Badly explained vidya plots
Why do you hate /vr/?
It just doesn't look that good
ITT: yeah that happened
Why did it take so long for Sup Forums to realize this is just a skyrim rip off and a shit game?
Old Maplestory
I still have some apprehensions about Tekken 7. I feel like this is going to be the weakest installment since 4
Revolver Ocelot
So I was in a coma for a year
/late 90s-early 00s/
ITT: Games Sup Forums said were shit but are actually good
You're still a good person user
Guess the game
Do you think you'll play video games forever, Sup Forums...
You now have powers based on the last game you played, what happens?
If you buy this game, turn in your video gaming license
Will it flop?
Hello sir, I'm here to sign you up for one of our Vault-Tec™ Vaults
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS bros?
Sitting in internet café playing games, minding my own business
Mechwarrior: Living Legends is free to play and you don't need Crysis for it anymore, it has a standalone installer:
This weapon has a red circle optical sight
Vita version used is $15
What is the best Thief game?
Who was in the wrong here?
Are you ready for good girl Miki birthday?
Not naming him Mansquito
Witcher 3
I feel like something died inside me Sup Forums
What games have bouncing tits technology?
Killing Floor 2 'Full Release'
So, let's get serious for a while, Which is the worst vidya company in the industry as of now ?
You have to hard pressed to find ONE FUCKING sequel worse than this
Why don't they make good RTS games like these anymore
Watch Dogs 2's comfy ratings are off the charts
Does hating a popular game make you smarter than the general population?
That terrifying moment when you realize you've fallen in love with a video game character
The Witcher series is over
Is Watch Dogs' 2 portrait of hackers accurate?
Why the FUCK is this allowed
How were you supposed to know these were ladders? There wasn't a tutorial or anything
Cummy White
Who is the best player of video games in fiction?
So this is undeniable, right
Game has anime references
Which video game character has the best dab?
Don't mind me, just "pirating" this chicken
What are you playing this weekend Sup Forums ?
Where should it be set bros?
Anyone else getting that "XIII" vibe? It looks pretty, but you get the feeling something is off...
What is the best size for an RPG party?
What happened?
You should be able to solve this
How is that game coming along, Sup Forums?
Came out a week ago
NPC companions are stupid and constantly cause friendly-fire
Sup Forums plays Ragnarok Online
Yo dudes.. I think I have autism or ADHD or something, I play a game and I'm instantly bored within a couple of hours...
Nda finally lifted and no one is talking about rising storm vietnam?
Skywind and Skyblibion
Post some qt games with qt brown girls
Which games have the best lolis?
Post snow/ice/winter level music
Don't tell me you guys actually like this legit unoriginal piece of shit. I know it's a bit of a dead horse, but still
Useless party members
Unnecessary feature creep: the gen
Vidya character has a girlfriend
Why do people think Switch is gonna fail??
What was the real reason why games in the 80s and 90s were so much better than the shit we get today...
AAA gamedev here, being one is sucks
Hey Sup Forums
Making an online RPG
Post characters everyone on Sup Forums hates
Why are elves such pathetic limp wristed faggotass bitches?
KOTOR: best edition
Post the best JRPG protagonists
Hahaha lmao xD
SAG-AFTRA's list of demands includes splitting up the most intensive recording sessions from one four-hour session to...
What do you think of her collection?
The Wii turns 10 today
Eve online is now free. Come troll with me Brothers
Enh shamans in vanilla weren't a viable cla-
This is Ajna. Say something nice to her!
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is about to crash onto Earth...
>he fell for the "Pillars of Eternity has bad writing" meme
How does this guy's music go?
Now that the dust has settled, what did you guys think?
What did Sup Forums think of this game?
"Because of its algorithmic structure...
*It's time to choose*
Is Soul Calibur gone? I feel like fighting games have been really poor this gen...
Wind Waker
Anyone know how to get this theme for US 3ds?
What does Sup Forums think of Chihaya Kisaragi from the video game franchise The IdolM@ster?
Fallout: The Frontier
Persona 5 confirmed garbage
This is my mom. Say something nice to her
Yes I main Genji. What the fuck are you gonna do about it?
Do you smoke and game?
I pik wario in maro cart
What's the best video game you've ever played...
This is Emrakul. the Aeons Torn
Guaranteed bad FF about to come out
Does Sup Forums know any tips on how to get used to the claw fast?
Should smartphones be the new home for JRPGs?
Titanfall 2
Games that feature tropical isles
Which one has better enemy variety?
The city of Ubisoft
What video games take place in a snowy Japan setting?
Ignore Shitposts
Now that the dust has settled(excluding the evga fire shitstorm), is pascal worth buying...
ITT your favorite vidya moments
Tyranny thread, hop in my niggas
Never played any gcb exclusive cause i never had one. What should i play?
ITT: Weird vidya shit you've done /confession thread
Gaming Laptops
Are fighting games superior than assfaggot/assfaggot shooter games?
What ya playing?
Working on a game with a team, sci fi shooter to be exact
What are some comfy, light-hearted games I can play while sick?
Is Sombra enough to switch up the "Meta"(3 tank-3 heal)
I'd like to finally play an Assassin's Creed but I know which one
Vidya Lyrics you can't forget
FFXV can't have any immersion
What else do you think should be added to the list?
Has a game ever given you nightmares or PTSD?
Why did he sell out?
Tfw too intelligent to trust western devs or play western-made games
The greatest EPIC BLUEBALLS WASTE OF TIME of our generation
50% off on steam
Which game has the best feet?
I dont understand the hate for this game...
4 AM
Korea time starting right now
Hitman is currently 50% off on Steam, but I'm a piss poor third worlder so I'm still thinking if I should buy it or not...
Persona 5
Who the fuck plays handhelds in public?
I like the muzzle flash, not so sure about the head bob
Is he still our guy?
Achievement: The bigger they are
ITT: true heroes of mankind who did nothing wrong
What is the best Star Wars game of all time and why is it Rogue Squadron 2?
3x3 Thread - Multiplayer Edition
What does Sup Forums consider to be the best Roguelite? What should I buy? BOI, ETG, RL?
Im not having fun anymore
Has anyone played this patron game?
What went wrong?
Kills genji because genji is not honorabu
WatchDogs 2 Vaginas
Study Jap to prepare for Persona 6 (fuck AtlusUSA )
He has animu pic as his avatar
This is what MGS V should have been
Square Enix Stock landslide drop on 8 of Novemeber
AC games
ITT your favorite pre-2010 flash game
As a non-console gamer. What does fps in console feels?
Let's say I do buy a 3ds for pokemon sun and moon. Is there really any other reason to get a 3ds...
What are some games with crows?
Hold long have you been in the game lads?
Verendus just gave his early impressions of FFXV
Tfw we will never live in the blissful era when we still had hope of MGSV being good again
"It will be dead on r-release!"
The higher your str the slower you become
Whats the worst game youve ever played?
This a masterpiece
I love the word comfy, its so comfy
Has this gotten a thread yet?
Reminder that Sup Forums was the pioneer of the "lol ironic" era that drove the entire site to shit
Treyarch makes the best Call of Duty gam-
Explain this
What's their end game?
Save me
What have you learned from the time you have spent playing video games...
DLC characters take 100 matches to unlock PER CHARACTER
Lady Maria is very cute and shouldn't be bullied!
_____ called for help!
You faggots will argue over anything
How would you make a game based on Game of Thrones?
I'm not supposed to know, but my GF got me pic related for Xmas. What should I expect? I like JRPGs a lot
So I got a Wii U on launch, but mostly got it as a smash/zelda machine
So, now that it's November 2016, has the "MGS V sucks" meme ended yet?
One of the midgame bosses helps you defeat the final boss
Barack Obongo destroyed almost everything
Saw this at Toys R Us when I was there earlier...
Take finished content out of a game
Yfw the new Post Successful! screen
This is a female
15 years ago
ITT: Pitch a game idea
ITT: things that don't exist
You picked the best girl right?
Is it shit?
Watch dogs 2 hmmmm
Is she a trophy wife?
Should Nintendo be bought by Sony or Microsoft?
What does Sup Forums consider a truly competitive hardcore FPS?
What are some games
Never fucking forget
You're fighting a really strong demon when this guys shows up and screams "for the people!" and uses up ALL your turns
Physical copy includes a map of the game world
Wow, impressive. PC gaming has finally caught up with 2007-era console tech
Sup bitches, it's Chad Warden here
What game has the best armor designs?
Ctrl+F SwapDoodle/Nikki
Is dood or moom the better game?
How do you keep card games interesting without massive power creep?
Final Fantasy XV
Anyone playing Planet Coaster? What's the general consensus so far?
Post em
What gameplay mods can make this casualized piece of crap bearable?
Concept art video games
I just finished chapter 3 and I saw the screencap so I kind of expected it, but what the fuck...
Battlestation thread
Infinite Warfare
Took me 3 tries to win against grass totem moon on the second island
Post your teams
Hey Sup Forums, hope you're having a good night
What is her canon name? I like to pick the girl character but I don't like to name them
What's taking so long
"Excuse me I'm here to buy my son the new Po-Kee-Man game, he's a big fan of Po-Kee-Man...
How did this not make it as an esport? Was it robbed?
Why is there so little yuri in Japanese video games, yet it's a huge thing in anime?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...