>"Wow, another one? Nintendo must be getting desperate. Hand that shit over!"
How do you respond?
>"Wow, another one? Nintendo must be getting desperate. Hand that shit over!"
How do you respond?
Y-you too
I don't associate myself nor even see any black people so this is unrealistic
i would tell my friend dj khaled that the new kid with the fancy gameboy is probably nervous and i'd probably pretend to take the nintendo ipad but then give it right back as a joke haha
>"Wrong answer motherfucker"
>be anywhere
>see a black person
>immediately leave
*Unzips dick*
Mother fucker this!
how do you even function in the world
I think you meant to quote the OP
>it's a black rapper kevin james thread
hope one of your family gets killed by a nigger in the future to justify your online edginess
>"You've gained my respect. Now get in"
So you want to prove me right? Okay.
No, simian, Nov 8th was Americans proclamation that we are fed up with the rape and murder brought by your primitive kind.
Report back to your ghetto for processing.
I live in germany, I see a black person like once a year.
Theyre 10% of the US and only found in poor areas. Easily avoidable and frankly recommended
They have over a 1000x greater chance of committing aggravated assault than a white person.
>I live in germany
You mean germanistan which is being culturally enriched by muslims almost once a month? That country is beyond cucked
might as well right?
When you stay in your room/house all day it's easily avoidable to not See anyone
Ignoring bellcurves literally makes YOU the definition of edgy
Nice haircut dude on the left; do they make them for blokes?
>Implying I'd ever be around niggers
Pull down my pants and beg that they gangbang me.
fucking nerd
S sweden is that you?
>how do you even function in the world
The part of the world I live in isn't filled with greasy shitskins.
As such, it's much, much easier to function. What with the lower crime rates, better schools, more productive employees, etc.
>well actually good sir, as you can see by this chart...
white math geeks triggered hard af right now
>Pasty white faggots on Sup Forums roleplaying as niggers because he's so brainwashed by le epic twitter nigger senpai desu memes xD
Is there anything more pathetic?
yes, you replying to it.
But do you actually have a graph that proves that such a bell curve exists in this situation, and that it is only the case with blacks and no other race?
Of course you do, right? You're not a racist, are you? You'll surely post your evidence which you have ready at hand because you're committed to scientific inquiry and the dissemination of factual data, right?