Tfw you loved the first Bayonetta and you still haven't gotten a chance to play the sequel after all these years ;_;

>tfw you loved the first Bayonetta and you still haven't gotten a chance to play the sequel after all these years ;_;



It's good but inferior to the first game in areas that truly matter.

First is better, but 2 is more fun

Yep, prepare for dissapointment

I should have also added,

unless you played the first game on a basic level and enjoyed it more for the spectacle

in which case you're going to love it

Bet it gets ported to the Switch

Daily reminder that console exclusives are anti-consumer.


Only good things about the sequel were the lack of piss filter and that wearing the Fox outfit during the final mission was more Star Fox than Star Fox Zero.

fuck off pc fag

PS4 release when?

How? If a console has an exclusive you want, just buy the console. It's not that hard.

>that feel when have a Wii U, the version of Bayo 2 that came with 1 on-disc, Sm4sh, 3D Land, Wonderful 101, Dong Freeze, Wind Waker HD, Mario Maker, and Mario Kart 8

I'm glad I got one

as someone who played them both for the first time back to back, the first was definitely better as a whole, but there are many things the second one did better. especially in terms of spectacle like some other guy said (the fight between you and the sage where your mega demon is fighting his mega angel in the background comes to mind)

I end up buying my friend wiiu just to play this and It was worth every penny. You should do that too buy an used one.


Provably on Black Friday and after.

op mad jelly

Short Haired Bayonetta>Long Haired Bayonetta.

I really hope so. If they make Bayo 3 a Switch exclusive and sell the trilogy I'd buy a Switch day 1. Bayo 2 and W101 were the only games worth having on the wii u

What kind of price are you looking for OP?

I remember getting mines off ebay for $200 before 3D world released in 2013

>all those marks on the gamepad and system

he couldn't bother making it look better for a photo?

Literally the opposite of reality.

I didn't find Bayonetta sexy until 2.

Hot damn, that Police B outfit.

the gamepad doesn't even look bad

I always found her sexy but the short hair is definitely superior.

Really? I have the exact opposite perspective, Bayonetta 2 was the first game without all of the annoying parts. Playing them back-to-back really hammered home just how focused they were on not repeating the same mistakes.

How does a console even get that scratched up? You're supposed to set it on the shelf and leave it there, not use it to test your kitchen knives.

I got mine $200 refurb from Nintendo. Totally worth it.

The short hair makes her head look bigger. I think that's the big difference as far as my pants go.

I got a Wii U just for bayonetta 2. It was fun, haven't touched it since I beat it though. Then I played Xenoblade Chronicles X. Good times. RIP Wii U.

>there are people who don't have Nintendo and Sony systems every gen

>didn't get a Wii U for $200
>didn't get Mario Kart 8 to get W101 free
It's your own fault OP.

Same here you should get MK8. I'm about to get the Wonderful 101 and Xenoblade and I'll be done buying games for this shit.

>people are mad a good game is trapped on a garbage dead console
>h-ha ha Sony bros BTFO...
>Wii U is a failed piece of shit and dies
Thanks Nintendo fans.

More like
>>people are mad a good game is trapped on a garbage dead console
>>i-it's not as good as the first one

>>I-it's cinematic garbage like uncharted :^)

Literally the only improvement for Bayo 2 was removing the insta-kill QTEs.

Granted that's an absolutely necessary improvement... but even removing the changes to combat mechanics for the worse, the game has a worse story, worse setting, less memorable enemy design, and is just generally a lesser experience.

>The Star Fox part made everyone get all excited for the potential of a Star Fox game made by Platinum
>then Zero happened

Stop shitposting.

So why does Rodin put up with Enzo?

>Still angry about Bayonetta

I say this as a Wii U owner, you really shouldn't be angry anymore. Just move on with your life, it's not worth obsessing about one game. It's good but not so good that you need to be constantly fixated on the fact that it came out on a console you didn't buy.

>Have both on the Wii U and haven't finished either
What am i missing out on?

Yeah I don't agree with any of that. The combat felt smoother, Love Is Blue has a better moveset, I liked a lot of the new weapons. The story is also far better because there's a clear objective, you understand everyone's motivations, and it fixes the villain of Bayonetta 1. The setting is almost the same but without the piss filter which is a massive improvement, and it has all the enemies from the first game and then demons which were some pretty great fights, like Sloth.

But the biggest thing is that the game's pacing and all of the extraneous stuff is way better than Bayonneta 1. There's no more backtracking, no slow puzzle sections with hourglasses, less terrible platforming, better bosses, niflheims that aren't sadisically placed, a ranking system that doesn't give you stone for missing ridiculously hidden verses, vastly improved and shorter vehicle segments, and so on and so forth. It's a better, smoother game, where all the gimmicks like underwater sections didn't detract from the core combat. Unlike Bayonetta 1, where the setpieces get in the way constantly.

I find it hard to actually say why it's not as good as the first game, but it just isn't. The gameplay for some reason doesn't feel as tight, the bosses aren't that good, the new enemies are kind of annoying. I don't know. It's just not really fun. Metal Gear Rising was better.

The same reason every one else does. Who doesn't want a loudmouth fat Italian who freaks out every time you do some cool shit.

Haha, fuck off poor faggot.

Female villager creeps me out.

>sequel is on a dead shit console

Fuck that

No Joy

In regards to the combat you didn't actually refute what he said, just saying "well I liked it" isn't an actually argument and can be discarded without a second thought

I didn't refute it because there's nothing to refute, he didn't say anything of substance other than "the changes to the combat mechanics are worse."

And that's perfectly fine. He can dislike the changes all he wants.

But I didn't dislike them.

How so? I found it to be the exact same.


Also the Metroid outfit was fucking cash. Didn't really significantly change anything but it was so freaking cool.

>Got a Wii-U for Bayo.
>Ended up enjoying W101 more.

now if only kamiya could stop shoehorning shmup sections into all his games


The only game that has given me a boner by just watching the way the character walks.

>that gap when runing

Alarune is basically an instant I win weapon.

Honestly I think the boss fights were better in 1.

it was like 200 burgerbucks refurbished when bayo2 came out. no excuses, op


that is just not true at all

I don't understand how people can think this. They did not play very well. Especially the last boss that everyone looks on favorably, that was a terrible platforming clusterfuck.

The big bosses in Bayonetta 2 felt more like the core combat. Even when you were surfing on a typhoon towards heaven or falling down an infinite tower, there was still that good rhythm of dodging and continuing your combo. The bosses in Bayonetta 1 were broken up with tons of fucking press-A platforming for some reason and had giant vulnerability windows.

>Look above her head.
>Realize the clocktower is creating the Smash logo.

>Bayonetta gets a handful of recognizable songs from her series on her stage in Smash
>Ryu just gets his theme, Ken's theme, and classic versions of those 2
>Cloud just gets battle music and boss battle music from FFVII

How come Nintendo loves Bayonetta so much


SE and Capcom were probably just being jews.

>have to buy a machine you don't want that costs hundreds of dollars for one game
>not anti-consumer
I've bought every major Nintendo console thus far, but goddamn I wish they just went third party.

It has to do with what Capcom/Square wanted in the game. It's the same reason why Pac-Man only had one design and different gloves and such, and Sonic ONLY being Blue. It's what the licenser wants.

And Square thought having Cloud have both of his outfits was more important than music.

$200 is really not a lot of money, I don't see why people keep complaining as if every system is Launch PS3-priced

Maybe you should've bought one so more developers would support it.

Seems like the Wii U has had a lot of "just one games" that people tend to forget when the next "just one game" comes out...

Wii U was $350 at launch and buying hundreds of dollars worth of consoles adds up over the years. Also the price of the games is higher than on PC and stays high for far longer.

Sheesh, how many people who've said this about the Wii U went and bought a PS4 for JUST Bloodborne? Feels like a double-standard.

>his stage in Sm4sh didn't even have Sonic Boom or Super Sonic Racing

I feel the same way about playstation and xbox to be fair. If anything they're even worse.

>they never did any music DLC

that's probably the biggest missed opportunity given that the music is one of the best parts of Smash

>Also the prices of games is higher than on PC

For some, yes, but I'm 90% sure that Bayo2 is $20 now.

it's $25 at GameStop and it's not the version that comes with Bayo 1

You could have gotten a Wii U with Smash4 and Splatoon bundle for $250 last year on Black Friday, senpai. It's what I did.

The Wii U has a high attach rate, so those that do have one aren't selling theirs. That keeps the used market high for the long term. Combine that with shipments being halted before a slim redesign or >NEW< Wii U and those prices should stay high.

You never looked hard enough. I managed to get mine for $150.

And it was still a shitty deal, considering that it was the 8 GB model and all the bundles that have been out.

I'm glad I got mine when I did

it even had MK8 on it for some reason even though that wasn't advertised as being part of it

I liked 2 better than 1, mainly because Bayonetta said things when witch time was activated.
>So closeeee
Plus her short hair and playing as masked Balder was cute. There better be a third game and hopefully it will not bring back any of the crap 1 had.
>No HW or Splatoon
Nigger what.

Dong Freeze too