>he has animu pic as his avatar
He has animu pic as his avatar
>he doesn't have a cute furry animal as his avatar
>he has a picture of a model/half nude woman as his avatar
>View profile
>Filthy Frank avatar
>uses his driver's license photo as his avatar
heh... not bad, kid
>His avatar is a pepe
Why are people trying to make retarded beard styles lately?
>judges people based on avatar choice
>he hasn't submitted his janitor application
Who cares?
>MLP avatar
>He uses MLP avatar
>Calls himself a "brony"
This has been my avatar for 4 months.. am i boring?
well at least it's not animu
This is pretty much how I imagine all of you in IRL.
>in IRL
fucking faggot, go kys you're self.
>his avatar is a meme
Do Brazilians use Steam as facebook?
Each spic I encounter typically has their prepubescent face plastered in as an avatar.
Nozomi is my profile pic death with it