Since we are in a christian imageboard, we might share some games with christian imagery.
Since we are in a christian imageboard, we might share some games with christian imagery
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every jrpg
Saints Row has a lot of Christian imagery. I dunno if I'd call it a Christian game, though. Not something you'd want your Sunday School child playing.
nobody here actually believes in god right?
Wrong. Enjoy the fiery brimstones heathen
>phoenix games
>creating and worshipping idols
The bible says that this is a major sin
God wants us to know him through his Word, not by some statue that we made. The image of the Almighty God cannot be contained in some stupid idol that we make.
I'm gonna ask you nicely to back to /r/atheism
"Christain" video games are just more distractions from Christ. Video games are a violent, dreamlike medium akin to witchcraft and sorcery.
she died for our sins
All those self proclaimed Atheists out there living stress free lives. Worst thing they worry about is their job or their relationships. Ugh
Okay I'm no theologian, but is that Lot? 'cause... Fuck I don't think you wanna focus on him and his family, game makers.
Gnostic or bust.
sup with the melting wax-man?
the binding of isaac
it's salt
It's actually a salt statue. Bitch was commanded not to look back, and she did just that.
That's Lot's wife, who looked back at the city of Sodom when an angel specifically told them not to as God rained fire on the city for all their sins.
Basically since she felt sympathy for the sodomites, God turned her into a pillar of salt.
old testament god was pretty damn boss
didn't give no fucks
Check out the book of Revelation (new testament)
It talks about Jesus treading a winepress filled with all unbelievers on the earth
The end of the world is almost here and yet we have no games with good apocalyptic imagery. Why?
Religion is the true cancer.
No malignant neoplasma is the real cancer.
I mean I do.
Not gonna dog on anyone who doesn't, since religion is a personal thing that one has to work out for themselves, but it works out for me.
t. Pillar of Salt
same here
>bitch just laughing while sodom is getting destroyed by raining sulfur and her mother getting turned into a pillar of salt in the background
>and then proceeds to get her father drunk and have sex with him when he's blacked out and convinces her sister to do the same
I guess thats how your fucked up daughters turn out to be when you raise them among faggots
Shin Megami Tensei.
Its a great series for god fearing Christians.
Like what
Just like my taiwanese erotic books.
It's pretty ridiculous to pretend that believing in shit that isn't there because of impending doom and imminent fear is a legitimate belief.
that sounds hot as hell
>Since we are in a christian imageboard
Get out.
Greetings sons of man, have you praised our lord and savior YHVH today?
>The end of the world is almost here
If anything its the wisest choice.
id be alarmed if the air was approaching lower explosive limit but its hardly the end of the world
so, crime does pay
darksiders is kinda like that