>you'll never play Bioshock for the first time
>you'll never play Fallout 3 for the first time
>you'll never play dark souls for the first time
fuck guys
>you'll never play Bioshock for the first time
>you'll never play Fallout 3 for the first time
>you'll never play dark souls for the first time
fuck guys
bioshock and fallout 3 were garbage
Good times
I'm playing the first paper Mario now for the first time, and its,pretty good. There's always good games you haven't played yet op.
Well, I did once
I played Bioshock for the first time a few years ago and I wouldn't want to do it again.
is there any single player experience even remotly that good?
Good compared to the three op listed?
Hell yea man there's load of em. If you just started playing games a year or two ago it seems like there isn't a lot.
What kind you looking for mate? I'll help you out
2 was better
>Fallout 3
1,2, and New Vegas were actually good
>Dark Souls
I regret playing it my first time or anytime
>Remotly that good?
>Fallout 3
Being boiled alive by your unborn child is better than fallout 3
>fallout 3
>you'll never play Fallout 3 for the first time
it all goes downhill after the opening though
Joke's on you, I haven't played any of those games so I can still do that
System Shock, the Thief series.
Why is Fallout 3 on the same list as Dark Souls or Bioshock?
>What kind you looking for mate? I'll help you out
more than 20 hours of game
liberty to explore
deep lore
no cinematic experience but still interesting plot
good ost
hard mode: made after 2006
It's really good the first time you play it and don't know about the twist. But I find it really annoying to replay. The first three levels are boring as hell, Fort Frolic is really the only good part. Hephaestus has boring level design and is a giant fetch quest.
Apollo Hills is quite good but you have no reason to care about the story by that time.
Then the escort quest and the final boss fight and the endings really taint the game.
Say what you want about Bioshock 2 but at least it had better pacing.
>Witcher 3
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Dwarf Fortress
Take your pick, kouhai.
>fuck guys
I know, you should be playing more games, if those are what you're sad about.
>more than 20 hours of game
>liberty to explore
literally just an open world game
>deep lore
Nice b8
>no cinematic experience but still interesting plot
Nigga please
>ywn play Steins;Gate for the first time again
Maybe with 0...
I didn't like fallout 3 the first time I played it. I haven't played Bioshock yet either, should I get the re-release or go for the original?
Dark Souls, duh.
exactly, can't name one
But I already played them for the first time some time ago. You assertion that I will never do it has already been proven false and retarded. If you put an "again" after "never" it would be true. But you don't have a basic understanding of how English works so you probably have no clue what I'm on about. It's okay, Trump will sort you out soon enough.
I've played all three Bioshocks and literally not a single one was good. This is the worst meme.
>I can't read
Tales of symphonia
Any of the 3d zeldas
Thousand year door
after 06
Read space trilogy
Witcher 3
Any of the mgs games
Any of the max Payne games
Gta 4,5
Red dead redemption
That's all I got at the top of my head.
somehow in my mind I had written"again"
I'm sorry dude, I should have checked before posting a thread on Sup Forums
>Has opinion on game he never played.
On a serious note, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne fulfill all the criteria and then some.
Well hey, just think of this, there's still a chance for you to have more first time for lots of other thing!
Except gettin' sex for the first time lmao owned
lol Toddout3, thank god i'll never be forced to rummage through that garbage again.
For some reasons I forgot to add "again". I have already played dark souls 1, god tier game. desu I also liked ds2.
Im not a virgin anymore, I had sex about 6 months ago
mgs games are too cinematic, then there are PS only games, but I'm lookin for something on pc.
So that leaves me to.. the witcher 3 I guess? gta always felt boring after 5 hours of fucking around
Play more vidya OP. The ones you posted aren't absolute shit but there's a lot out there. I'd recommend looking to previous gens and older PC releases. Check out genres you normally avoid and try games that might not be visually appealing or impressive at first.
Maybe try pic related. I played through it last year for the first time and it was fucking fantastic.
Ohhh okay, I'd recommend Bloodborne then if you haven't played that. Easily right up there with DS1.
Good. I don't actually enjoy playing videogames anymore, I just force myself to play them so I'll fit in here.
>you'll never play Bioshock for the first time
>you'll never play dark souls for the first time
I've never played either.
And I probably never will.
I played through this 3 years ago on reccomendation of some guy on Sup Forums and thoguht the same. Was one of those "Ohhh yeah video games used to be fun at one point!" moments for me. I really liked flying around in space and just seeing all the aliens and meeting them all and the combat was really satisfying once you get into it i felt.
I'm sorry for your loss, friend.
when fallout 3 first came out it was incredible, it wasnt until vegas that people really started noticing 3's massive flaws. and even then, outside of the writing and quest structure, NV really wasnt any better
talos principle
Exactly the same here. It kept my attention and I was curious about everything in-game. I had that childlike wonder going the whole time.
Meeting different aliens was always a joy due to their peculiar designs and mannerisms. The Orz were terrifying but the best.
You have to be a fucking faggot or underage to think Fallout 3 was incredible when it came out. It just killed the Fallout series. And everyone saw that coming with Oblivion before that.
>BioShock remaster will never work without flickering again and they will never fix it
Fucking assholes.
yeah and people said the morrowind 'killed' elder scrolls when it came out as well, but it didnt. fallout 4 killed the fallout series, if by killed you mean, YOU dont like it, its still the best selling in the series by far like it or not. im not defending fallout 4, im saying just because you dont like it or agree with it doesnt mean its dead
>you haven't played system shock, wasteland or kings field